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Britney shades Selena Gomez? "Don’t you just love the nerve of women who stand firmly getting awards and speak on their beliefs about not showing their bodies on instagram"

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2 hours ago, David Rose said:

I honestly have a hard time even liking Britney these days. I hate how she uses social media as some weird form of processing her trauma (she needs ACTUAL therapy no matter how negative an association she has to it), and I hate how tone deaf and randomly mean she gets. She posts the same photos over and over and people claim she's "breaking the internet" with her naked body LOL, I mean come on. Nobody gives a s*!t anymore, she posts the same kind of pics every ten minutes. And the constant toxic rants about the same stuff over and over and over is just tiresome. Literally every casual observer of her social media that I know gets the sense she's a bit off, but much worse than that, she's just not that likeable anymore.

Personally, her nakedness and sporadic rants don't bother me, it's more the monotony of it all, it's just the same thing again and again. In her own words, like Groundhog Day. I hope to God her actual day to day life is more varied and fulfilling than what's portrayed on her socials. She just sounds like a bitter, angry, stubborn, unforgiving, emotionally erratic person now. And while I genuinely do understand why she is how she is and the terrible things she has endured, it doesn't seem to me like she does anything to improve her situation or seek peace. She seems to actively do the opposite, frankly.

I am thankful for the fact that she is able to express herself however she damn well pleases, she deserves that right as much as anyone else and has earned it. It took major strength on her part to fight her way to freedom and I'm forever grateful that she did. That doesn't mean I like what she has to say though or the way she chooses to express herself. Every now and then she'll post something totally coherent and introspective and it makes me smile. But in general, I feel my connection to her slowly waning and it makes me sad.

:mimiclap_mariah_clapping_applause_proud_yes_Yas: totally agree.

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At base level, Britney is right. It is wrong to shame women for flaunting their bodies and it is hypocritical to do so when you’ve done it yourself.

However, unless something we don’t know about has gone down between Britney and Selena, this is unprovoked and mean spirited. I will never try to dictate how Britney heals from years of pain and anger but going after somebody who has shown nothing but love and admiration for you just seems nasty. I’m glad she deleted this.


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12 minutes ago, s&m said:

and you’re the one calling out britney because of the hate and you are the one who’s constantly hating on her!

You’re a joke twink 

No one should be shamed for having an opinion. I love Britney but being a fan doesn’t mean I have to blindly accept or agree with everything she does or says, as have many on here also voiced their opinions. Being a Britney fan also doesn’t mean you have to tear down other successful female artists or bring others down in order to uplift Britney by saying stupid stuff like “sHe ShOuLd DrAg XtUnA”. This isn’t 2012, stop being invested in petty drama and grow up. If you want to make these stupid little comments that bring no substance to this forum, go join the reply section under PopCrave.

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Looks like a reach to me..

Selena said it like 15 years ago.. I don’t think Britney has seen that video..

and Britney hating Selena sounds so absurd.. can’t think about any reasons..


Here’s is one story that can be true and I made up it now:

so when Miley found out that Selena was on Brit’s wedding she called her and said all the bad things Selena was talking about Britney. 
And Britney found herself angry  ashamed that she invited her on wedding! 


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jeeesus H Christ, Britney dear, why were cryptic all the time and did not say with your full chest that you dislike Selena? 


Also, I wonder what happened between the two. After all, Selena was a guest at Britney's wedding and they seemed friendly. Anyway, I've just realised that I do not care because I have my own life to live, so it's not crucial for my surviving to know. 


Thanks for reading my comment, you'll get a reward for that :wink_britney_everytime_white:


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Ugh... It's so hard to watch cause people lose empathy for her. She was so unproblematic her whole career (it was such an inspiration) only to behave like that nowadays :imdying_wendy_crying_sad_tears_sobbing: 

Trauma really changes a person but this isn't an excuse.

And these lions in chains she posts on her IG? :tina_judging_side_eye_glance_staring_looking_red: 

She can posts whatever she wants but I can have my opinion that I don't like it and it's doing more harm than good. 


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54 minutes ago, Joshyworld said:

No one should be shamed for having an opinion. I love Britney but being a fan doesn’t mean I have to blindly accept or agree with everything she does or says, as have many on here also voiced their opinions. Being a Britney fan also doesn’t mean you have to tear down other successful female artists or bring others down in order to uplift Britney by saying stupid stuff like “sHe ShOuLd DrAg XtUnA”. This isn’t 2012, stop being invested in petty drama and grow up. If you want to make these stupid little comments that bring no substance to this forum, go join the reply section under PopCrave.

Notice that you didn’t deny your hate towards Britney!


I prefer PopBase tho :emma:


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  • Super Mods

I love Britney more than anything but this is just not it....Selena is a very unproblematic pop star overall. Even in that speech the message she went for was "you're more than just your hot body" and it's a wonderful message. Nowhere did she shame women for showing their bodies.

And even in Ice Cream M/V she was quite modestly dressed tbh. Either way, idk why she's so angry at Selena but a lot of her anger is misdirected. She's angry at her folks, no need to attack an innocent person for it :mhmnod_yes_agree_nodding:

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5 hours ago, Lisa88007 said:

She can say what she wants. Britney is making a very valid point about Selena’s hypocrisy. This needs to be called out. 

“Needs” is a strong word. Not everything you disagree with “needs” to be called out.

Selena loves Britney - she must be devastated her idol is dissing her. 


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Britney is trending on twitter for this bad reason and people are bashing her. Hope this is a wakeup call for her.  Being in a abusive conservatorship is not an excuse of her behavior anymore..... She's like the  person who just yell out loud at the restaurant repeatedly and people learn just to shake their head and ignore her.  Please grow up and acts like a 40 year old woman and start to heal in a healthy way. 

Sadly, her bashing her family and everyone else on social media would only put her in a bad place and no one would have empathy for her from now on.  Just leave them all in the book or do an tell-all interview or documentary.  Hope people thats currently close to her can talk some sense to her and help her....:nyheadache_miss_ny_new_york_tiffany_annoyed_head_rub_irritated_red_tired:

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