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Britney appears to have a large bruise in a recent video


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I hope she's safe, I am really concerned... This is not normal. I am afraid some plants in this fanbase are twisting reality and make it sound like Britney is living freely..when in fact lawyers confirmed she isn't even legally free. I am scared that she is still tightly controlled by her current entourage...


Keep an eye out, and don't forget how gaslighted we used to be when #FreeBritney took off. Don't stop expressing doubts even if you are in the wrong. We never know...


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1 minute ago, annonymous said:

I mean, it could be that she just fell or something

Weird. Britney's often covered with bruises, she doesn't fall off everyday... This is a very large and concerning bruise. If she didn't stated that she was abused multiple times, I'd maybe buy it but after everything we know, I don't.

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