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What information would be bad for Britney if it got out there ?

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Not sure how you’re gonna know this information that is supposedly causing her so much pain and not sharing it with the legions of people who helped get her out of her conservatorship so we can…you know…be the badass fanbase that we are and help her again…but seems to be a lot of clout chasing by these “supposed” insiders.  What could have happened to her that allowed old Elton to take advantage of her that’s SO bad it could destroy her if it got out?  Literally makes ZERO sense.  If it would ruin her…then that would mean it’s something she’s done that’s nefarious and potentially she’s hurt someone else…but that doesn’t allow another artist to take advantage of you?  Soooo….what is it?  They need to get the stick out of their arses.  Do they really think if it’s something like an addiction issue, we would really turn on her?  Get real.  Even the public, as much as they love to hate her, they ultimately are always on her side and wanting to see her thrive - Circus and FreeBritney eras are proof of this.

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On 12/18/2022 at 10:20 PM, Daniela.tomasseli said:

Probably her mental health official diagnosis. That’s the only thing that would make sense

I don't think knowing that she has "Schizophrenia" as Team Co and Jamie Lynn tried to say back then, would make fans angry, I mean it's a disease, it's not something she chose to have, why would fans be angry about that?

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I said this before but I saw on twitter that apparently Perez liked a comment from someone who said that Britney got drunk daily, went up after drunk and that she had stopped taking her meds and when Sam or someone asked her to stop drinking or posting content she said she would kill herself...

But this doesn't surprise me since Perez has had an obsession with Britney and suicide since 2007, when he did polls asking what month Britney would commit suicide.

Perez is a bad person, regardless of his role in the media, he is someone who has hurt many people and has no scruples, he is capable of saying anything and I hope that the fans take that into consideration when they give him views on his content.

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Just try to wait until some official information is released. As much as I am on the "FreeBritney started as a conspiracy theory too" side, we had SEVERAL proof that things were completely wrong, not only what we could see through instagram and Perez Hilton's word which I'll never believe. 


Until something real comes out, I'm not believing anything and I'm NOT feeding this narrative. Think how britney would feel if she knew all of this is going on, she never finds peace. Stop making assumptioms about her health, her children, her behaviour, her personal life etc. She's a human, would you like people judging everything you've said or done? People assuming your condition in terms of health? No. 

Stop this madness. The truth eventually comes out, if her ******* family wants to throw dirt on her reputation Rosengart will do something and britney knows how to defend herself, her speeches are much better than her captions so if needed, she'll speak. Meanwhile don't buy anything from these peoplle and stop assuming things you have no idea about or control over. 

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On 12/18/2022 at 8:20 PM, Daniela.tomasseli said:

Probably her mental health official diagnosis. That’s the only thing that would make sense

She might not personally want that to be public knowledge, but I don’t think it would hurt her image.

Tons of people speak publicly about mental health now. If anything, I think she would get support with that. 

The only thing that would actually be damaging to her in terms of public opinion ( that I can think of) would be something with her boys


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Anyone who thinks she’s perfectly okay is delusional. She is showing us everyday that she is not. I hope she’s getting the help she needs but it’s clear that something is wrong. Nothing wrong with that but her behavior is not normal, and she deserves proper treatment and everyone pretending she’s okay and that the conservatorship was just a way to medicate her against her will is delusional. Maybe her father had bad intentions but pre conservatorship she wasn’t okay and we’re seeing it play out in front of us again. The problem is we as a fan base refuse to believe she isn’t well and that somewhere deep down is the Britney Spears from 2002. Well that was 20 years ago and that girl is gone and needs more help than ever. Yes it’s okay she has mental health issues but the problem is she’s STILL not getting proper treatment. 

idk what’s really going on but her behavior by any means is not normal and she needs help before she releases any book or posts anymore IG posts. If you aren’t behind that, you are delusional.


wish nothing for the best from her but I hope that starts with proper treatment. 

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He’s trying to act like a good guy by not saying ‘anything’ yet he is fuelling the flames and encouraging s h j t like this…


Maybe she abused her kids 

And whilst I do believe she is receiving from trauma (she said so herself) I don’t believe the narrative that’s being put out.

But it’s sad the media wants to try and destroy  her again. I thought we were past this.


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1 hour ago, Richie said:

Just try to wait until some official information is released. As much as I am on the "FreeBritney started as a conspiracy theory too" side, we had SEVERAL proof that things were completely wrong, not only what we could see through instagram and Perez Hilton's word which I'll never believe. 


Until something real comes out, I'm not believing anything and I'm NOT feeding this narrative. Think how britney would feel if she knew all of this is going on, she never finds peace. Stop making assumptioms about her health, her children, her behaviour, her personal life etc. She's a human, would you like people judging everything you've said or done? People assuming your condition in terms of health? No. 

Stop this madness. The truth eventually comes out, if her ******* family wants to throw dirt on her reputation Rosengart will do something and britney knows how to defend herself, her speeches are much better than her captions so if needed, she'll speak. Meanwhile don't buy anything from these peoplle and stop assuming things you have no idea about or control over. 

Omg yes! This x a million. So perfectly said and sums up my take on it.  It's insane what people are pulling out their hates and speaking to as if it's facts 

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9 hours ago, IRunAway said:

I have a theory but I’d feel bad writing about exactly what it is, which is why Ithink it might be close to what the issue could be.  It would warrant people looking at her differently, it would be “bad” for her to have people know because of her kids, it would urge me to want to do drastic things like out a monitoring device in my daughter’s bedroom... even if I wouldn’t do it, the thought would cross my mind... and it would also make sense as to why Perez wants her to know that she is beloved and he hopes for love and healing to her.



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