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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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I don’t usually post on here and haven’t even logged in for at least a couple years now but pls PLS this is so important!!!! Everyone should try to make a plan for how to keep this going just in case (God forbid) everything gets really crazy & the thread gets closed or the site goes offline. There’s too much proof that something is wrong!! 

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7 minutes ago, NotBuyingIt said:

A poem called Remembrance of Who I Am Britney posted on britneyspears.com back in the summer of 2006:


Something f**ked up was happening when she was pregnant with Jayden. Between this and Rebellion, there was certainly a recurring theme. Note how both pieces reference voodoo - she's definitely talking about the same issues in Rebellion and Remembrance of Who I am.


Actually, something f**ked up was happening way before. I think.

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6 minutes ago, NotBuyingIt said:

A poem Britney posted on britneyspears.com back in the summer of 2006:


Something f**ked up was happening when she was pregnant with Jayden. Between this and Rebellion, there was certainly a recurring theme. Note how both pieces reference similar words such as voodoo.

I just remembered someone posted here days ago some balcony pics of Britney holding a voodoo doll. Which year was that?

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5 minutes ago, NotBuyingIt said:

Will a private forum truly help?

i don't think so, Britney's team is already there, they've been for years priors to #FreeBritney .

Public even help when people now type #freebritney  or names related to the c-ship so they can another side of the story .

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2 minutes ago, Nels64 said:

I mean to be fair. I really don’t think we should be bringing him into the spotlight. 

If he leaks music great! But we shouldn’t be retweeting him and sharing “tea” he spills. Cus it really does delegitimize our “movement” or whatever. 

I don’t think it’s a big deal that we talk to him to get leaks. If anything if we DO get the leaks then we’re just using him. 

But I do think we need to like not give him the spotlight, cus it is clear he’s looking for attention. 

And at the end of the day...let’s say he IS “good” it doesn’t matter. Public perception of him is that he’s basically evil and we can’t both “free” Britney AND redeem Sam at the same time. Free Britney, then if Sam ends up being a good guy he’ll be redeemed. 

He said he inst leaking any of her music because it's hers and when she get free she can decide what she wants released or leaked.

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