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SMEAR CAMPAIGN: Jamie Watson, KFed or other Team Con member account? (Claims Book won't come because she will be sued; Claims voicemail in 2019 was fake and set up by Sam Lutfi...)

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This anti Britney account saying Free Britney ruined her life and she needs to be back on lithium, has been spamming people on IG and Twitter lately. 

They also claim she won't release her book because she will get sued:

I really think this is Jamie Watson.











Edited by Lola2790
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it's jamie watson aka jamie lynn's husband. they blocked me on twitter when i called them out. 

i've also reported their tweets numerous times, got messages back that they have violated rules, but nothing is done about the account so reporting it is really useless. especially now that elon took over twitter. 

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I noticed this person too! I also suspect it is someone from Team Con or someone who at least is in that vicinity?

Ive been watching closely and taking screenshots of everything they say and post in case receipts are needed later because this person is in FULL BLOWN harassment mode. I feel weird to follow them this closely but usually these type of people go private once they’re found out. 

I don’t think this person is Kevin and I don’t think it’s Jamie Watson (but I have a reallyyyy sad suspicion of who it is based on this person’s comments to others). 

EDIT: Actually I just double checked Kevin’s page and it is just wiped, not private so technically anyone can follow him now. There goes part of my theory…

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8 hours ago, easy said:

it's jamie watson aka jamie lynn's husband. they blocked me on twitter when i called them out. 

i've also reported their tweets numerous times, got messages back that they have violated rules, but nothing is done about the account so reporting it is really useless. especially now that elon took over twitter. 

OMF? This is literally insane it’s like it’s their whole lives to propagate against her and gaslight everyone 

now do you know 

this is so sinister 

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