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Where is Normani?


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9 hours ago, work said:

I bet Beyonce's claws are behind this. Both are technically in the same label (Sony Music owns both her labels) and considering how evil and powerful Beyonce is, I'm sure she is boycotting her behind the scenes, delaying her album until no one cares anymore. Which is exactly what happens now.

She should have released it right after the group disolved. Now it's too late.


I realllllyyyy don't think so. Normani is NOWHERE NEAR talented as Beyonce. And I'm sure Beyonce doesn't even know who Normani is. Just like most of the GP

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7 hours ago, Kiss my said:

Was her iron ever hot?


Genuine question. I always thought she was producing sparks but no fire 🔥 

It seemed like she did have some success in Aug-Sep 2019,

she was doing a lot of performances including the VMAs and her Motivation song seemed like it was doing well on the charts.

I wouldn't say she had a big successful debut but it seemed like she some moderate success for a while.

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24 minutes ago, princessmimi said:

It seemed like she did have some success in Aug-Sep 2019,

she was doing a lot of performances including the VMAs and her Motivation song seemed like it was doing well on the charts.

I wouldn't say she had a big successful debut but it seemed like she some moderate success for a while.

I assume record labels don't just use Chart positioning to determine whether to put someone's music out. I think there's a whole algorithm that goes into it including social media.  I personally do not find her that likable. There is something annoying about her. I can't quite put my finger on it but there is just something off about her like she's trying to hard or she thinks she's better than she actually is. That turns me off. 

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15 minutes ago, AII said:

I assume record labels don't just use Chart positioning to determine whether to put someone's music out. I think there's a whole algorithm that goes into it including social media.  I personally do not find her that likable. There is something annoying about her. I can't quite put my finger on it but there is just something off about her like she's trying to hard or she thinks she's better than she actually is. That turns me off. 

Oh wow idk that.

I don't know much about her tbh, I just know some of her performance from when she was in Fifth Harmony and in 2019.

I didn't think Motivation was great but I did like the video.

She definitely kinda reminded me of a younger Beyonce but obviously Beyonce is better.


I can see why Camilla became the breakout star cause even though I cant stand her nasally singing voice,

she had the most charismatic personality and performance skills out of all the girls in the group.

Plus her debut single, Havana, was a bop!

Literally flawless.

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20 hours ago, princessmimi said:

Its been 4 years since her debut single yet still no debut album.

I doubt that at this point she ever will release an album and if she does,

it will probably flop cause she didn't strike while the iron is hot.

You gotta be quick in the music industry otherwise your opportunity will pass you by and you can't get it back. 

I have some faith in her still being relevant coming with an album. She has that X factor but her record label couldn't get it right. Couple years left though .


She also had personal issues with her parents being diagnosed with cancer I think? Back to back.

Edited by Barmy86
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A lot of her demos are online and honestly there’s some bobs but nothing spectacular. I think she struggles to find her sound and she doesn’t really have a special voice that makes it unique. Her visuals and performing is good though. She should have released an album after Wild Side dropped. 

Edited by Louis-j
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1 hour ago, Barmy86 said:

I have some faith in her still being relevant coming with an album. She has that X factor but her record label couldn't get it right. Couple years left though .


She also had personal issues with her parents being diagnosed with cancer I think? Back to back.

Oh wow really?

That is sad.

Idk that.

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23 hours ago, AII said:

Lately I have been in deep thought, pondering: where is Normani
I lay on my bed each night, when I am at my desk at work, when I am walking to the bus stop: Where is Normani?

Wasnt she "coming soon" ???


Maybe she will drop a comment and let us know here

With the solo music she released thus far she should be one of the biggest artist of this time! Her label has really fkd w her potential! ! It’s sad cause she really has the whole package!

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On 9/25/2023 at 2:55 PM, AII said:

Lately I have been in deep thought, pondering: where is Normani
I lay on my bed each night, when I am at my desk at work, when I am walking to the bus stop: Where is Normani?

Wasnt she "coming soon" ???


Maybe she will drop a comment and let us know here

I was just on the train home from work and I caught myself once again asking... "Where is she".  Where is Normani 😔😔

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