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Candace Owens Discusses Gov Wanting to put Lithium in Water & Talks Britney's IG Being a Result of Long-Term Lithium Use

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1 hour ago, Rojo said:

I deeply believe Britney was OK before the c-ship and they literally broke her mental for money and control.


britney needed help for her postpartum depression. which i don't believe she EVER received, even after the con was established.

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I mean we don’t know anything at all about Britney’s medical conditions. The CON handlers obviously ****ed her up with all the medication and bull**** they pumped in her. Anything that is going on with Britney is a direct result of what everyone did to her. If they had only came in during 2007 and actually helped her and be there for her instead of taking over her life, maybe things would be different. It’s not fair to her at all.

Edited by alleyesonme393
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2 hours ago, Ehju0901 said:

Candace is the modern-day version of Perez Hilton with a political flair IMO.  I refuse to give her any clicks.

To her credit, she has some great points (not just on this video but in other posts), but yah she can be a bit much.

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You can hate candace all you want bc she voted differently than you but she said nothing in this video that was mocking Britney. I think this video actually is the best take on Britney that I’ve seen. You can be a fan and also say “something is off with Britney” and it’s the fact that she was heavily medicated for years and this is what changed her.  I LOVE Britney but what she post is weird and that’s ok bc everything that happened to her is a direct result of a corrupt government and big pharma 

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I really don’t know much about this woman and what I have heard isn’t very good, but in this video she comes off pretty well spoken and informed. I do think she’s armchair diagnosing Britney, even though Britney herself has spoke about how they put her on lithium. But we don’t know how long she was on it for, or how it has affected her, and neither does Candace. 

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I think the discussion should focus on rights for those suffering from a mental illness. Forcing someone to take medication against their will is pretty severe. Each circumstance is different but even manipulating her into saying you can't see your kids unless you take your meds is also quite traumatizing. Maybe her team though medication was the only way to help but shouldn't someone have a choice over the type of medication they take?

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1 hour ago, Itsme said:

You can hate candace all you want bc she voted differently than you but she said nothing in this video that was mocking Britney. I think this video actually is the best take on Britney that I’ve seen. You can be a fan and also say “something is off with Britney” and it’s the fact that she was heavily medicated for years and this is what changed her.  I LOVE Britney but what she post is weird and that’s ok bc everything that happened to her is a direct result of a corrupt government and big pharma 

Just cus it’s weird or off to you doesn’t mean everyone sees it that way. That’s just your opinion. 

also I don’t think we dislike this woman because of who she voted for but more of that fact that she is a disrespectful, mean spirited excuse for a human. 😉

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I have no ideia who this woman is but I have an experience with lithium. I took for 4 months cause of my borderline disorder. Although it did help with my nerves, my anxiety, my emotional imbalance and my suicidal thoughts, the side effects was just too much for me.

I had trouble to think, to put a sentence together, I couldn’t understand what I read, my thought process was extremely slow which made hard to hold on a conversation, I got a little stuttering, I had problems with coordination, my hands was trembling all the time and I kinda lost the will to do anything. I just exist, like a vegetable!

I worked in my medications with my psychiatrist, trying to find balance, and we actually did. Today I’m off any meds. That’s is why is so important that the patient has a voice in those treatments, you have to find the best way to handle your mental health with the minimum of disturbance in your life. That’s what TeamCon took out of Britney.

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I have said It from the start, they needed grounds to keep her in the CShip, given there were no grounds for her to actually be in it from the start. 

And how would they achieve that? Lithium and meds. 

I truly believe they have damaged Britney beyond repair, and this is the reason for her behaviour and rambling posts. 

She is not "spiralling" she was probably like this before, we just weren't seeing it due to the CShip. 

Why do u think she was put on lithium for not cooperating in the domination rehearsals.... 

The doctor and judge who allowed her to first be put into the CShip have a lot to answer for and should be investigated, that was the catalyst team con needed and they were given it so easily. 

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