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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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9 minutes ago, NotBuyingIt said:

I wouldn't be surprised if Jansen and Lynne are being silenced, just like Ali Simms said she is. And just like BRITNEY has been for years. Jansen and Lynne know we're seeing this ****. They continue to do it even after the media make a big deal out of Lynne liking the Facebook comments. These likes are not accidental or out of ignorance.

E! News, you FAIL for saying Lynne didn't understand what the #freebritney comments meant (many of which were clear as day and very anti-conservatorship). This entire Justice for Britney account is clearly anti-conservatorship, just like the images Jansen has been liking.

But people love to say anything that goes against "Team" Britney's narrative simply means you lack understanding of your actions. Just ask Britney!


Ali Simms is in HIDING because she doesn’t want charges brought against her.

Don’t conflate her with Jansen lol.

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3 minutes ago, Dream With In a dream said:


I wanted to message you saying that I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings  with my comment or such earlier  :) (But it appears that you don't receive messages).  My tone was pointed, I could have rephrased it in a nicer way. Anyhow, disagreements within the fandom happen, but they should never become an issue.

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3 minutes ago, Alexa said:

Feb 2, 2009

I'm a little lost in regards to the history of the court proceedings. In short, was Eardley a good guy? And was he the one that was denied the opportunity to represent her in this?

yeah Eardley was a lawyer who was trying to expose the corruption and everything and help Britney but as usual was slammed with a restraining order :sippinga:

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Just now, Monsah said:

I wanted to message you saying that I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings  with my comment or such earlier  :) (But it appears that you don't receive messages).  My tone was pointed, I could have rephrased it in a nicer way. Anyhow, disagreements within the fandom happen, but they should never become an issue.

Oh no it's all good i can see where your coming from **** ;)

all is forgiven.

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2 minutes ago, dropletsoftime said:

yeah Eardley was a lawyer who was trying to expose the corruption and everything and help Britney but as usual was slammed with a restraining order :sippinga:

He was spot on about everything, too. It's so frustrating to know this could've been ended just as soon as it started :xfactorlook:

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15 minutes ago, Alexa said:

Feb 2, 2009

I'm a little lost in regards to the history of the court proceedings. In short, was Eardley a good guy? And was he the one that was denied the opportunity to represent her in this?

Adam Streisand was the first to be denied to be represent Britney, and Eardley the second one . 

The court made sure that no lawyer could ever represent Britney to fight the c-ship . 

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54 minutes ago, Dream With In a dream said:

i feel like britneys truth is lynne...

Idk... that account retweeted the supposed text messages Sam Lutfi posted today about jamie hitting jamie lynn and about jamie lynn supposedly having an ********. I feel like that’s something you wouldn’t retweet if it was about your child 

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31 minutes ago, NotBuyingIt said:

I wouldn't be surprised if Jansen and Lynne are being silenced, just like Ali Simms said she is. And just like BRITNEY has been for years. Jansen and Lynne know we're seeing this ****. They continue to do it even after the media make a big deal out of Lynne liking the Facebook comments. These likes are not accidental or out of ignorance.

E! News, you FAIL for saying Lynne didn't understand what the #freebritney comments meant (many of which were clear as day and very anti-conservatorship). This entire Justice for Britney account is clearly anti-conservatorship, just like the images Jansen has been liking.

But people love to say anything that goes against "Team" Britney's narrative simply means you lack understanding of your actions. Just ask Britney!


Yes also Lynne is following TESS BARKER ON IG who did the podcast, Jansen is following the #freebritney hashtag on IG and Jansen commented on @absolutebritneycom post about wanting an investigation on the c ship 

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Alli interview from 2009:



Britney Spears’ former assistant, Alli Sims, is breaking her silence for the very first time about the years she spent with the music superstar.


Sims lived with Spears for over a year. She saw everything and in an Access Hollywood exclusive, revealed that, even at its worst, things with the pop star weren’t as bad as they were portrayed.


“I feel like the media made it appear a lot more insane than it really was,” Sims told Access.


Sims revealed that while she was at Spears’ side, they were constantly followed by the paparazzi.


“It was a minimum of 50 people following us,” she said. “It made everything look so much more hectic. It was crazy.”


Sims was Spears’ assistant for one year until reports said she was let go.


When asked if she was fired from the job, Sims said, “No.”


“I still lived with her after I wasn’t working with her and we’re still best friends,” Sims said.


When asked about the reports that Spears’ dad, Jamie Spears, said she couldn’t come around anymore, Sims said that was true.


“Yeah, he definitely said that,” she said. “You know, they’re very controlling and that’s fine and I just stepped back. I’m not going to fight nine lawyers and parents.”


In fact, it was a team of lawyers that handled a divorce, child custody and questions about Spears’ mental health. And with Jamie Spears in charge, they brought order to Britney’s life.


“They pretty much cut out everyone, honestly,” Sims said.


And despite reports that Spears is bipolar or suffers from post-partum depression, Sims said she didn’t see evidence of such conditions.


“I just feel like, you know, she had kids fast,” Sims said. “There was a divorce going on and that’s a lot for a young person to handle.”


In January 2008, Spears barricaded herself and son Jayden at her then home, refusing to give him back to ex-husband, Kevin Federline. Sims said the reason Spears refused is quite simple.


“She was just like, ‘I wasn’t ready for them … you know, to go home,’” Sims recounted. “It was a mom just being protective and a mom that didn’t want her kids to leave … I mean, it’s weird when you have kids three days a week and you’re used to having them all day everyday.”


During one stretch of Sims’ tenure with Spears, the star was hospitalized twice in one month. The second time she was taken by ambulance to the UCLA Medical Center’s Psychiatric Ward.


When asked how Spears was in the hospital, Sims said, “Fine, fine. Honestly, fine.”


As a result of the hospitalizations, Spears temporarily lost visitation rights to both her boys in January 2008.


“I think that was a really harsh step,” Sims said. “It looked a lot worse than it was … I actually got subpoenaed for the custody case and I was in there for eight hours and it was brutal. But, I mean, I just sat in there and told the truth. There was nothing bad to say.”


Sims hasn’t spoken to Spears in over a year. She’s spent the time doing what she says Spears encouraged her to do — pursue her music.


Sims’ first single, “Driving Blind,” is about missing someone. In this case, Spears.


“I want her to know when she hears (it), that it is about her and I miss her friendship,” Sims said.



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2 minutes ago, FreeAsMyHair said:

I am putting it out to the universe and maybe someone is listining: Hack that *****!!  :sippinga::sippinga:

i also have james spears list of emails but not sure if i should put them here, they don't lead to anything spears, but they're kinda proof that Sam L emails leaks are real since i found yahoos email adress

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