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We have to face this: What are these weird anti- Britney accounts?

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1 minute ago, Daredevil said:

I noticed they all have this rhetoric of making Britney looks as crazy, unstable and erratic as possible


Not sure what those accounts are but this is so STRANGE!! :/


I agree and I hate that, it is not the vibe I personally want here.

It is best to report to Jordan and let him know the users so he can decide if they should be banned.

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I was talking about this with my husband in regards to her Instagram .. my husband works in IT / digital marketing and he said it’s possible to create bots that will auto generate similar comments on an Instagram account? I still am confused lol but he explained it

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13 minutes ago, MX3 said:

I was talking about this with my husband in regards to her Instagram .. my husband works in IT / digital marketing and he said it’s possible to create bots that will auto generate similar comments on an Instagram account? I still am confused lol but he explained it

I would say it might be the case.. I mean out of nowhere we got tons of haters here? 

Which almost never was a case... from time to time we got some weird comments but nothing like this. every thread has so many purely negative comments pointing on Britney being crazy.. It just seems super fishy.

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I have a theory alot of the newer accounts came around the same time Britney had the public back and forth with her sons. On IG in particular there have been a ton of new accounts made up of “former Free Britney advocates” that exist primarily to dunk on Britney and anything she says and one thing these IG accounts ALL have in common is that they are very focused on harshly criticizing her as a mother and “defending” the boys from Banon and other fans ever since that public back and forth happened. Their growth is very odd and concerning and once again primarily stems from the discord from her IG and just really sick and obsessive people.

I love Britney and thinks she’s a grown woman who can do whatever she wants with her IG but she is a public figure whose online presence could have real life consequences. It also doesn’t help that occasionally Britney will intentionally troll around with BAnon on her IG (most recently the odd callout to “wearing yellow” comes to mind). Imo, it’s just not smart or safe.

Oh My God Lol GIF by Lifetime

Now we have TWO sub sections of “fans” to worry about (BAnon and the new antiBritney campaigns)

Am I over reacting? maybe I’m just freaking out because I’ve been going through these IG accounts and it’s truly frightening.  I’m so scared a repeat of the Jason Alexander situation will happen.

Scared Kermit The Frog GIF

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2 minutes ago, femmepop said:

Seriously, so much negativity! I always assume the Insta comments are bots so maybe they have infiltrated BH too?

And obviously team Con, her family, etc. would be behind that??

I hardly visit this place now because of all the negativity I see on the threads. I'm fairly new myself, but thought this would be a safe space to talk about Britney among fans and it's hard to even know who that is lately 

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