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The Official Britney Spears Las Vegas Residency Announcement Thread


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Britney still has it in her. VMA and Billboard 2016 proved that to me. She was serving classic Britney. All she needed was pre-recorded vocals. I'm hoping this new residency will have pre-recorded vocals. And more audience interaction. Im excited to see what they have in store and how they reimagine her songs. The possibilities are endless. 

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1 hour ago, Spearsfan said:

There is no receipts to show she is improving to deliver a great show. 

Im actually worried this new show will break her. She has been off for the last few months. They should have done an album and than went back but all they saw was $$$


42 minutes ago, Cigarettes&Cologne said:

so true. after 5 years she deserved a longer break. now she's straight into a 2 year contract... :yeahsure:

i think the nights she gives a shitty performance is her new way of rebelling :smokney2:


36 minutes ago, Crayboy said:

I think she needs time to heal and rest and be inspired

Domination is 32 dates over 7 months. Not really strenuous, to be honest. 

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1 hour ago, Spearsfan said:

There is no receipts to show she is improving to deliver a great show. 

Im actually worried this new show will break her. She has been off for the last few months. They should have done an album and than went back but all they saw was $$$

Kevin's 58 children won't feed themselves for the next 6 years :raven: 

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8 minutes ago, Cigarettes&Cologne said:

Daily Mail reported she's signed a 2 year contract

YEs but the first 7 months only have 32 dates. 

Pom had 248 over 4 years so 62 dates a year so basically one day a week. I don’t see that as too strenuous and think it maybe exclusive. 


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i'm extremelly excited. I've attend the LAST piece of me in Vegas and now i'm going to first Domination concert. 

i'm mostly excited because opening night are always exciting but even more because for once, i will have only surprise. i usually know the show from A to Z watching YouTube video prior to attend.

i guess we will have the setlist when they do the classic dress rehearsal the night before premiere.


anyway, WHO IS GOING??? POOLPARTY anyone?? Jordan, can we come to your place have a drink?? 



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