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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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Man I wish I was over there I would definitely be apart of this and for all the right reasons! To make sure our girl has her freedom, to expose how corrupt this industry and this whole situation is all because of MONEY and the people milking her to keep her in control and receive a pay check from her. I seriously wish their was more I can do but unfortunately I'm in Miami. Most I can do is keep spreading the word of #Freebritney and keep our girl in good spirits and vibes. I really hope this Friday a difference is made and she is free'd from all this. I really hope the Judge is not a paid activist in this situation. Knowing her team and the people behind this conservatorship, they will pay a judge and the courts under the tablle to keep this going which is the sad most heart breaking truth. :nochillbrit:

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GOOD GO GET A FU*KING JOB and let your daughter be free you corrupt *******!! Sorry guys I just get real hyped about this whole thing and he seriously pisses me off. Lynne should have ACCESS PERIOD!!! Why she wasn't the first choice is beyond me. She was never a addict, she always did what she can to support her kids. I mean COME ON!!! At this point just let Britney FREE!!! 

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2 minutes ago, Vic_B_Like said:

Man I wish I was over there I would definitely be apart of this and for all the right reasons! To make sure our girl has her freedom, to expose how corrupt this industry and this whole situation is all because of MONEY and the people milking her to keep her in control and receive a pay check from her. I seriously wish their was more I can do but unfortunately I'm in Miami. Most I can do is keep spreading the word of #Freebritney and keep our girl in good spirits and vibes. I really hope this Friday a difference is made and she is free'd from all this. I really hope the Judge is not a paid activist in this situation. Knowing her team and the people behind this conservatorship, they will pay a judge and the courts under the tablle to keep this going which is the sad most heart breaking truth. :nochillbrit:

Luckily, the judge is a known activist against conservatorship abuse as well as a women's activist. Also, she's already been shutting down media requests. She's gonna be good 

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No wonder she's been in this for over 12 DAMM YEARS!!! These people are getting paid BIG money! Of course they are milking this for as long as they can. I sware I wish I could face these mother fu*kers face to face. It's like damm, do any of them have kids? families? siblings? like what if the tables turned? :schoolingtime:

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