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Britney went live on Instagram briefly before it was abruptly ended

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3 hours ago, enAC said:

Yeah, she went live on Sam's instagram today (around 2:51 PM in LA time zone). It lasted just a few seconds. She was filming him and she said something like "we are live now" then he freaked out and cut off. He grabbed the phone, really quickly.

I don't think he's suppose to go live with her on Instagram, they would get into trouble. That's why he ended the live (?)






It is good to have such a good instinct as I have. I never trusted Sam. But why must I always be right with evil stuff?:yaknow:

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I hate to be a conspiracy theorist fan but this is concerning guys :disappointed: if Sam didn’t want to be recorded he could’ve chuckled a little bit and said “stop” or something, but just snatching the phone from her without saying a word?? :teigen: I’m just going off people’s accounts of what happened cause I didn’t see it but if that was the case it is concerning and kinda shows he has no respect for her.

Anyone snatching something off the hands of their partner is concerning tbh it implies abuse

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2 minutes ago, Britney-fan12332143 said:

Remember when Lindsay Lohans fiancé snatched her phone of her. Everyone when that happend were concerned. So why not Britney?

You mean when they were actually tussling on the beach!?  That’s completely different. He grabbed the phone bc he probably didn’t wanna go live simple as that 

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