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Found 8 results

  1. Dear Britney, CONGRATS!!!!!!!!! It must be thrilling what is happening right now and makes me feel more comfortable you acknowledging the support of fans and welcoming it! Things WILL be better moving forward! I'm sure many of us are worried about the transition back to (real) LIFE , the one they took away from you. However I have complete faith in you .... I, we always did and will do . What made all of this possible is the love you have -and you so openly share with us which we cant but give it back- , your passion , brains and optimism ! They may have succeeded in stealing some of that confidence by constantly oppressing you but NEVER that heart of GOLD! NEVER! Confidence........its not confidence.. it's PASSION. And passion makes you great! A great mother , lover, artist. Do whatever you need to do and feels right for you B! Whether that's leaving all of this behind for good or coming back for blood and snatch wigs left and right. We will always be here for you NO MATTER WHAT. There's so much more than the Britney Spears Brand in you , we are all very well aware of this, so much worth of our protection! Block those fu**ers out of your life, take what they STOLE and leave them back, in history. As for Sam and his support , I am super grateful he seems to genuinely support you in any ways he can. Live it to the fullest! I will quote Madonna "There are many men worth backing, not because they're men but because they are worthy. So much love!!!! XOXOXOX!!! PS It would be so nice to hear everything from you one day be some means ! Heal and rest!
  2. So today I noticed that Tweet: And this week That Suprise Witness had a very interesting live on her YouTube channel with a lawyer Christopher Melcher that filed a petition to have an online access to be able to listen to Britney's Hearing. He as well is Kanye West's lawyer . And they touched a topic of 'media matters"expenses. And Christopher that has long time experience explained that sometime and he heard about something like that crisis management decides to open social media accounts to push certain agenda in the GP/movement. That being said. I think we all remember pushing "Kingham"agenda. Pushing that CONservatorship is good and Britney's is not abusive one. That all that needs to happen is to have Jamie gone and that Jodi and Bessemer Trust are great. That CONservatorship should go on with them as it is what Britney wants. Additionally,it was discovered that Sam Ingham was following them on Twitter. So it's VERY interesting that now they are gone completely. Although,for a long time they were not that important in the movement. And once Ingham was gone they got shocked.
  3. So TMZ caught both Lynne and Bryan at Los Angeles airport yesterday. They were alone and when asked Lynne said that Britney is fine. Related:
  4. So People just added new article: https://people.com/music/britney-spears-conservator-jodi-montgomery-giving-tools-eventually-end-conservatorship/ Britney Spears' Conservator Jodi Montgomery Is 'Concentrated on Giving Her the Tools to Get Better': Source "The hope is that Britney can eventually get out of the conservatorship," a source close to the situation tells PEOPLE exclusively Days after Britney Spears pleaded with an L.A. court to terminate her long-held conservatorship, a source close to the situation insists her conservatorship team has been listening. The source tells PEOPLE exclusively that Jodi Montgomery — the singer's longtime care manager who temporarily took over as Spears' personal conservator in September 2019 after her father Jamie Spears stepped down — has been "working with a team of experts concentrated on giving Britney the tools to get better." Spears, 39, has never revealed a mental health diagnosis and her medical records are sealed, but "the hope is that she can eventually get out of the conservatorship," adds the source. Following Spears' emotional 23-minute speech during a conservatorship hearing last week in which she alleged "abusive" behavior from her conservators (which includes Montgomery, and her dad Jamie Spears who oversees her finances as co-conservator of her estate), fans angrily questioned the motives behind the entertainer's legal situation. However, "under California law, all conservators have to be investigated secretly by the court," insists the source. "Progress has to be reported. Conservators are all closely monitored to assure nothing shady is happening." During the hearing, Spears alleged Montgomery — who the singer requested in March to be appointed her permanent conservator, according to a legal filing obtained by PEOPLE — "made me feel like my dad does. Very similar, her behavior and my dad, but just a different dynamic." While Jamie no longer has legal control over his daughter's personal affairs, the source close to the situation claims he is still heavily involved in Spears' day-to-day. (Lawyers for Jamie have not commented despite multiple requests from PEOPLE.) "Even though Jamie is in charge of her finances, he still has to approve everything because everything is related to finances at the end of the day," says the source. "If she wants to go to Hawaii, he has to approve that, because it costs money. If she wants to take her friends to dinner, he has to approve that, because it costs money. Jamie has the right to say no to certain things." After Spears addressed the court, Jamie released a brief statement read by his lawyer Vivian Thoreen. "[Jamie] is sorry to see his daughter in so much pain," read Thoreen. "[He] loves his daughter and misses her very much." Britney's June 23 court hearing was the first time she has publicly spoken about her 13-year conservatorship, which was put in place in 2008 following a period of troubling behavior. "I've never said it openly - I never thought anyone would believe me," said Britney, who is mom to sons Sean Preston, 15, and Jayden James, 14 (with ex-husband Kevin Federline). "I'm not lying. I just want my life back. It's been 13 years, and it's been enough. I want to be able to be heard. I've kept this in for so long - it's not good for my heart." "I've been so angry and I cry every day. For my sanity ... I need to get it off my heart. The anger, all of it," she added. "The main reason why I'm here today is I want to end the conservatorship without being evaluated." During the hearing, Spears was not questioned by her conservators' lawyers, nor have they had the opportunity to rebut her allegations in court. As stated by the judge on Wednesday, Spears still needs to file a formal motion to end the conservatorship. So we had Jamie Watosn,Jamie Lynn and now source to defend Jodie. Wonder who will be next...
  5. I really enjoyed this. Starting 27:40 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjE85Og2AQs&feature=youtu.be&t=1660 Among other things, they're physically stopping her from having a baby * Britney has more control over her social media now *Conservatorship is controlling her ability to have a baby, get married and have friends. He says without the con she would be married with a baby. *They are physically stopping her from having a baby *She secretly interacts with fans but Maxi wants fans to realise if someone's telling you they're Britney, then they are definitely not *She makes her IG posts and a social media team approves them. *She dosent see her kids as much as she wants to *The #freebritney movement and the fans supporting her at the rallies makes her happy and feel empowered *Britney will definitely release new music and perform new live shows and perhaps a new vegas residency *Britney of course has love for her dad but is now starting to realise he's ruined and taken away a large part of her life *Maxi says Jamie Lynn and Lynne love Britney the most *Britney cancelled the domination residency and was planning on continuing at a later date *He first said he didn't know who Lou Taylor was but later said he did know but he didn't want to talk about her Maxi has been a long time friend of Sam A. (much time before Slumber Party mv). Sam posted with him a couple weeks ago Related:
  6. So guys I was checking Los Angeles Court's website, exactly I was checking Britney's case and it seems she will take part in today's Hearing and next status hearing! It's great to see nowadays she appears to Hearings! And I am positive but don't dare to have my hopes high! 08/05/2020 Remote Appearance - Scheduled Filed by Subject 08/05/2020 Remote Appearance - Scheduled Filed by Subject
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