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A status hearing on Britney Spears' conservatorship never went down this week ... because a group of people who had nothing to do with the case refused to get off the Zoom call so the judge could conduct a confidential hearing.

The plan was routine -- every 3 months or so, the judge calls the parties into court to catch up on developments in the conservatorship. There are reports out there that Britney and/or others were trying to end it. Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... no one has EVER filed a motion nor has there ever been a court proceeding to end the permanent conservatorship in the 11 years it's been in effect.

As for the would-be status hearing this week ... we're told the judge was handling a bunch of non-confidential matters on Zoom, but then the judge "closed" the virtual courtroom by ordering everyone off who was not involved in Britney's case.  We're told a group of people from the public got off the call, but then rejoined. The judge was ordering them off, but they refused to leave, so after more than 2 hours the judge pulled the plug and rescheduled the hearing.

We've learned Jody Montgomery, the woman who has been working with Britney for a long time and was appointed temporary conservator of Britney the person last year when Jamie Spears fell ill ... well, she's still the temporary conservator. Jamie is still the conservator of Britney's estate -- meaning her business affairs.

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Just now, Haha-Hehe-Haha-Ho said:

I love how they mention Jamie is no longer in charge of her personal affairs but leave out the part that it's because he's an abuse alcoholic who knocked a door down to attack Britney's child. This tells you who these "sources with direct knowledge" are. Transparent AF. :nochillbrit:

it's hilarious. every article leaves out that part. even the "fact check" one. couldn't be more obvious. 

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2 minutes ago, jokobish said:

But why is it that in 12 years she’s never filed a motion to end it? That’s strange to me

It seems strange to me as well considering her brother said in the interview she never wanted to be in the conservatorship

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I'm not exactly a Zoom expert, I simply used it this whole semester due to Covid. 

and something I don't understand if they were using it... they can put passwords. they can kick people out. and most importantly, they have to approve somebody to be on the call. So how could they rejoin? That part sounds weird to me. :tina:


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2 minutes ago, rodrigobjs said:

Omg, yesterday my mom was asking me how to use Zoom, because she wants to participate on my cousin’s baby shower this next weekend  I hope no technical issues happens 

I have a Boom (bayah) and i'll invite you. Just you and me. :barbie:

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