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Britney calls out people who says HI to her


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3 minutes ago, LizeS_ said:

I was watching her interviews from 2001/02 and she was always so smart, centered, respectful. I really can't believe how things changed :( 

It is sad.

I actually watched several video compilations from interviews throughout her career the other day and as I saw them from each era, I can tell that the spark and light in her was going out little by little.

I really thought she had it all but I guess not.

The song Lucky is truly about her, SHE IS LUCKY :crying4_britney_crying_stages_tears_sad:

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Of all the problematic things she wrote over the years... this one didn't bother me that much lol

It's hard to understand Britney  "stories", sometimes she is more direct... but most of times it doesn't make any sense, like right now.

The personal attacks (Selena, the Jack employee, xtina dancers) are much worse.

Clearly she is not ok and needs help. We all know that by now. 

Not healing, unlike her team wants us to believe. I only see sadness and anger when I watch her videos and read her captions.

Edited by Dark Willow
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7 hours ago, CharmingMadness said:

Baby girl, I love you and I know you’ve been through a lot, but… like… it’s how people live in normal life too:slayde_meme_red_glam_neyde_neydeney_britney:

some people disturb you on the streets or something, we also cross the street when we see a former classmate or stuff like that lol

you basically got in trouble reaching out to that basketball player and was mad and now people can’t say a nice thing to you cause they’re not “spoken to?”

sorry, it’s been too much in this post so I’ve vented :cheese_Britney_awkward_cringe_eek:

Seriously she needs to stop taking out her anger on everyone! It's not everyone's fault this happened! Enjoy life more not in the past!

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12 minutes ago, mhally said:

I’ll be honest, the behavior Britney has been displaying recently - and frankly, for a while now - is a bit off-putting to me. I admire her artistry, but her public persona is rough, and tough to understand and appreciate right now. At least to me. And that’s alright, but I’m a bit on the fence where this leaves me as a fan of hers. I’m a fan of Britney the artist, but Britney the person? At least right now, I’m not so sure. 


Ever since she’s been free,

I’ve been feeling very conflicted when it comes to her because I have SO many amazing memories of being her fan since childhood and I even named my cat after her

but at the same time,

I feel like if I met her, she’d tear me apart and make me cry.

She is just not that sweet girl that we used to love back in the day and it kills me. :crying3_britney_sobbing_tears_sad:

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9 hours ago, Baronesse said:

Why keep posting on social media then? :lostney_britney_what_confused_huh_who_looking_around_glory:

honestly she should, she is slowly destroying her heritage with all these disturbing and indescribable posts and the image of the "incredible popstar Britney" is disappearing little by little and giving way to "the old popstar who makes weird posts on Instagram" at least to the gp :crying2_britney_crying_tears_2003_diane_sobbing_sad:

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You guys before this post crusified her for ALLEGEDLY dating a criminal m*** dealer, being sure she is an addict too and now that Britney is talking back she is the b itch?

Like it or not, when the book comes out you will run and read it in one day and you will come back here saying this the best book ever and Britney has all the reasons to act the way she is acting.

Because like it or not, she has ALL the reasons to act in any way she likes.

When a court, a health system, your family, the media take all your rights away and on top of that sends you to a facility because you said no to a dance move then yes you have zero reasons to be nice to anyone. I am sorry that you are offended but I really don't understand why you are so surprised:sippinga_gaga_hotel_ahs_drinking_sipping_wine_spill_tea:

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