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Exhale Reacts: Britney Spears Cancels 'Domination'

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2 hours ago, Chico101 said:

Excuse me? Explain.

I'm not OP, but I'll give my two cents on how Britney does demonstrate a lack of maturity in my opinion, sometimes to a profound extent. Despite loving Britney, she really does behave, communicate and interact as though she were someone much younger than her chronological age. 

For example, some of her previous producers relatively recently revealed that if she doesn't like a song that she's recording, rather than verbalizing her opinion, she pretends to go to the bathroom and drives away instead. Being that self-conscious and conflict-averse that a grown adult is simply unable and/or unwilling to demonstrate even the slightest level of assertiveness or engage in mild confrontation is abnormal. That kind of passive-aggressive display is typically seen in adolescent girls, not nearly 40-year-old women.

None of this makes her a bad person in any way, she just never had any responsible parenting or guidance by real authority figures to foster maturation of behavior. 

I don't think she is unintelligent, but it's almost like her social development was stunted at the age she shot to superstardom (~16-17). I mean, what 37-year-old woman, and a mother of two teen boys nonetheless, actually says things like this:


I honestly don't know anyone who has gossiped about, or even referred to, "French kissing” since middle school. It makes it seem as though she's very isolated socially. In short, I think Britney is a fantastic artist, wonderful mother and beautiful person, but I don't believe she is very mature. 

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3 minutes ago, RedBloodedWoman said:

She doesn't have the means to relapse.... she's so f**king controlled 

Working in mental health services I can assure you that people will find a way if they are that desperate. Slips happen after years of complacency. Besides it may not be a relapse into addiction. It could be a relapse of her mental wellbeing - severe anxiety or depression that could stop her working.


Just speculation here. But if her mental health got real bad that she could no longer function well at work, this is exactly how I imagine it would look like. They would never openly declare that it was fown to her mentsl health issues. Under tight wraps, little info shared to public, another reson given for the cancellations...this is what it might look like.


Either way I hope she is ok ***

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1 minute ago, daniel_essr said:


If being back means Papa Spears would recover fully, I can't wait for Britney to come back! But, I'm sure some of the dancers would be committed to other projects because they can't put their careers on hold forever when Britney's future is so uncertain.

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2 minutes ago, LostInAnImage said:

I'm not OP, but I'll give my two cents on how Britney does demonstrate a lack of maturity in my opinion, sometimes to a profound extent. Despite loving Britney, she really does behave, communicate and interact as though she were someone much younger than her chronological age. 

For example, some of her previous producers relatively recently revealed that if she doesn't like a song that she's recording, rather than verbalizing her opinion, she pretends to go to the bathroom and drives away instead. Being that self-conscious and conflict-averse that a grown adult is simply unable and/or unwilling to demonstrate even the slightest level of assertiveness or engage in confrontation is abnormal. That kind of passive-aggressive display is typically seen in adolescent girls, not nearly 40-year-old women.

None of this makes her a bad person in any way, she just never had any responsible parenting or guidance by real authority figures to foster maturation of behavior. 

I don't think she is unintelligent, but it's almost like her social development was stunted at the age she shot to superstardom (~16-17). I mean, what 37-year-old woman, and a mother of two teen boys nonetheless, actually says things like this:


I honestly don't know anyone who has gossiped about French kissing since middle school. It makes it seem as though she's very isolated socially. But in short, I think Britney is a fantastic artist, wonderful mother and beautiful person, but I don't believe she is very mature. 

I think Britney has fantastic taste in music tbh. I'm such a stan.

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2 minutes ago, LostInAnImage said:

I'm not OP, but I'll give my two cents on how Britney does demonstrate a lack of maturity in my opinion, sometimes to a profound extent. Despite loving Britney, she really does behave, communicate and interact as though she were someone much younger than her chronological age. 

For example, some of her previous producers relatively recently revealed that if she doesn't like a song that she's recording, rather than verbalizing her opinion, she pretends to go to the bathroom and drives away instead. Being that self-conscious and conflict-averse that a grown adult is simply unable and/or unwilling to demonstrate even the slightest level of assertiveness or engage in confrontation is abnormal. That kind of passive-aggressive display is typically seen in adolescent girls, not nearly 40-year-old women.

None of this makes her a bad person in any way, she just never had any responsible parenting or guidance by real authority figures to foster maturation of behavior. 

I don't think she is unintelligent, but it's almost like her social development was stunted at the age she shot to superstardom (~16-17). I mean, what 37-year-old woman, and a mother of two teen boys nonetheless, actually says things like this:


I honestly don't know anyone who has gossiped about French kissing since middle school. It makes it seem as though she's very isolated socially. But in short, I think Britney is a fantastic artist, wonderful mother and beautiful person, but I don't believe she is very mature. 

The Instagram stories all pretty much also give credence to this as she uses a ridiculous amount of filters.  Heck didn’t her team also delete one of her posts because it did show her mental health as unstable? What with the baby voice and clinging all over Sam as she comments on being ugly? Yes, Britney has mental health issues.  There should be no real argument or discussion about that.  She’s in a freakin conservatorship.  I doubt she even wrote that post.

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1 minute ago, bigreputxtion said:

i don't think they changed 

nappytabs is probably only doing this because the show is already over ( or postponed ?)  so they can say whatever they want 

It's only a comment for the moment, they tell it on twitter, is not a real change name, is only a comment for the "critical" moment.

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1 minute ago, bigreputxtion said:

i don't think they changed 

nappytabs is probably only doing this because the show is already over ( or postponed ?)  so they can say whatever they want

Lol they're probably using #Stronger because which other Britney song title works in this situation????

