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What’s behind Britney’s smile?


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I, as many of you, have been wondering what ever happened to the smile of Britney.


Britney has shown that she’s not completely comfortable in certain situations and it’s pretty evident. For example, her M&Gs and at the X Factor.



She’s been both, critiqued and trolled, for her unusual facial expressions and her “fake smile”. 


Some people blame it on lip fillers, but Britney’s fond the lip injections and in the past, it was pretty obvious whenever she got them. For example, in 2007, she got some:


And then, in 2013, when we was about to release of Work *****, she got some more. We can see the result in the single cover and the result was pretty good:


But the result never was near her current smile.

Now, we all notice Britney is an insecure person, she has ticks and she’s anxious in public. If we consider the criticism she’s faced for her uncomfortable faces, I don’t doubt that she did something about it. I dare to say that those comments got to her and considering she’s constantly in the spotlight, she couldn’t afford to look that uncomfortable that often. So, she did something to fix it, but it wasn’t lip fillers because we’ve seen how they end up looking and it’s not like she looks now.

Recently, one user at Exhale mentioned she got the Korean smile lift, a surgery meant to make you look like you are permanently smiling. They cut some muscles and then sew them differently to create the effect. Here’s a video explaining it in detail:

Here are some of the results of that surgery.



And this is one of the most disturbing results.


And here is a video of the procedure. It is graphic. 

If you look at Britney’s smile closely, putting special attention to the corners of her mouth, you can see the resemblance to the results of the surgery and, in specific, if you look carefully, you can see it in the interview with Jonathan Ross.







Look at the before 


And the after



But the question here is... what the hell is going on behind the curtains that she felt the need to do something like this? Why does she feel the need to smile all the time? Isn’t she genuinely happy being a singer? And if she isn’t, why does she continue to do it? Is it her choice? Or as a lot of people here think... is she really being forced to do it by other people?

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I belive it. Her mouth doesnt only have a different SHAPE which could be botox or any filler, her smile is WIDER, the corners really look like they were cut.

Its sad cause she had a tender smile and nos it doesnt look as cute.

I would be fine with her tring to keep looking young, but she is CHANGING her FEATURES 


I hope she is not being forced to look smily, that would be like the very saddest singer life in history



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Apart from that it forces the mouth like a tic.I do not know who has advised her or who has done this horrible thing to her.She must love herself very little yo do this .She was a beautiful girl naturally does not need this!The funniest thing that pisses me off is that the girl does not remove her makeup correctly and does not brush her hair.She seems to have very low self -esteem.Also, the color of lipstick is horrible.

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4 minutes ago, Do Somethin' said:

Idk exactly when she did something but the very first time I personally noticed something different (like the shape, the corner of her lips and everything) was when i first saw the MV for "Pretty Girls" :crying1:

Ugh just imagine 2015ney with her real smile:crying2:

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2 minutes ago, xkhingx said:

Ugh just imagine 2015ney with her real smile:crying2:

Ikr? I always say that i don't care cause it's not my money, not my face and not my business :yaknow: but i also always say that the least thing she needed to "touch" was her face :badthoughts: her face was perfect with the right make-up and everything and don't get me wrong she's gorgeous now but what she did was unnecessary imo! :mattafact:

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1 hour ago, Do Somethin' said:

Ikr? I always say that i don't care cause it's not my money, not my face and not my business :yaknow: but i also always say that the least thing she needed to "touch" was her face :badthoughts: her face was perfect with the right make-up and everything and don't get me wrong she's gorgeous now but what she did was unnecessary imo! :mattafact:

i swear to god if i find the person who did this to her:decisions:

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