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Do you think Sam is the one?


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15 minutes ago, brintyjoan said:

Maybe he is, who knows? Who cares about the age difference? He is hot, he seems sweet and i bet there are a lot of things she likes about him (his D). Its not like shes better than him

 If liking someone's genitals is the only thing you date for i feel sorry for you. And anyone else who thinks this is the pinnacle of a loving lasting relationship. Regardless of his size,  just sticking a **** in doesn't matter as much of a lover he is and narcissists are known to be terrible in bed. Britney isn't dating for *** like a lot of you thirsty boys,  she's dating for attention and love... how is that so hard to understand? 

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35 minutes ago, Justney said:

 If liking someone's genitals is the only thing you date for i feel sorry for you. And anyone else who thinks this is the pinnacle of a loving lasting relationship. Regardless of his size,  just sticking a **** in doesn't matter as much of a lover he is and narcissists are known to be terrible in bed. Britney isn't dating for *** like a lot of you thirsty boys,  she's dating for attention and love... how is that so hard to understand? 

Lol im just kidding. I said there are a lot of other things she likes about him, for example his ****. Im not a thirsty gay boy. Im 30 years old and in a happy relationship for four years now:ineedthetruth:

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25 minutes ago, brintyjoan said:

Lol im just kidding. I said there are a lot of other things she likes about him, for example his ****. Im not a thirsty gay boy. Im 30 years old and in a happy relationship for four years now:ineedthetruth:

Ok but the fact that so many on here say you can't judge his character but on the same note thinks he's great boyfriend material because of his **** size or looks is highly annoying and most of the time not a joke. It makes me come off way more aggressive than i am but she's almost 40 and needs a man to really love her for her,  not just give her some *** until he gets bored or he is papped enough that he doesn't need the exposure anymore. It's obvious she gets hella infatuated by the attention of a guy especially if he's too readily available for her.  :kyliecry: congrats on your lasting healthy marriage bby.:groovin:

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14 hours ago, Spearsfan said:

I see it and you see it but clearly Britney doesn't see red flags. 

To be fair a lot of ppl are naive. Thinking babies and forced marriages will fix men. 

Actions speak louder than words 

True. Unfortunately a lot of people don't see the red flags til it's too late. I think a lot of people assume that it'll be different this time around. The fairytale "happily ever after" is just too thick for a lot of people to shake. You go into it thinking that it's gonna be wonderful and then everything gets ****** up and it leaves a lot of wreckage in the path after you finally do see the red flags.

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7 hours ago, Justney said:

I see what you're saying but also when there's a lot of smoke there's usually a fire. People judged kfed correctly because of his many red flags but look what happened. I'm not saying we can prevent it but you don't have to blindly like someone just because Britney is dating him and seems happy. Her taste in men is as tragic as her skills in eye makeup. :nopingout:

I'm putting myself in her shoes. Maybe I'm just a cynical *****, that could bt it. I'd just be wary in general. Do you see me as a person? Do you see me as a winning lottery ticket or a slot machine? Doesn't matter if the lottery ticket or slot machine puts out $$$$ or fame from the association of being seen and dating a superstar. 

I apologize for talking this way. I would just hope Britney IS smart enough and wise enough to really pay attention to actions to decide if a person is genuine or a leech. Don't let the 'stars are in my eyes because I'm in love!!' blind you. 

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20 hours ago, Justney said:

 Omg girl u brought receipts. I feel a little better seeing  him actually conversing with her sons. Because it didn't seem like they did anything but ignore them when together. 

I get what you mean for sure. Kfed seemed like such a **** to her on chaotic. I've had this horrible feeling that none of the guys she's dated since Justin have truly loved her and (that's probably exactly why I still look back on their really old relationship like a weirdo). With Justin he knew her before the fame and they were always adamant about liking each other as kids. Charlie was a good contender for someone she really probably needs in her life-- stability, maturity, a good step father material,  someone who doesn't need her to boost his fame and ego.  I didn't feel like Charlie loved her but out of all these guys he seemed like the best choice. Sam is nothing but red flags just like kevin was and I'm worried he'll be extra damaging to her. 

Like I'm 10000000% sure he brought Britney to the game to celebrate her birthday since they were in that boat doing a birthday dinner before. As if he didn't know they'd get papped. She didn't seem like she wanted to be there much in some of the pics. I know its all speculation but it didn't seem like something Britney would just do on her own. Sam looked awfully comfy with the pap pics. He's obviously and painfully full of himself as it is. So idk but yeah I don't know how they are like alone and he may care about her and i hope for her sake its genuine because seeing what she went through with Justin and  Kevin  was pretty horrible.  Luckily she bounced back from the others but she seems hella infatuated with this Sam guy. 

I sure did lol I don't think he'd be dumb enough to ignore them bc they are her life, but yeah I felt that Jason and Charlie were more a kid person too. Or maybe bc Preston is now 12 and JJ is 11, they are harder to please and feel jealous of her. 

