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I think this a publicity stunt

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I have a weird feeling all of this is a publicity stunt to get Britneys name back out there before her music drops. Idk but I just have a feeling.... I mean like everyone is saying it isn't really making Britney look bad. It's crazy how the entertainment industry tries to manipulate the consumer and that is my own personal trust issues with everything in life. 



Thag being said if it's not it's just uncanny timing with a new single release.. seth meyers GIF by Late Night with Seth Meyers

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The timing IS a an unbelievable coincidence but not for the ridiculous reasoning you just made.

i think Kevin and team con timed it this way to try and make the negativity overshadow her comeback. If the comeback does well it cements the idea she never needed the conservatorship and is capable of make successful decisions on her own

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