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Britney Spotted Leaving The Chateau Marmont After "Emergency Incident"

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Posted (edited)

This is so sad to watch. She is the only person who can save herself. In 2007 she stated she was lonely and this is so similar. Not seeing her kids is killing her so I understand the pain runs deep but this is not going to help repair relationships. I can only hope and pray this guy leaves her life.

Edited by hotasice2007
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The people wishing to put Britney under a conservatorship again, are so vile. And not she was not ok under the old one, she was heavily medicated, enslaved to worked and threated to not see her kids if she didn´t comply, whoever thinks this is ok, are worst than Jamie.

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1 minute ago, Estrella said:

The people wishing to put Britney under a conservatorship again, are so vile. And not she was not ok under the old one, she was heavily medicated, enslaved to worked and threated to not see her kids if she didn´t comply, whoever thinks this is ok, are worst than Jamie.

I don’t think she needed a full conservatorship of person and finances and she should’ve known she had a right to her own attorney. The conservatorship perhaps should’ve been temporary and even the critics of it on the family side think it went on for too long. But she definitely needs some assistance. She looked more stable and together during the conservatorship. She was actually able to perform, see her kids, have stable romantic relationships and still work. I don’t think people realize that medicine, when it works, can be a miracle for people with mental health issues when they work. She certainly shouldn’t be without some guidance or support (most normal and healthy people need this).

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Tbf, I think she’s right. TMZ has been trying to drag her the last few days, I can see them planting a body double to scream in the hallway just for clicks. They love $$$ and drama and hate Britney. Maybe they planted a double to do all that and they took pictures but Britney made her post BEFORE TMZ “broke the news” so they didn’t use the pictures as it would now be obvious.

They also said her leg was injured and she was “out of control” but she was pictured walking, both legs perfectly fine, the police said there was no evidence of violence, AND the paramedics cleared her mental health hence they all left her alone.

The hotel also has not made a statement or filed a complaint (their staff was supposedly assaulted) except for a “source” that told ONLY TMZ this news. Britney could have been crying cause of her ankle and/or because she is TRAUMATIZED by scenes like this.

So if the hotel isn’t saying anything, the cops aren’t lying, the paramedics aren’t lying, we assume Britney is not lying, and her legs aren’t lying…

Maybe TMZ is the liar 🤷🏽‍♂️ 

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3 minutes ago, ChaosMoogle said:

Tbf, I think she’s right. TMZ has been trying to drag her the last few days, I can see them planting a body double to scream in the hallway just for clicks. They love $$$ and drama and hate Britney. Maybe they planted a double to do all that and they took pictures but Britney made her post BEFORE TMZ “broke the news” so they didn’t use the pictures as it would now be obvious.

They also said her leg was injured and she was “out of control” but she was pictured walking, both legs perfectly fine, the police said there was no evidence of violence, AND the paramedics cleared her mental health hence they all left her alone.

The hotel also has not made a statement or filed a complaint (their staff was supposedly assaulted) except for a “source” that told ONLY TMZ this news. Britney could have been crying cause of her ankle and/or because she is TRAUMATIZED by scenes like this.

So if the hotel isn’t saying anything, the cops aren’t lying, the paramedics aren’t lying, we assume Britney is not lying, and her legs aren’t lying…

Maybe TMZ is the liar 🤷🏽‍♂️ 

!! Good point. I didn't know know she made a post before this came out, as if she knew it was coming out... 

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9 minutes ago, ChaosMoogle said:

Tbf, I think she’s right. TMZ has been trying to drag her the last few days, I can see them planting a body double to scream in the hallway just for clicks. They love $$$ and drama and hate Britney. Maybe they planted a double to do all that and they took pictures but Britney made her post BEFORE TMZ “broke the news” so they didn’t use the pictures as it would now be obvious.

They also said her leg was injured and she was “out of control” but she was pictured walking, both legs perfectly fine, the police said there was no evidence of violence, AND the paramedics cleared her mental health hence they all left her alone.

The hotel also has not made a statement or filed a complaint (their staff was supposedly assaulted) except for a “source” that told ONLY TMZ this news. Britney could have been crying cause of her ankle and/or because she is TRAUMATIZED by scenes like this.

So if the hotel isn’t saying anything, the cops aren’t lying, the paramedics aren’t lying, we assume Britney is not lying, and her legs aren’t lying…

Maybe TMZ is the liar 🤷🏽‍♂️ 

 specially because the ambulance arrived because of a 911 call, that anybody could have done outside of the hotel . In one of the reports they mentioned that the woman screaming looked similar to Britney´s description ,but they didn´t say that it was actually her ,the wording was weird but it makes sense now with your theory....

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5 hours ago, Naes614 said:

Don’t come at me for this but the only people who could ever get through to her are her children. If that was my mom I would be there in a second to get her help..Britney won’t listen to anyone else 

Her sons already tried to tell her to get help. She got mad at them and posted her anger all over social media.

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13 minutes ago, Estrella said:

 specially because the ambulance arrived because of a 911 call, that anybody could have done outside of the hotel . In one of the reports they mentioned that the woman screaming looked similar to Britney´s description ,but they didn´t say that it was actually her ,the wording was weird but it makes sense now with your theory....

And TMZ's already changed the wording on their site again about what happened

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Posted (edited)

Fans in this thread now saying they hired a body double to scream in the hall way. Some of you are worse than TMZ 💀  the conspiracy from some of you just to make yourself feel better so Britney doesn’t take any responsibility 😂 any excuses for the ex felon she’s dating or you gonna say they are just strictly friends? it’s hilarious reading. 

Edited by Blackout Britney
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