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Your Missheard Britney Lyrics

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Hello, fellow Exhalers. Today I'm in the mood for reading up on some missheard Britney lyrics. :brit: We've all had our flop moments and I remember thinking Stronger went "Now it's nothing but a mile away" and that Baby One More Time went "I shouldn't have let you go, and now you're right outside here / yeah". :nicki2: Which Britney lyrics have you ever completely butchered? Tell us. :gloss:

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NNNN is that not the lyric in Stronger? Because i thought that was it :orangu: 

I Wanna Go - 'shame on me, to need release, and control the plea' but the real lyric is 'shame on me, to need release, UNCONTROLLABLY' 

Hold On Tight - 'he makes me feel sweaty' but the real lyric is 'he makes me feel SO AT EASE'



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4 minutes ago, Isla. said:

NNNN is that not the lyric in Stronger

Hold On Tight - 'he makes me feel sweaty' but the real lyric is 'he makes me feel SO AT EASE'



"Now it's nothing but my way'' is the actual lyric, sis! :mhm:

And that Hold on Tite lyric can't be real! WTF??? A WHOLE NEW WORLD! I always thought it was "Sweaty". :letitburn:

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