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Britney calls out Christina Aguilera and thanks Lady Gaga

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This definitely isn't a good look. Britney's feeling are valid. This was probably a trauma response since her entire being might still be in survival mode.

On the other hand, Cher was the one who said everyone in Vegas knew what was going on. Maybe something happened and we don't know about it.

At the end of the day, the story isn't a great look for our girl, Christina doesn't deserve all the fire and vitriol, and I hope and pray Britney is getting the support she needs to unpack and work through all the trauma and abuse she has endured and is still carrying. 

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i understand what britney is saying and I love that she speaks so freely about what she really thinks, I really missed that. for so many years we only had PR approved statements and a person talking like a robot because she was forced to be silent. now she can speak her mind and that’s a very important part of freedom, being able to say what do you want to say and to be yourself unapologetically. 

with this being said I think she made a mistake here. no one is forced to talk about her situation even if it was a terrible situation. it was a disgrace and I will always support her. but Christina said really nice things about her on Twitter and I think britney only saw this clip without the context. 

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2 minutes ago, Switchy said:

On the other hand, Cher was the one who said everyone in Vegas knew what was going on. Maybe something happened and we don't know about it.

Of course everyone knew what was going on there. For 14 years no one said anything, no close person reacted to what was happening to Britney. Why can't she say anything? Why is she always being watched like a prisoner? Britney resents many people for not helping her. I totally don't blame her and I support her 100 percent, she finally got her voice back! I'm glad she can speak her mind and say what she wants without wrapping her mind around it! 

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I'm getting the vibe Britney doesn't really like Xtina. She made an off the cuff comment about her in the Glory era that gave me this vibe too. This has made me wonder if there's something that has happened between the two of them behind the scenes.

It is also worth remembering that Xtina spent years tearing Britney down for publicity and changed her attitude when it became the cool thing to do to defend Britney. Whether it's sincere or not, we'll never know. I hope it is.

Britney has a lot of unresolved trauma to be dealing with and it's only natural that she'll be lashing out. She has 13 years of anger bottled up inside. I just hope she manages to resolve her anger in a healthy way so that she doesn't get hurt any further in the process.

Christina probably could have supported Brit rather than looking to her publicist to end the interaction but at the same time, she did publicly support Brit after her testimony. Maybe Xtina just didn't want to speak further on a situation she's not involved in? There's too little context from both sides.

That said, I don't really think either of them are at fault here, it's just an unfortunate situation.

Either way, the entire thing is being blown entirely out of proportion. Let's hope it blows over quickly.

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Listen its plain and simple..


I felt that christinas post was sweet but also forced due to backlash for NOT saying anything.. Do we not remember clearly?


Britney was mentioned in this video and she saw it she has every ******* write to voice her opinion on the situation... :mattafact_alligator_telling_talking_chatting_preaching_green:


Christina let's be honest beautiful singer and I believe a sweet soul but is a nasty ***** and always came off like one with an attitude to boot.. Remember what mary j blige had said?? Like let's not play dumb here folks britney knows how christina is as a person after all these years.. 

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1 hour ago, Benjamyn said:

Hmm the public in comments on posts about this are all saying she is unhinged and is unravelling again :(


I hope Britney is OK. This comment is a bit off for me :(


Shes not unhinged .. shes not unraveling. Shes had no voice for years .. shes letting her emotions out and its healthy. Britney needs to heal and she needs others to stop saying she’s unhinged. Shes human! Shes been abused for a long time by many who have painted her as unhinged. Do people get that ? Its called abuse .. and if people do not comprehend her emotions .. Then step back and look at the facts. 

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7 minutes ago, dfffff said:

Of course everyone knew what was going on there. For 14 years no one said anything, no close person reacted to what was happening to Britney. Why can't she say anything? Why is she always being watched like a prisoner? Britney resents many people for not helping her. I totally don't blame her and I support her 100 percent, she finally got her voice back! I'm glad she can speak her mind and say what she wants without wrapping her mind around it! 

If you are referring to me about why can't she say anything (I am assuming you are since you quoted me) I never said she couldn't say anything. I said her feelings are valid and that this is a trauma response. She has every right to voice how she feels. Just like everyone, sometimes we word things wrong, speak out of anger. She'll figure it out,  she just needs time and support. 

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