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What it Hold Me Closer was hypothetically a preview of the new sound Britney would follow as a free artist? Would you want more of that sound


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i want her to go back to her itz/blackout style dark/club beats w seductive-ish? vocals 

these new garbage millennial disco songs or whatever they’re called sound so childish, generic and lame i don’t wanna hear britney music when i’m watching DIY tiktoks at least when we got femme fatale the generic sound at the time was pretty good now it’s not we need something dark & serious but that we can also shake our ****s/**** to

Edited by screamurlungsout
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Hold Me Closer is a great song. I still enjoy it as much as I do it the day it released (or leaked). However, it's extremely safe song, and for me, all of Britney's best songs are the most experimental ones. If she ever returns to making music, I wish that she would do something completely new to her and maybe even to pop music overall, we need more trailblazers instead of trend chasers in the current pop music scene. Nostalgia is fun but I hate how each artist now has the gimmick of sampling old songs to point where the song reminds more of the older song and lacks identity of its own, or doing something that sounds 80s-90s throwback :explainlol_stare_spin:

Edited by Stannedforever
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