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Britney responds to Jack In The Box employee giving her pity: **** you stupid man at Jack in The Box. You don’t know me … you’re not my blood so go **** yourself


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3 minutes ago, charlenerose said:

Step one: Stop infantilizing Britney. 

Step two ‘cause you missed step one: no one is infantilizing Britney Spears. I’d rather take this raw Britney than the brand her abusers tried to maintain for  their own cash grab. Outside world is a cruel world, you might need to step outside and deal with people… just like Britney.spacer.png

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11 minutes ago, charlenerose said:

She went from being the world’s most beloved celebrity to Hollywood’s biggest mean girl in only the span of a year. Even her die-hard fans are finding it hard to openly support her these days. It’s actually insane how the tables turned in such a short amount of time. 

I can see Britney become the new Azelia Banks on internet lolAnimated GIF

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I'm pretty sure it was like... Britney has a moment of sadness esp since her bday just past(obviously, she's still very much fresh to healing also i too get pretty emotional on my birthday) and she cried in her car, went for a drive and was like 'I need a pick me up'. Went to jack in the box (which she said she's never had before but there's photos of her w/ her old dancer in 06' getting jack in the box; maybe she didn't get food but she was drinking a soda or something) and obviously saw she had been crying & I'm pretty sure he knew who it was and since everything about her is so publicized he made that "Everything is gonna be okay" and to her its like "I don't know you and you know OF me and the headlines you read you don't know ME, you don't know ****, sir. You may think you know me but you really don't" Im sure she was just triggered in a way. Should she have cursed him out? no lol but the curse out is just a reaction to trauma and other experiences from ppl thinking they know her and assuming saying anything "nice" to "help". 

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3 minutes ago, HairFlipQueen said:

How on earth is anyone gaslighting her? People are simply responding to her own words that she’s publicly written, and forming an opinion on those words. And I personally don’t give a crap what “artsy” posts she does, it’s her account she can post what she wants, but if she’s going to insult a man in a very nasty way for something he did from a GOOD place, then I will comment on it. And so will others. I don’t feel what she said is defendable, and I find it hard to believe that others are actively PRAISING her for it.

Let me ask you, and anyone else who is on Britney’s side here. If she wrote a story on her caption about how she saw a man looking upset, and she told him things will be ok, but he then publicly responded with the exact words she’s used in her caption - would you be defending the man? Would you be saying “We’ll she shouldn’t be pitying him, and he has a right to express himself”? Or would you say he’s being vile about a kind woman who cared about his well-being? Would love to hear honest answers. 

Exactly. Honestly, I've been where Britney is, I understand her misplaced anger, I still support her 100%, but that doesn't mean lashing out at random people who were just trying to be nice is ok. 

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5 minutes ago, Mr. AmericanDream said:

I'm pretty sure it was like... Britney has a moment of sadness esp since her bday just past(obviously, she's still very much fresh to healing also i too get pretty emotional on my birthday) and she cried in her car, went for a drive and was like 'I need a pick me up'. Went to jack in the box (which she said she's never had before but there's photos of her w/ her old dancer in 06' getting jack in the box; maybe she didn't get food but she was drinking a soda or something) and obviously saw she had been crying & I'm pretty sure he knew who it was and since everything about her is so publicized he made that "Everything is gonna be okay" and to her its like "I don't know you and you know OF me and the headlines you read you don't know ME, you don't know ****, sir. You may think you know me but you really don't" Im sure she was just triggered in a way. Should she have cursed him out? no lol but the curse out is just a reaction to trauma and other experiences from ppl thinking they know her and assuming saying anything "nice" to "help". 

This, she may have taken the help the wrong way and just assumed the employee had it out for her. Either way it must be hard because I just feel like people will always give her $h!t for being Britney.

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5 minutes ago, HairFlipQueen said:

How on earth is anyone gaslighting her? People are simply responding to her own words that she’s publicly written, and forming an opinion on those words. And I personally don’t give a crap what “artsy” posts she does, it’s her account she can post what she wants, but if she’s going to insult a man in a very nasty way for something he did from a GOOD place, then I will comment on it. And so will others. I don’t feel what she said is defendable, and I find it hard to believe that others are actively PRAISING her for it.

Let me ask you, and anyone else who is on Britney’s side here. If she wrote a story on her caption about how she saw a man looking upset, and she told him things will be ok, but he then publicly responded with the exact words she’s used in her caption - would you be defending the man? Would you be saying “We’ll she shouldn’t be pitying him, and he has a right to express himself”? Or would you say he’s being vile about a kind woman who cared about his well-being? Would love to hear honest answers. 

Clearly people are gaslighting Britney Spears for being unfiltered towards somebody who pitied her when she stated numerous times she does not need your pity. Honestly I’m not sitting here answering your questions based off assumptions because that’s not the purpose of this conversation. It’s one thing to disagree with her and another thing to insinuating how she should behave. Too much hair flipping, might get you dizzy… just saying.spacer.png

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Keeen, I lobe yur vravery. Like, if any person dares show any empatie go nd blast tat bish, cause babi novody has ever suffered and novody understand you and u r entitled to be a total dauchebag cause you are my keen, girlie. Like OMG, if a man sees someone crying and tries to be kind, what an azz! My keen i lobe how amasing u R, bebi gurl. 


Some stans....

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1 minute ago, Bigno said:

Keeen, I lobe yur vravery. Like, if any person dares show any empatie go nd blast tat bish. Like OMG, if a man sees someone crying and tries to be kind, what an ***! My keen i lobe how amasing u R, bebi gurl. 


Some stans....

😭😭😭 v true 

It’s ok, let’s just be patient with them. maybe they’ll come to their senses one day.

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45 minutes ago, dustinray1987 said:

So all of us fans who “know her” can F off? I mean he could have been a fan or a concerned person just being polite. I really do not like this rude Britney going after single person that is trying to help her. Or say something nice about her. Whatever I feel like she loves this drama and that’s why she post things like this

That’s what Jayden said 🙃🙃🙃

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