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Exhale Reacts: Britney Spears Cancels 'Domination'

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Guys maybe she got panic by the responses regards to the question on her instagram story and thought 'oh dear god they are right? What am i doing all this time??? I need to be perfect for this. Larry i need three months more for rehearsals do something!' 

















Ofcourse im joking!:whatitellu:

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Imagine if

...that when Britney was still on for Dommination, that her mental health suddenly and severly deteriorated.

...to a point of crisis or severe deterioration that her team knew that she would be too unwell to do continue to do Dommination.

...but they wanted to keep the level of her mental health issues quiet. 


What would they do?

- cancel Dommination.

- Giving the rational that it was due to her fathers ill health - a true enough reson (as no doubt this added worry would have contributed to her mental health) but is not full disclosure.

- consider how after a period of recovery she may later be able to do a residency and comeback 'stronger'


Whats the evidence for this?

Pure speculation at the monent. But we do have reson to believe and continue to believe that Britney has significant mental health difficulties with the ongoing conservatorship. Her team limits disclosure of just how bad her mental health difficulties really are, so we know we would never just get a cancellation rationale reporting mental health issues as the cause unless hospitalization was evident (but with a good package of care even severe mental health issues can be supported quietly at home). There are signs indicating that Britney has not been comfortable. Consider some of her increasing anxious/awkward body language and avoidance during public appearances.


So how bad could the mental health crisis have been?

Some possible outcomes...

Suicidal- If she had suicidal ideation (just ideas, not plans to act) or had made suividsl threats  this could still be managed at home quietly . If she had made a suicide attempt, potentially admission to hospital may have been nessesary but that would have been harder to cover up. She has a lot of protective factors against such an act though.

Severe anxiety/depression - it could be to a level that she struggles to go to work anymore. Severe panic attacks, loss of motivation and feelings of hopelessness that could be disabling her to commit fully to her work and be fully ready for Dommination.

Relapse with substance misuse- no matter how controled the enviroment things can still slip. With the right money rehab can be done from home and the public may never know.


Fearing for the health of a loved one is tragic enough. But maybe there is more also going on. It might be that our queen is really struggling right now to a level that we may never come to realise. If so, she  deserves compassion and sensitivity and I hope that we can afford her that.




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6 hours ago, PokemonSpears said:

Btw, I the Facebook cover announcing the 20th anniversary of BOMT album was changed today, or had it been there for a while? :idkney:

On Facebook, the time stamp was showing that they changed her profile picture literally 3 minutes before her announcement. :gloria:

Her team is so unprofessional.


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Heartbreaking. Hope Papa Spears recovers to become stronger. I know Britney was probably stoked on the show and everything and it sucks to cancel/postpone it last minute, for her and for the fans who got tickets. But it’s gonna be alright. If Britney made it through 2007, papa Spears will do the same in 2019. ??


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57 minutes ago, Daxx said:

the saddest part is that if she were to not cancel/postpone the shows and wasn't in a right state of mind, the ones complaining now would say she steals from her fans and how dares she walk up to the stage with that zombie attitude, as if it hasn't happened before :whatitellu: they would be the first ones to encourage her to cancel domination.

Very valid point. Britney is not someone that can mask her emotions in the slightest; if she is sad, uncomfortable, or anxious, the audience will absolutely notice (and subsequently her performance will suffer terribly, but that goes without saying).

To illustrate my point, I offer the following gifs as Exhibit A and B, respectively (apparently the Polish language makes Britney sad, uncomfortable or anxious): 



But it’s honestly really sad whenever Britney has had to continue working normally despite obviously not being in a good place during several eras. It pains me to see her force these smiles, trying to keep others placated while she's practically dying inside:


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7 hours ago, generation glory said:

Cappy- Why don’t YOU shut the **** up!!! I’m so damn sick of your delusional *** and all of your constant sycophantic excuses that you make up for literally EVERYTHING!! 

With that said...You seem to be a good fan and a genuinely nice person overall so I try to ignore your ridiculously defensive stanning for Britney but don’t **** with me today. I’m not in the mood.  

I do agree with you & again I reiterate that Britney made the best decision personally and professionally to not go ahead with the residency. End of.

Oh **** ??

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7 hours ago, generation glory said:

Cappy- Why don’t YOU shut the **** up!!! I’m so damn sick of your delusional *** and all of your constant sycophantic excuses that you make up for literally EVERYTHING!! 

With that said...You seem to be a good fan and a genuinely nice person overall so I try to ignore your ridiculously defensive stanning for Britney but don’t **** with me today. I’m not in the mood.  

I do agree with you & again I reiterate that Britney made the best decision personally and professionally to not go ahead with the residency. End of.


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Omg the responses in this thread are f**ked up...

This isn’t a “BREAK” for her you idiots, she’s under insane amounts of stress and emotional turmoil. This is her father! I f**king hope you all reflect on this moment when your loved ones are extremely ill and remind yourself that it’s just a break for you. **** off.

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I think there’s a lot that we don’t know and as it should be. Britney owes no further explanation and I’ll be keeping her and her family in my thoughts and prayers. ❤️

Family is everything and we’ve always known Britney to hold that sentiment near and dear her entire career. Sending her so much love and good vibes.

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Just now, glitterfalls said:

This is a hard post for me to make. My dad just passed away in November and it's just been hell to the point where I feel like I'm talking gibberish by talking about such a close death. And maybe that sounds silly....I know we all die but it is truly so hard to deal with. anyway I do understand the delay if his health is that bad.

My condolences to you and your family.

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2 hours ago, LostInAnImage said:

I'm not OP, but I'll give my two cents on how Britney does demonstrate a lack of maturity in my opinion, sometimes to a profound extent. Despite loving Britney, she really does behave, communicate and interact as though she were someone much younger than her chronological age. 

For example, some of her previous producers relatively recently revealed that if she doesn't like a song that she's recording, rather than verbalizing her opinion, she pretends to go to the bathroom and drives away instead. Being that self-conscious and conflict-averse that a grown adult is simply unable and/or unwilling to demonstrate even the slightest level of assertiveness or engage in mild confrontation is abnormal. That kind of passive-aggressive display is typically seen in adolescent girls, not nearly 40-year-old women.

None of this makes her a bad person in any way, she just never had any responsible parenting or guidance by real authority figures to foster maturation of behavior. 

I don't think she is unintelligent, but it's almost like her social development was stunted at the age she shot to superstardom (~16-17). I mean, what 37-year-old woman, and a mother of two teen boys nonetheless, actually says things like this:


I honestly don't know anyone who has gossiped about, or even referred to, "French kissing” since middle school. It makes it seem as though she's very isolated socially. In short, I think Britney is a fantastic artist, wonderful mother and beautiful person, but I don't believe she is very mature. 

Maybe she has that attitude because her ideas are almost never heard and valued by her team..I remember that JC said she was a mature girl and I think is more mature and sensible than we imagined.Her interviews in 2003 if she hadn't been tried and they would have given her the chance.Her interviews were good and she talked about feminism, about being a normal woman like anyone and had the same inquietudes , that education does not have to be given by a celebrity but by a family, of the real bodies, about sexuality, about stereotypes thing that I thanked. All this when it was not trend to talk about it, she has her own ideas well developed . I think she's an opinionated (especially at the beginning) proud, funny, original, sarcastic,capricious,brave , positive, sweet with personality and intelligent emotional woman.

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