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About puresin_rg

  • Birthday 12/14/1998

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    Pop culture,Gymming,Pop music.
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  1. I think Sam is also involved in the conservatorship.Thats why he lasted so long with her.
  2. This song version was uploaded on YouTube 7 years ago..The rapper on Spotify just reposted it for clout.
  3. It’s time for Britney army to wake the **** up...She clearly told that she LISTENS to her comments meaning she has no control over her Instagram..After telling her fav song is toxic she told that she actually doesn’t have any favourite song in the world..Which means some of her posts are forced...Trend #freebritney again...She’s literally asking for help... It’s time we need to wake the **** up And if this still doesn’t trigger you I really don’t know what else will..
  4. So recently..Say So remix went to #1 and Nicki minaj got her first #1 But if you ask me her previous songs deserved number 1 rather than say so remix Say so remix actually sounded like it was fan made..While Savage Remix had that potential to be #1 What do you guys think?
  5. This should have been the cover when she released the album..This matches the vibe of the album better
  6. This won’t go to #1.The original is far more better and is unique just because Doja Cat sings as well raps in the song...And plus remixes of popular songs don’t go #1
  7. Okay so we gonna ignore the fact that it might have been used some time to cover his thing down there 🤦🏻‍♂️✌🏼😇
  8. Now she’ll release the tracklist And after the album gets leaked she’ll release the album Gagaaa Needs To Hurry her album release 😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩
  9. Wait? Who confirms such things in public? 🤦🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️
  10. Someone needs to say this to Sam: Gurl please stop talking! 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️
  11. I’m not saying he’s way too gay or something..I’m just telling it all looks..Forced..Many times..Like he’s thinking he needs to act certain way since he’s gay..It doesn’t look natural at all.. it’s just my opinion btw..Thanks for the help!! :)))
  12. Okay it’s just my opinion..But I’ve been watching sam smith's Instagram for a while and in almost every post he wants to show up that he is way too gay....It’s good he’s expressing his sexuality but there’s a limit to it..He acts up way too much..And that too in almost every post and story..Like chill gurl. also how do y’all insert GIFs between the sentences while writing a review..Can anyone pls explain me as I’m new here 😬
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