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I think low ticket sales COULD be a factor. But there is no denying that her fathers health is an absolute factor in why this happened. All i wish is that Britney works on herself and heals and spends lots of time with her family. She is always commited to showing up, no matter How much she half-*****, she rarely cancels. Considering that as late as december it still looked like it was in it’s beginning stages it obviously wasn’t ready for certain reasons, low ticket sales alone don’t answer that.

If she comes back, hopefully, she will work on mastering her craft. I then hope she takes vocal coaching, and dancing lessons. Actually finds joy in writing and making something. Including finding a reason to do this. If she doesn’t and retires, hopefully we get to say goodbye to her one last time. Sending my thoughts and orayers to her and her family.

I wish people would just stop coming up with countries theories as to What is happening and What isn’t. Accept that Domination might really be over for good. Just be compassionate. We know How private Britney is, so the chances of them telling us every detail is unlikely, nor does she owe any of us an explanation. WHAT’s DONE IS DONE, accept it. Move the **** on.

Also, I don’t Get you guys. Most of you did NOT want Domination happen in the first place. Now that it actually isn’t happening, you’ll eat your words just like that? Face it, Britney wasn’t ready, the show wasn’t, it happened too soon. She might not even have wanted to, and this probably helped give her the courage to end this. Most of you didn’t want to see it, you called it horrible named, did not even give it HALF a chance, bashed it to death based off of 20 second clips of something in it’s beginning stages. Sure it had it’s faults, but they usually get corrected in the rehearsels. Now that you ACTUALLY won’t see it, suddenly that is a bad thing? Do you guys not know What you want or do you come here to ***** about anything and everything?

Disgusting. What’s wrong with you guys?

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25 minutes ago, Scrappy said:

If you like to believe everything someone says to you, despite their track record, that’s on you mate.  You can be as blind and naive as you want to be. My reasoning skills are perhaps sharper because I am not so attached or easily duped.  

The facts are right in front of you:

the illness is not new.  Jamie is supposedly in recovery already.  There is no logical reason to cancel.  However, something has to be wrong for them to cancel/postpone the start of this show.  

I’ve given alternate theories, but as a working individual, I’ll say that grief leave is written in every contract. Folks take it when they want and even her money hungry team said it was a good time.  The man could be on his deathbed for all we know, but it’s definitely not a matter of wanting to take care of a sickly dad. That’s just not plausible.  

I understand where you're coming from. But my father passed away in 2013. I spent a lot of time with him and I am very grateful for that. Still, I wish I had taken the scares that led up to his death more seriously and been there for him the way I knew I could.  Britneys father is one year younger than my dad was when he died. When she loses her father, he will be gone forever and  that is a sad scary thing for a child who loves their father to realize. I had no idea Jamie was hospitalized 3 months ago.  This 'statement' sounds like a nice way of saying "my daddy is dying so **** this pop **** until I know he's going to get better!"  :kyliecry:

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7 minutes ago, Spearsfan said:

I can’t get over the fact they changed the name. 

Already scrapped Domination before it was cancelled 

That's what bothers me. They're already plugging the Stronger thing....

I'm going to ignore this for the rest of the night. I don't like all the calculations I think I'm seeing from NappyTabs.

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3 minutes ago, Crayboy said:

Most of you did NOT want Domination happen in the first place. Now that it actually isn’t happening, you’ll eat your words just like that? Face it, Britney wasn’t ready, the show wasn’t, it happened too soon. She might not even have wanted to, and this probably helped give her the courage to end this. Most of you didn’t want to see it, you called it horrible named, did not even give it HALF a chance, bashed it to death based off of 20 second clips of something in it’s beginning stages. Sure it had it’s faults, but they usually get corrected in the rehearsels. Now that you ACTUALLY won’t see it, suddenly that is a bad thing? Do you guys not know What you want or do you come here to ***** about anything and everything?

Disgusting. What’s wrong with you guys?

but we also don't want to stay in the desert lmao

POM tour was really bad but ate least we could laugh of the tics lmao

and I was kind of into domination and I was expecting a way better show 

such a shame that it will be cancelled

hope her father gets better tho :)

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9 minutes ago, LostInAnImage said:

I'm not OP, but I'll give my two cents on how Britney does demonstrate a lack of maturity in my opinion, sometimes to a profound extent. Despite loving Britney, she really does behave, communicate and interact as though she were someone much younger than her chronological age. 

For example, some of her previous producers relatively recently revealed that if she doesn't like a song that she's recording, rather than verbalizing her opinion, she pretends to go to the bathroom and drives away instead. Being that self-conscious and conflict-averse that a grown adult is simply unable and/or unwilling to demonstrate even the slightest level of assertiveness or engage in confrontation is abnormal. That kind of passive-aggressive display is typically seen in adolescent girls, not nearly 40-year-old women.

None of this makes her a bad person in any way, she just never had any responsible parenting or guidance by real authority figures to foster maturation of behavior. 

I don't think she is unintelligent, but it's almost like her social development was stunted at the age she shot to superstardom (~16-17). I mean, what 37-year-old woman, and a mother of two teen boys nonetheless, actually says things like this:


I honestly don't know anyone who has gossiped about French kissing since middle school. It makes it seem as though she's very isolated socially. But in short, I think Britney is a fantastic artist, wonderful mother and beautiful person, but I don't believe she is very mature. 


4 minutes ago, Scrappy said:

The Instagram stories all pretty much also give credence to this as she uses a ridiculous amount of filters.  Heck didn’t her team also delete one of her posts because it did show her mental health as unstable? What with the baby voice and clinging all over Sam as she comments on being ugly? Yes, Britney has mental health issues.  There should be no real argument or discussion about that.  She’s in a freakin conservatorship.  I doubt she even wrote that post.

I forgot to answer but yeah that's what I meant. Also her interviews these days. She sounded more mature as a 18 year old than she does now. 

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