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Preview Britney's Appearance On The Jonathan Ross Show

Jordan Miller

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1) I want them to make babies they're so cute

2) in the first picture she looks just like Jamie Lynn 

3) I love pictures of the profile of her face I love the bridge of her nose and the curve which sounds really weird but I work with glasses for a living  so I'm always paying attention to noses so let me be weird  Also important to note this is NOT a typical "nose comment" because I literally could not care less so don't start :) 

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11 hours ago, Steel_Magnolia said:

I honestly think she's ALWAYS been like this behind the scenes.

I don't understand when other fans think she's shy or some dainty little princess.

Britney is a goofy, obnoxious, burping, farting beautiful mess. The way we see her in most interviews is filtered because her PR guy is hovering over her in the background.

Behind the scenes yes she's a beautiful hilarious mess.... but she has publicly said she's shy in 1-to-1 scenarios (i.e. interviews, meet-and-greets, etc.), and that's obvious.  I can understand why... i get the same with certain people.   That's not a bad thing though, it may sound bad because people like to judge... but that's just her comfort level and personality.  

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7 hours ago, iZacaree said:

If you watch Chaotic, you can see how Britney was just NOT emotionally or mentally ready for marriage and children yet (she had her first son just one year after this). I mean, she was only 22 during Chaotic, and you can see how immature she is. It's not a bad thing... it's understandable because she missed out on a lot of her childhood. At that point, I think she was just DONE with being a star, and touring, and releasing albums. I think she just wanted to play and have fun and be free - to be normal, and she thought getting married to Kevin would be her ticket out. I think it was also about control - she had been controlled for so much of her adult life that she wanted to rebel and show the world, and especially her team and family, that she was going to do what she wanted to do and no one could control her anymore.

Eventually, she ended up self-destructing because what she thought was a "perfect life" with Kevin ended up being destroyed after just 2 years. I don't think she knew what to do after the divorce - so she literally lost it - a.k.a. the break-down. It wasn't just about her marriage ending, it was the fact that she wanted that to be her ticket to freedom, and it failed. She was totally lost and didn't know what to do with her life after that.

It's really quite tragic - she wanted to be free so badly, only to be locked into a never-ending conservator-ship where she is controlled and restricted by her father, Larry, lawyers, and her team.

I think Britney has just learned to accept her life the way it is now, but I don't think she's truly happy at all. I think she really just wishes she could be free and leave fame behind. But, on the other hand, because she has never been allowed to actually be an independent adult, I don't think she knows how to function without being "Britney Spears - the popstar". As she said in FTR, this is the only life she's ever known. She WANTS to be "normal" and free, but she doesn't know how to do it. Her life is so messed up. I wouldn't want to trade lives with her for a second. Imagine how horrible it must be to live under the kind of restrictions that she's under. I feel bad for complaining about her chart positions and albums sales now. All of that is just funding Britney's continuing imprisonment. I think this is absolutely abusive to her in every way. People should be allowed to live free, as they please - she is an adult living the life of a child.



:crying1::wontcry::crying2::crying11: Totally agree. Her interviews when she first came out she seemed so much more mature than say in Chaotic (not insulting her) it's like you said, she was so controlled and then she ended up rebelling at a later age instead of when most people do in their teens. I also think she does suffer some kind of mental illness and maybe that makes it easier for them to keep her in c-ship, even though MILLIONS of people suffer from them without needing to be in one. And yes also agree I don't think she's really happy, she's just accepted this is how things are. She tried and couldn't even hire her own lawyer, she's probably scared her boys will get taken off her or something. It makes me sick. I don't know how her Father can sleep at night letting this continue. It's also obvious, at least to me, she seems to live in some kind of isolated bubble cut off from reality, how is that helping her? Even Miley said it. So awful. If they cut this c-ship talk from the interview I don't even know what to say.

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2 hours ago, Amanda1822 said:

1) I want them to make babies they're so cute

2) in the first picture she looks just like Jamie Lynn 

3) I love pictures of the profile of her face I love the bridge of her nose and the curve which sounds really weird but I work with glasses for a living  so I'm always paying attention to noses so let me be weird  Also important to note this is NOT a typical "nose comment" because I literally could not care less so don't start :) 


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