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Britney REPOST BOMT singing video

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24 minutes ago, LivingLegendaryBritney said:

I understand she’s pretty much done but she could’ve pushed for so much more and literally created such a force if she returned and did everything her own way, her own style, her own creativity, etc… makes me sad that she’s quitting now that she has the power to prove to everyone how she doesn’t need family or a conservatorship to be successful.. it’s almost like her family is winning still and I hate that.. as much as I and the rest of us don’t want to accept the fact she may never do anything with her career again.. I’m glad she’s in a place she feels comfortable now, just wish she could’ve had the same **** you attitude to everyone as she’s now in full control over everything. I definitely think it would’ve been such a feel good moment for her to.. I’ll probably get quoted/disliked but you can’t deny after everything she’s been through, a moment like that would’ve been the ultimate **** you to everyone who has earned her money and spoke for her/decided for her over the past 15 years. I still love her ofc

It’s very evident some of you STILL don’t get it and that’s sad. I guess at the very least remember she is still dealing with this as she hasn’t been free that long and right now her feelings are her feelings…right now.  I’d imagine being Drugged, forced to work against her will, God knows what else, etc is not something  not as easy as you all make it appear to drop and overcome or as a moment to prove anything to anyone. I understand your sentiment and I think we all want that for her but it’s also highly insensitive to someone’s hardships as if it’s easy to just move on and feel the need to prove anything to anyone. 

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1 hour ago, Tingle2mingle86 said:

It’s very evident some of you STILL don’t get it and that’s sad. I guess at the very least remember she is still dealing with this as she hasn’t been free that long and right now her feelings are her feelings…right now.  I’d imagine being Drugged, forced to work against her will, God knows what else, etc is not something  not as easy as you all make it appear to drop and overcome or as a moment to prove anything to anyone. I understand your sentiment and I think we all want that for her but it’s also highly insensitive to someone’s hardships as if it’s easy to just move on and feel the need to prove anything to anyone. 

I think it’s very evident some of YOU don’t know how to take context of what’s being said in a post and actually read what’s behind it.. nowhere was this a bashing post. What does her just getting free have to do with anything? She recorded a song a month ago and released it to us, did she not? What exactly were you trying to prove with that sentence? Maybe re read the post I posted, bc it’s a clear indication that Britney feels as if she’s lost a battle.. she didn’t want her family winning in any of it did she? You really think her loving what she does, dancing, performing; singing, etc she’d be happy with letting her family ruin that for her? She’s never been the type to not fight for what she wanted. All I’m saying is that you think her family is sitting back seeing her say she’s pretty much done and are feeling bad for her?  For her to feel humiliated and taken advantage of I just don’t see why she’d want to let that take a hold of her? There’s nothing insensitive about wanting her to apply her f you attitude that’s she’s been posting about towards that. She’s so angry at how everything happened around her, if she could see the amount of control she could be in, do what she wants and go her own direction she was never allowed to be in, then maybe it would make her feel differently. Her posting on Instagram indicates she’s far from letting people’s narratives about her overshadow what her truth is.. isn’t that a good hint to want to show the world you’re not what your family made you? Isn’t that what this book she’s writing is for? To share her story, her side, her truth, her revenge on them? I still don’t understand your post trying to drag what I said, really don’t even think it was as serious as you made it bringing up how she has trauma to a post about people wanting her to stand her ground and build the confidence she’s lost? Some of y’all just sit on here too long and it shows


one last mention… she admitted she was over Vegas when it was happening however went on to say she found a spark again while she was recording glory and it was obvious it showed.. do you not think that would be the case if she was to do it all over again on her own terms? It’s really not that deep to create drama and dig deeper into something that wasn’t even a dig at Britney.. kinda embarrassing to even start that

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