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I’m Battling Addiction: Thanks Exhale for Always Being my Happy Place

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Being vulnerable on the internet is difficult, but I thank you for modeling what it’s like to do it. :hugs_madonna_britney_ftr_2008_circus_hugging_friends_support: I’m glad you find support and joy here; I think that’s why I have continued logging in as well.

Cheers to continued momentum and love! :) 

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Thank you so much for sharing this with us. I have been where you are. I struggled with addiction for 13 years, nearly lost everything, and ended up almost overdosing. I have been in recovery since April 2021. Please don't give up. Always remember that you are more than worth it my friend. Sending love and positive vibes your way. It can get better, I promise. If you ever need someone to talk to I am here. I am thankful exhale has been so good for you. It is a pretty amazing community. 

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On 7/17/2022 at 2:06 PM, x.rox said:

I doubt anyone will see this but I just feel compelled to say how grateful I am to this community for always being my happy place through the ups and downs as I battle an ongoing struggle with addiction. It’s not an easy struggle and I’ve lost so much but I always have this place to go to and read, engage and be part of something really great. The sass, the drama, the united front to help someone we all treasure (Britney)… community. I love it all. I’ve been on and off exhale with previous accounts throughout the years. So despite my account being relatively new compared to others I’ve been coming here and been here since at least 2007/2008. It’s been so long I don’t even remember how long it’s been that I’ve been coming here. As much as I treasure Britney, I treasure this site because it just brings me joy.

Sometimes I have very low lows and I sink into depressive states with suicidal ideation and-the-like, and even in these times I come here and read and comment; I can for a moment forget I’m struggling. Which is relief.

Thank you Exhale. 


So glad you are here!! For the most part, this is a very supportive community and I'm sure everyone here wishes you the best. Please know you are important and valuable, regardless of how long you have been posting!

 Season 10 Hug GIF by Friends

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  • 5 months later...

I really know what it's like, brother. Stay strong. I too am struggling with addiction, I have been sober for 6 months now. My family and these forums help me stay sober and fight addiction! It's a terrible disease, and its not easy at all. I have read some more information about it on https://edudriver.com/essay-examples/addiction/  and it gave me strength to keep fighting my addiction. I am sure I am not going to be addicted anymore, never.

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