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I Will Always Hate Her Family For What They Did To Her, But The Book Really Did Make Me Feel Bad For All Four Of Them

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The problem is they were small town folks with built-in trauma and had no emotional intelligence.Β 

People are the way they are for a reason and should be met with grace, yes, but people should not be excused for their bad behavior because trauma -- while it is sympathetic -- has expiration. For example, if you had a bad experience about something, you are entitled to feel the way you feel, but you can't use it as an emotional crutch and use it as an excuse, especially as a cop-out.Β 

Her parents knew what they were doing to her and wanted to be taken care of financially at the exploitation of Britney as a person and Britney the cash cow.

They had her imprisoned.

Jamie-Lynne was too young enough to know but was old enough to know better. JL probably loved having power over her more talented and beautiful older sister because she may have felt like the "star" of the family. The "good" one. JL is trash.

Bryan was getting a lot of money from Jamie and didn't care. Bryan is also misogynistic based on the radio show interviewer he gave, saying the Spears women were "difficult."

Do they deserve sympathy for their upbringing? Sure. Do they deserve sympathy for keeping their daughter prisoner and not being able to live the life she wanted? Absolutely not.

Edited by HisNameisChase
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Their background explains some of their personality traits while Britney was growing up and why the family dynamic was the way it was. I’m going to go as far as to say that regardless of their traumatic upbringing, nothing impacted them more than their daughters success. To rationalize, support and get off on her enslavement is next level. Nothing justifies that. That is pure greed and an addiction to power and control. I don’t feel an ounce of sympathy for them. When this happened they were all old enough to understand the difference. They stopped viewing their daughter/sister as a human being and only as a commodity.

What Wendy said…

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On 10/30/2023 at 11:24 AM, humstarr said:

U cant blame parents for ur mistakes as an adult. At some point u have to take responsibility for your actions. They r all guilty as charged. No excuses. Prison is what they need.

Britney should never speak to them or give them any money again.Β 


I didn't have the best upbringing or childhood yet I didn't let it turn me to a bitter and awful person,Β 

although I easily could have.


As you get older, you reach a point where you decide what to do with your future and life and not let your past or upbringing dictate it for you.

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Hey, so. I feel bad for them. I feel bad for Jamie Lynn. I wish Lynne would still be bonding with Britney and vice versa seeing how close they were and how Britney was constantly expressing her love for her mother... Also because Britney always showed love for JL and I've seen JL saying it too. I believe there is love in those relationships. And like I saw somebody say maybe they've let the money (and power) speak louder than their deepest love for Britney just for who she is and as their relative.

It's a sad situation. And I'm not ignoring what they did to Britney. Humans are really complex... Britney probably misses them as they perhaps miss her too. It's family, man...Β Harsh.Β I also know that not just because someone is "same blood" as you that he/she has to accept some things.Β 

About what you said. Yeah, I believe it's a broken situation. It's like lack of love was passed on to generation and generation. Maybe if there was more love and compassion (and less control from men to a woman) along the genealogical tree things would be different or easier.Β I hope someday they come along together. But with no other intentions behind.Β 

Oh, and I don't agree with all the bullying people out here do to JL, especially. I imagine Britney wouldn't agree with it. One thing is you talking/shading about you sister, now another thing is someone else doing it.

Edited by Fita
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On 10/31/2023 at 2:18 AM, Itscuzim31 said:

Their background explains some of their personality traits while Britney was growing up and why the family dynamic was the way it was. I’m going to go as far as to say that regardless of their traumatic upbringing, nothing impacted them more than their daughters success. To rationalize, support and get off on her enslavement is next level. Nothing justifies that. That is pure greed and an addiction to power and control. I don’t feel an ounce of sympathy for them. When this happened they were all old enough to understand the difference. They stopped viewing their daughter/sister as a human being and only as a commodity.

What Wendy said…

I agree it has to do with power, control, greed.Β They might have let it speak louder or scream louder than their love and affection for Britney, I suppose.

Money can really shakes a human brain. But I guess it's not something unmanageable. But it can change family and relationshipsΒ dynamics, for what it appears to me. The lack of it and its abundance too.

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