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Katy Perry has some stellar Vegas reviews. Let's talk about it!


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I watched it again today. Honestly, the opening of the show is VERY strong. The bathroom scene is where it gets a little rough...the remix of Waking Up In Vegas is HORRIBLE. The mushroom sequence is a little better and then the final sequence is okay but the vocals just....IDK why she is yelling so much but her technique needs a little work. Overall, its really good but a few tweaks could make it a little better. 

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ugh thank you SO much for your post, it was written brilliantly, concise and true but also heartfelt. I feel the same way about her, she IS a creative force and she needs to be recognized and respected for that. You don't have to love everything she does, of course, but no pop music fan can deny her impact and everything that she brought and keeps bringing to the table. This Vegas show is SO her. People ranting about how she talks to a puppet piece of ish as something crazy clearly have not been paying attention to her because that is SO Katy. You can like it or not, but the woman has been true to herself and consistent from day one.

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Everything you said is true...
But I think many people are disappointed her new show looks tacky as heck when it could have been much better. "Campy" is the only positive way to try to describe it. But she could have had a campy show done much much better looking. She has a solid setlist of hit songs. Nobody is denying her talent. The video I saw she called DVF up on stage to sing Happy Birthday to her...I kept thinking this fashion designer icon must think this show is trashy AF.

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I saw opening. Singing was bad. I would choose lip syncing and great dancing or production. And i think production wise her show is good. Toilet thing is too much but still it is her idea.

P.s. i like her 1st album. Hot n cold and i kissed a girl r bops certainly here to stay in pop music history. Still i think that show is just for a fans who like and understand her artistry but i can be wrong. We'll see the numbers then. I would prefer more mature Katy too. 

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14 minutes ago, Crazyyy said:

I've seen some videos and they looked good and fun, I'd definitely go see her if I could.

You'd pay however many hundreds of dollars to travel to Vegas and book lodgings, and then pay an additional $1000 to see what is essentially a small arena concert? :katyfrog_perry_upset_um:

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1 minute ago, Stefani said:

You'd pay however many hundreds of dollars to travel to Vegas and then pay an additional $1000 to see what is essentially a small arena concert? :katyfrog_perry_upset_um:

Haha well I guess if she toured I'd go see her instead in my city but otherwise, if I could (as in had enough money for it) I'd deffo do a vegas trip (not just for her ofc) and see a few of the Vegas shows, is Bruno Mars still there? Seeing him would be such a vibe lmao.

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