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The Official Britney Spears Piece Of Me Tour Thread: Brighton, UK - August 4 (Brighton Pride)

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4 hours ago, BOBIBCFBG said:

Much cheaper. On a tour, it's usually broken into 3 groups: A Group would be Britney and the really important people like her managers and assistants, then B Group which is usually people like the dancers, and then C Group which is the crew. They usually stay in different hotels and travel together and such. For instance, A Group would be in 5 star hotels, B Group in cheaper hotels, and C Group in really cheap hotels. There are less people in A than B and less people in B than C.

Slay us with those actually relevant flawless deets, sis!!  :kiss:

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I said in a previous comment in this same thread that she seemed like she had great energy that night, which in my opinion is true. There were great parts where she was giving a lot and seemed to not only enjoy herself but also the whole environment including the crowd. But this is one night, and as we all know by now she can be like that one night and the opposite the next. :cackling:

People need to stop calling other haters or any names because people are pointing out the obvious. She still lipsynchs, she still seems lost sometimes on stage, there were great dance moves but also at some point where she's just moving her arms and her legs stay straight, there's no harmony, and the "where are we" that some think is a joke is totally cringey. :(

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I’ve just returned back to Scotland after the long weekend in Brighton and this is the first I’ve been sober to put my opinion in. Ha!

I was in the golden circle and it was a dream. This is my 5th POM show/ so I’ve seen the show evolve over the years. 

She brought a great energy and not seen the slave break or Piece of Me routine done so hot before. I forgot how much fun it looks for everyone doing the show. Great energy.

I may have been expecting too much... however I was maybe expecting a little something to acknowledge the event. She had so much power in her hands and this could have been her time to say a small speech to connect to the hundreds of thousands of fans. Or perhaps her chance to ‘**** the haters’ moment and do a live cover. Missed opportunity in my opinion. 

But overall- I’m still on a high and the atmoshpere was unforgettable. Hope everyone had an amazing pride!!


^^ made a short collage with the best bits. Totally living for the Clumsy performance! 

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It’s common! Remember Britney used to use your busses in her earlier career because she hated flying? The Onyx backstage video she had her own tour bus. 

Tour busses are used in everyone’s tour. It’s not cheap at all. 

These are her FF and circus busses 





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5 hours ago, LostInAnImage said:

I keep seeing exhalers claiming the critical reviews for the POM tour are great, and I was wondering what the critics are seeing that we are not (or vice versa). Well, I just stumbled upon this critic’s review from the July 20th date, and despite some positive comments (one big dance party, etc), it’s a bit brutal at times, and frankly on par with what I’d be expecting given the quality of the show thus far.

But, since he highlighted both the positives and negatives, I felt it was a fair review. I was just taken aback to see someone outside of this fan base articulate the negatives quite so strongly, particularly since many here insist we are the only ones who notice the issues with POM. Also, finding out she apparently earns half a million dollars per show was just...astounding.


“Twenty-eight years after Milli Vanilli was stripped of its Grammy thanks to the lip-synching scandal heard around the world, Britney Spears lip-synched her way through a 90-minute, non-stop performance at the Borgata in Atlantic City on Thursday night, much to the delight of her fans who sold out the room in record time, paying hundreds of dollars for tickets to witness the spectacle.

I’ve seen acts lip-synch before, and I’ve seen many performers who sing along to their own vocal tracks, giving their aged voices a hand — Barry Manilow was doing exactly that at the Borgata a couple of weeks ago — but never have I seen somebody lip-synch so brazenly as Spears. 

She seemed to make little effort to move her mouth in time with the lyrics coming from the massive speaker array in the Borgata’s 2,000-seat Event Center. If you’ve ever seen the hilarious Bad Lip Reading videos on the Internet, it looked a little bit like that.

At one point, I thought Spears was adjusting her headset-style microphone in some display to indicate that she actually was singing, but then I realized, no, her lovely golden locks were simply tangled in it. And we can’t have that.

