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Do you think Sam is the one?


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I don't really know. He's like 10 or 11 years older than Sean isn't he? There comes a time when they're gonna look almost the same age :P 

No one really knows, as we say in Spanish, "caras vemos, corazones no sabemos". He LOOKS like he's a nice person, and I don't think he's using her per se, but I think he'll eventually get tired of her. Or the other way around when Britney starts to get older, feel older, maybe she'll start to feel uncomfortable being with someone that young. But maybe he's like super mature and the age gap isn't really a problem in this case, who knows. 

I don't think she's trying to find a new dad for her kids, because they have Kevin, but whoever ends up living with her, will end up being some kind of fatherly figure for the kids, and I don't think Sam is that guy. 

And who knows if he wants a family of his own, or if he would be happy just with Britney's kids. I don't know, we'll have to wait and see. 

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It's funny. Britney always jumped from one relationship to another, not leaving any space in between the guys. After David, she went straight to Charlie. After that breakup, there were these rumors that her dad was telling her to stop rushing into these things. I don't usually believe gossip but for the first time after a breakup, she actually waited a good year and a half before dating again. Of course, that is not that long of a time but she is in her mid 30s and that felt like a good time for her to only date when she is ready and not just be in a relationship with any guy that is available.

To answer your question, I don't think Britney is the kind of girl that is going to find "the one". She is so in love with the idea of love but I do believe she has more self respect now than ever and I think Sam is going to be her boyfriend for a nice long time. They might even have kids but I don't necessarily think it's going to last. I think Britney is also fine with that because she probably realized she should not plan these things too hard and just take it as it comes. 

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1 hour ago, Kiiddy said:

Think its still too early to tell tbh. 

I mean they do both seem genuinely happy together. I think fans will always have that same concern in the back of their heads with whoever she gets with for obvious reasons.
I don't always think an age-gap though can destroy a relationship or prevent two people from being together, because it actually works for some.
Hopefully for her sake he is the one. If not, then I'm sure she will bounce back as quickly as she usually does and will move on  :mhm: 


The seem very smitten with each other, and their love does seem very genuine, but still fairly new. I wish them the best. 

They’re definitely the most gorgeous couple in the biz.  :groovin:

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I don't know him personally obviously (none of us do) but I've been suspicious of him since the beginning. He's so young and so hot and I mean who wouldn't want to date Britney Spears? I just hope he's not a player/user. He's so full of himself. I know he's a fitness model and part of his IG is self marketing but it's a bit much. I just think it's going to be a fun thing for her for a year or two and she'll want more. 

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3 hours ago, annonymous said:

Oh really? I didn't really see the love for Jason and Charlie.....I actually think that Sam is a real love for her after long long time :ineedthetruth:

I agree with Spearsfan, i had the impression that she really liked Charlie. She seemed genuine with him, always cuddling each other, smiling and laughing... i believed that they were real and that he was the one probably since the beginning, plus he was father material. Perhaps the fact that she truly had feelings for him could explain the way she has handled their break up. But maybe I'm naive to believe that. I can only make assumptions based on candids and instagram posts, well aware that they don't mean or prove anything. Maybe it was staged. Who knows?

I can see some similarities with Sam... she seems happy and that's all it matters to me but i would be lying if i said I was expecting them to last this long.

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:tiffcackle: Lmao, no, he's not ~the one for Britney. Usually I'm happy to keep my opinions of him to myself, because at the end of the day, our opinion doesn't matter: but no, they're not going to settle down and get married. He's too young, and his priorities are different than hers by age alone: much less the fact that he has no children of his own, etc etc.

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I don't get all the hate.  He actually seems like a sweetheart and treats her very well.  And unlike the past few guys she's been with, she actually looks genuine with him, no fake smiles, not afraid of PDA with him, and genuine laughs and emotions with him.  And he genuinely looks like he likes her too.  It was especially obviously at yesterday's game.   The kids on the other hand, not sure what they think of him, and they may influence her decision.  But I hope they do work out, I want her to be happy long-term (even though i know y'all want her to be single forever because you think that's required for her to slay the stage). :sneer:

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