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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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2 minutes ago, goincrazy4brit said:

And why sam has his hands like this around her? Its not that the paps attached her..i mean they are EVIL..they are all put so well done to make it seem as the want it to seem..im disgusted.

Britney is always protected by someone when the paparazzi are around. She is terrified of them. She was traumatized by them. Taken advantage of and manipulated. Just like she is by everyone else. I can definitely relate and I too dislike most people, experience terrible anxiety and depression that can’t go untreated. I believe Sam is being threatened/blackmailed to keep his mouth shut and go along with all this and he’s genuinely just protecting her from the paparazzi in these photos. To deal with Britney and her life he has to actually love her. 

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1 minute ago, rosenotes said:

poor thing, but how are y’all gonna judge her on how she looks when she’s going through all of this???

plus, let’s just be honest, you’re in the wrong fanbase if you can’t deal w messy hair lol

LITERALLY. I thought after all of this people would never do that again ..

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