But once you learn to stop worrying and love the Britney and her lip-synching ways, she and her battalion of dancers and the production team do put on a good show, complete with circus stunts, sadomasochistic routines, and dazzling lasers. Well, at least it’s a good show for the set of people who don’t have a psychotic break every time “Oops!… I Did It Again” rears its head on Tidal. 

It’s one big dance party. I didn’t sit down once during the show, and I didn’t see anybody else sitting either, a complete 180 from the Barry Manilow crowd, which kept yelling at my cousin (she’s a crazy Fanilow) to put her butt in her seat.

And, truth be told, as soon as Spears spoke to the audience for a few seconds early in the set — “Are you ready to break the ice, Atlantic City?” she squeaked to introduce the song “Break the Ice” — I realized what a good thing it was that Spears wasn’t singing a note. She has the vocal quality of a chipmunk that’s being shredded on a box grater, and if you told me that she actually never sung a note on any of her albums, I would definitely not place a bet against you.

Really, I’m not exactly sure why Spears herself has to be there. Yes, she’s a pretty talented dancer in her own way, but certainly there are lookalike dancers out there who could lip-synch and dance just as well as she can and who wouldn’t cost $500,000 per show, the amount that Spears is reportedly getting. And then there’s also the hologram concert angle. Not sure why no one has thought of that.

Anyway, Spears has two more shows to go at the Borgata. Tickets will set you back around $300 on StubHub. Definitely a must for any big Spears fan, of which the Philadelphia market has more than a few. For the rest of us, probably more enjoyable to binge watch The Swan while drinking Zima.”


This review is crap.

Saying he doesnt understand why britney is even there?

Maybe because no one is going to buy a ticket to see the dancers, or a hologram, or a random lypsyncher that has never done anything iconic in her life?

Ppl want to see BRITNEY, *****

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I mean, what everyone else has said. She showed Rosie around her tour bus back during the Oops tour, and took various interviews and stuff on her bus(es) for the Britney era and In The Zone. They've got beds on the bus, plus kitchenettes and the like, so that's having to make breaks or stop for the night out of the way. As for Britney, it's likely what someone else said about getting there with the boys first so she has a day to show them around.


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40 minutes ago, BritneyLover said:

This review is crap.

Saying he doesnt understand why britney is even there?

Maybe because no one is going to buy a ticket to see the dancers, or a hologram, or a random lypsyncher that has never done anything iconic in her life?

Ppl want to see BRITNEY, *****

Yeah, I think it was his roundabout way of saying that no matter what Britney does, or doesn't do, during her concerts--it ultimately doesn't matter, because her fans will always still come to see her. And depending on how you look at it, that's both a positive (loyalty, genuine appreciation for a particular artist) or a negative (consumers willing to pay exorbitant ticket prices and not necessarily receiving quality on par with said prices). But perhaps I am misinterpreting. 

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Guest Brichney.
7 hours ago, overprotectedd said:

Why is her team so cheap? 

Even artists take trains and go on tour buses when in Europe. In Chaotic Britney was touring Europe in a bus, it was filmed. In one of her documentaries, Beyonce said that she was taking a train from one country to another. Only super rich artists would fly on planes all the time. 

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1 hour ago, HairFlipQueen said:

I agree with you that I don't think for a minute it was anxiety based why she forgot, and yes in some ways its not a big deal but its part of a bigger picture - her not giving a **** basically! I think she is just getting worse in general as a performer and I'm noticing it more and getting more irritated by it.

You're so right, the word irritated never had better sense than in this sentence. It's the thing with Britney, her choices irritate me and I'm annoyed at people who, instead of saying "yes something is odd she needs to change" they just go on and call people haters. Britney's had so many free passes other the years that others didn't have and her team (including her), instead of saying we have to do better they just keep running to the bank laughing at our *****. 

People need to stop looking at this night that was great (compared to many others), and look at the whole picture and realize that something's not right. As Britney fans we're always defending her when friends or family, or anons on forums are literally tearing her apart but honestly what is there to defend anymore?  And to the people who talk about the negativity of "exhale", sorry some don't drink the kool-aid like we're all supposed to do. :NYsassy:

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