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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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2 minutes ago, dropletsoftime said:

this thread is becoming an unhealthy addiction, i have an exam i am most likely failing in 3 hours yet here i am :juggingu:


3 minutes ago, DayvinDazone said:

Now we're all glued to it :gloria:

I've memorized the entire graphic layout. It's literally imprinted on the back of my eyelids :deadbanana:

Once you check in, you can't check out. :bwink:

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1 hour ago, puppylo16 said:

But it’s so Britney :quirkney:

always faded and cool lol

I know, it actually makes it more believable in a way, hah. 

And didn’t some previously leaked emails reveal that Larry still has an aol account? It’s seriously like time permanently stopped for all of Team B the exact moment that BOMT reached #1 back in 1998. 

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7 minutes ago, AlottaWarmHeart said:

Do you guys really believe she’s ok? Do you guys believe her posts were made up? Because I do. I haven’t been really active here, so I’m not catching up with everything..

I don't know about okay. I think she's surface level fine, yes.

Yes, the posts were made up. They mentioned the emails for no reason instead of calling out the podcast for being false, when the only one really incriminated in the emails was Lou Taylor. It should have been the podcast mentioned, or maybe even how the movement was false? And that's the general consensus here.

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5 minutes ago, f**knfurter said:

Well we didn't believe it, of course, but apparently RadarOnline have cut ties with Team B and are rogue right now, because clearly they don't, either--


And they're not the only ones who went rogue, because now TheBlast is going against the caption's wishes and posting the emails for all to see for sure now:


And this is AFTER their exclusive ~Froyo video update directly from Team B, so like

It's a ride in here.

We need them to post the ones talking about Lou:evilpatrick: 

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