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Exposed: Paul Soliz was planted. Judge Penny oversees Paul Soliz's court case.

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Brits current team being exposed for doing some thing shady, yet again?… it must be Tuesday.



I fully believe Nicki’s comment that Paul was hired to drive Sam out. But I wonder why they suddenly wanted him out as he was on their payroll too *allegedy. Maybe Cade couldn’t control him anymore ? Idk the whole thing is so warped.

I wish Brit could get away from all of these ghouls. 


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2 hours ago, Red Wine Supernova said:

And she took the bait like a fish to water, completely falling for the trick without a second thought.

They know her veeery well. They know what she likes and what is necessary to deal with/make her "behave".

I highly doubt Paul was just an unfortunate case of a bad employee they hired... they knew this man and his purpose... 

And yes, she always takes the bait.

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Well it’s like she’s surrounded by the mafia, they’ll do anything to bring her down, the manipulation is still going. Funny how people who supposed to protect her, are doing the exact opposite by putting very questionable people in her entourage.

The battle is not over even if the c-ship is. I really hope she’s aware of what’s going on.
It’s sad and hard but for the moment she can’t trust anyone, she really has to protect herself.

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Posted (edited)

Of course he was hired. It was SO obvious from day one. No background check with his criminal history? Yeah no shady at all, I bet she didn't know, Britney is not in charge of who is hired, he was presented to her just like the others.

Sam wanted out because he knew Brit wouldn't benefit his career any longer, she didn't want to do anything with Hollywood.

And judge Brenda Pennywise in charge of his cases duh, she wanted her revenge for what Britney did in that court hearing.

But what they don't know is that Britney has an army that is so clever, she doesn't need prívate investigators, we figure things out in a second.

Edited by warioaddams
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2 hours ago, nwonder said:

Brits current team being exposed for doing some thing shady, yet again?… it must be Tuesday.



I fully believe Nicki’s comment that Paul was hired to drive Sam out. But I wonder why they suddenly wanted him out as he was on their payroll too *allegedy. Maybe Cade couldn’t control him anymore ? Idk the whole thing is so warped.

I wish Brit could get away from all of these ghouls. 


Y’all are reading too much into things, and I don’t think that’s the case. I don’t believe a word from Paul’s ex wife, Nikki. I bet that account was fake from the jump.

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Not surprised.

But miss penny didn't put a gun into miss Spears head and make her sleep with soliz.I t was Britney decision as a free woman to sleep with her janitor. Dumb. Stupid and desperate. You would thought that she would be more careful after all the set ups, but no. 

Can someone tell her about s** toys?? Can someone remind her about her cult classic "Touch of my hand" and the power of self pleasure???? Can someone tell her about male es***ts? Where is Madonna to enlighten her about s** and who to sleep with.

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, everybodygoesdown said:

Well how many c-ship judges can there be in one county ? If they both live in the county and he happens to file for a guardianship of a relative, chances are it's going to be in front of the same judge.

People need to stop with the "she's still being controlled" and the crazy "plants" consipracy stuff.

The conservatorship has been dissolved for years and the case is settled and closed. Every team Con member has gone their seperate ways and washed their hands off of it. Neither judge Penny nor the state of California have anything over Britney's head anymore. Britney can go wherever she wants and fire and hire anyone she pleases.

Okay so there was no background check on the handyman hired post con. Was there even a team to do a check ? Who knows maybe he just came in to fix a toilet or two and they started talking and she decided to hire him for more things and started to hang out with him ?

WHO would be planting anyone anyway ?? To what use ? Are you saying they go through look for bad people, hiring them, coming up with schemes to "plant" them, and then controll them as puppets.... all just to make her look bad and have some paps take bad pictures ?




Is not that hard. Do you think Team Con would let her out so easy??? Of course they are working to cause trouble in her life and show the public how "unfit" she is. 

Sadly she is not smart enough and falls into the trap like a deer. Everytime.

Move out of California, go to a ranch house in Connecticut, there are plenty of rich people there and she could have time to heal. But she doesn't want to. Why is she living in LA? There is no one there for her. 

Edited by MissDebbie
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guardianship of who?

I don't know about the judge penny but i was questioning her people hiring that man from the begining. 100% sketchy.  They didn't do background work means they r not doing their job properly. Or they did and hired him on purpose. And we know nothing

But also why Britney fell for that guy? Did she asked him about family and he was lying all along or she just didn't care bc she was lonely. she def reads media outlets and if she read and knew who he was why would he kept him and chateu happened...

The only time she addressed that guy was this week when his ex wife asked for apology.


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20 minutes ago, Gutterguppy said:

It looks like the guardianship is over one of his children with his first gf/wife who passed away. What a huge mess this is. Britney...whoopi goldberg ghost GIF

Seriously, I can't understand how she fall for this guy. I hope he's really out of the picture now. 

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