I "liked" Charlie and was rooting for them, but their breakup must have been nasty, bc she completely ignored his existence since then, it's so weird. She never did this before. I felt like he was kinda into her and they looked cute at the games, but the way Sam looks at her, it seems like he's more into her, at least for me. Maybe Britney impresses more Sam than Charlie, maybe he thinks she's so hot or they have smt in common, but although he seems narcissistic af, he actually seems to look at her in a cute way, like on the video she posted today. He seems proud and kfed seemed like he was just there like with a "I'm banging the hottest girl in the world" cocky attitude. 

I felt like Jason liked her and was great with the boys, but it seems like he was suffocating her and he seemed a bit freaky when he began to be her co-conservator. 

Of course all we can do is to write what we see, we don't know what happened between closed doors. 

I always felt JT was kinda cocky but although he used her when they broke up, she did say he came after her when she was beginning to promote bomt, so at the time he was bigger than her. I think he liked her but he acted so much as an immature ******** afterwards. I know he was hurt and young, but he continued with his petty and bipolar behavior for years. That says a lot about his character to me. I know she probably did smt bad, but I think what he did was ******. No excuse. Of course there is more bc they got back together at some point and she even went to his bay after cmar and the *** comments. 

And I always felt like she only liked douches. A lot of them bragged about her, famous or not. Kevin was the one who didn't say anything before the ndas, but maybe was bc he was smart and wanted the custody over some cash for the scoop of telling how was to be married with her. 

She went to games with Justin and Jason too, maybe she wanted to please him and the kids. I know he was living for the attention, but every boyfriend she has people think is a paid bf. Even Charlie for ffs sake. Charlie was born rich to famous parents. He knows other celebs and barely posted about Britney, even so people thought he only wanted attention. I bet she has some qualities, it's not like she can't be loved without her name, fame or fortune. And I know being under a cship must make things way harder for sure, but I also don't buy that kfed was her only real relationship. 

Of course we don't know how she truly feels, but like she said on FTR, it seems like JT and kfed were the worst breakups. I hope no man can hurt her like that anymore. I wanted a happy ending for her so bad, she so deserves, but now I don't feel like she is going to have a long term relationship with anyone that serious under a cship. I think she won't have more kids :(

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7 hours ago, brintyjoan said:

Maybe he is, who knows? Who cares about the age difference? He is hot, he seems sweet and i bet there are a lot of things she likes about him (his D). Its not like shes better than him

This is the first time I've commented on age. I think it's something else to be wary of. And I want to let it be known that I feel it could be reversed too. We could just as easily be talking about an older man with 2 kids. How do I word this next part? A person in their early 20s MIGHT want to live life more. Go out and play the field, party and **** of that nature.  It's two completely different ideals to me. 

I want to stay home and watch a movie with the kids versus I want to go out to a bar and go clubbing afterwards.

That's just the way I look at it.

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No. He may like her but it's sure he's with her for his interest too, just like Kfed. He's not the one.

Plus sorry it may be harsh but he will eventually get tired of her i mean he's in his 20s and she already looks 50, it's just obvious he will want to date younger and prettier women. Also i doubt they have the same state of mind, she's a mother of 2 kids, wants another baby, doesn't like clubbing anymore, as she said she's pretty boring. On the other side, he's in his 20s and probably wants to enjoy life, i doubt he's the kind of guy who already wants to be a father, get married, stay at home watching movies on a coach. 

They were on the set of Slumber Party, It's Britney ******* Spears, if she was intetested in him of course he wouldn't refuse, that was an opportunity and like i said yeah he may like her but it's not true love. Just the fact how he's acting with her, calling her My Lioness, his caption on instagram and all, the last video of Britney with them on a boat. His attitude is just like she's a trophy he won and he's bragging about it. This is not love, i dont see love in his eyes and the way he acts. Just a man who's bragging about it. 

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12 hours ago, glitterfalls said:

This is the first time I've commented on age. I think it's something else to be wary of. And I want to let it be known that I feel it could be reversed too. We could just as easily be talking about an older man with 2 kids. How do I word this next part? A person in their early 20s MIGHT want to live life more. Go out and play the field, party and **** of that nature.  It's two completely different ideals to me. 

I want to stay home and watch a movie with the kids versus I want to go out to a bar and go clubbing afterwards.

That's just the way I look at it.

I agreed before but yes the age gap isn't the problem its what age they are at. He is in his party/experimental age, while Britney is so very past that or has to be. 


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On 30/11/2017 at 5:31 PM, annonymous said:

Is this finally the guy she is gonna have more children with and gonna be with for the rest of her life? :ineedthetruth:

In the beginning I wasn't so sure about him but I actually kinda like them together, but I still have in the back of my mind that she might use her....

But they look nice together :forkit:

No, and I'm scared of her future

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