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Found 2 results

  1. So today I noticed that Tweet: And this week That Suprise Witness had a very interesting live on her YouTube channel with a lawyer Christopher Melcher that filed a petition to have an online access to be able to listen to Britney's Hearing. He as well is Kanye West's lawyer . And they touched a topic of 'media matters"expenses. And Christopher that has long time experience explained that sometime and he heard about something like that crisis management decides to open social media accounts to push certain agenda in the GP/movement. That being said. I think we all remember pushing "Kingham"agenda. Pushing that CONservatorship is good and Britney's is not abusive one. That all that needs to happen is to have Jamie gone and that Jodi and Bessemer Trust are great. That CONservatorship should go on with them as it is what Britney wants. Additionally,it was discovered that Sam Ingham was following them on Twitter. So it's VERY interesting that now they are gone completely. Although,for a long time they were not that important in the movement. And once Ingham was gone they got shocked.
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