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Britney shares a clip of 'The Ring' on Instagram: Does anybody remember this movie where they hold this little girl captive?

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28 minutes ago, Gypsy Woman said:

I just saw it pop up on my Instagram. Honestly, is anyone else bored and tired of her talking about being held captive?

Like, I get talking about it in an effort to push for change or do something about it, but this is so “teenager who’s mad at their parents and sits in their room for hours on end trying to get attention from her peers.” 

For someone who doesn’t want to be painted as a victim, she sure does remind everyone how much of one she is.

i think it’s a little deeper than that.. but sure if u say so

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Posted (edited)
22 minutes ago, Fita said:

It's back.



So in the movie the little girl says while held captive to the psychologist, "he's going to leave me here",  he asks "who", and she says "daddy, he wants me to go away"

Edited by Lola2790
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38 minutes ago, Gypsy Woman said:

I just saw it pop up on my Instagram. Honestly, is anyone else bored and tired of her talking about being held captive?

Like, I get talking about it in an effort to push for change or do something about it, but this is so “teenager who’s mad at their parents and sits in their room for hours on end trying to get attention from her peers.” 

For someone who doesn’t want to be painted as a victim, she sure does remind everyone how much of one she is.

How insensitive can one be….

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49 minutes ago, Gypsy Woman said:

I just saw it pop up on my Instagram. Honestly, is anyone else bored and tired of her talking about being held captive?

Like, I get talking about it in an effort to push for change or do something about it, but this is so “teenager who’s mad at their parents and sits in their room for hours on end trying to get attention from her peers.” 

For someone who doesn’t want to be painted as a victim, she sure does remind everyone how much of one she is.

I’m not even going to entertain this foolishness…on a Britney forum :nydisgust_miss_new_york_tiffany_gross_pollard_ew: But what I will say is, you’re clearly in the wrong place. I see you’re a Hilary stan. Maybe you should go find one of her forums instead. Also, you’re not forced to follow her Instagram. She won’t miss ya. :cheese_Britney_awkward_cringe_eek:

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It reminds me of the one from some weeks ago when she put the image 'if she doesn't scare you a little she's not the one for you' something like that. She can be kinda militant. 🇺🇲

Love you Britney! ❤️😃🙃🤛🏼👍🏾

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52 minutes ago, Gypsy Woman said:

I just saw it pop up on my Instagram. Honestly, is anyone else bored and tired of her talking about being held captive?

Like, I get talking about it in an effort to push for change or do something about it, but this is so “teenager who’s mad at their parents and sits in their room for hours on end trying to get attention from her peers.” 

For someone who doesn’t want to be painted as a victim, she sure does remind everyone how much of one she is.

While I understand that hearing about her conservatorship experiences may feel repetitive, I believe it's essential to acknowledge the magnitude of her trauma. Speaking about traumatic events is a crucial part of the healing process and can help raise awareness about systemic issues, such as conservatorship abuse (in Britney’s case). 

Trauma affects everyone differently, and it is normal for people to talk about their experiences in their own time and manner. In Britney's case, her conservatorship was a life-altering event that lasted for over a decade, controlling many aspects of her personal and professional life. It's understandable that she may want to share her story and shed light on a problem that impacts many others in similar situations. Although her posts may seem like a call for attention, they can also be seen as a way for her to reclaim her voice and advocate for change, imo at least.

I agree that it's important not to perpetuate a victim narrative, but speaking out about trauma doesn't automatically label someone as a victim. Instead, it can show strength and resilience and I think you should approach these kind of posts with empathy and understanding, if you can’t find it in you to be empathetic then maybe unfollow her.

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1 hour ago, Gypsy Woman said:

I just saw it pop up on my Instagram. Honestly, is anyone else bored and tired of her talking about being held captive?

Like, I get talking about it in an effort to push for change or do something about it, but this is so “teenager who’s mad at their parents and sits in their room for hours on end trying to get attention from her peers.” 

For someone who doesn’t want to be painted as a victim, she sure does remind everyone how much of one she is.

Theres a new documentary on Netflix about people that fell into a religious cult. One of the ex members says something pretty profound about life actually being worse when you leave a situation where you are told what to do and when to do it every Day for years. The psychological damage that’s done is almost delayed. You have to relearn how to think for yourself and function in society. That poor woman was very vocal about being suicidal.

 Take the conservatorship out of it, the last couple years have been the first time in 25 years where she hasn’t had handlers guiding her every move and handling all her affairs. Besides 2006-2007. 

idk about you but I’d rather read angry resentful rants about how she was treated unfairly, date “bad seeds” and act bizarrely than have her be in a place where she wanted to die. 

the problem with all of this is that literally no one has ever been in this situation before so no one can say “I truly understand”.  To be in a conservatorship, while working, earning hundreds of millions of dollars, under the scrutiny of the public is a combination no one has experienced. Shes on an island of her own. And she needs to figure it out on her own. 


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Ring is a scary movie. The way she "threatens" saying stay cozy there is nothing to worry is borderline not funny. Does she even understands the movie is about killing  people.

Britney does really make it harder and harder for herselv

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1 hour ago, Emil87 said:

Clearly, you’ve never been through an actual struggle to have such a frivolous response to it.


Actually my response comes from having been through struggles and actually taking the steps to work through them and not let them define me.

No, I was not in a conservatorship, but trauma is trauma and no, I have no sympathy for someone who decides to perpetuate a victim mentality while not doing anything productive with their platform. The idea that so many idolize her for being so "strong" is hilarious to me because she shows anything but strength. If Britney is the level of inspiration that some of you get off on, it really shows how shallow and out of touch with the real world you are. There's a reason the general public doesn't even care about her situation anymore.

"So why are you here..." is probably the question most will follow up with and the answer is simple: I love her music and her celebrity life is entertaining to me - but it's not any deeper than that. So you may not like my opinion (just like you have yours) but as Britney herself once said, "that's America for you..."


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1 hour ago, Red Wine Supernova said:

It’s just a different vibe.

The American version is just too blockbuster-ish to be scary for me. 

The japanese version is the version I saw. This other one is just too much. 

The Omen (2006) is one of my favs, I’ve seen at the cinema back then and just discovered the first one is from the 70s, I want to see this one.

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