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Britney expresses her anger towards documentaries about her and that it was her voice that freed her from the conservatorship: HELPING ME? REALLY?

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It’s simple —- If people show footages of me (or you) that we don’t like or something we are trying to forget, we cringe and feel embarassed. How much more if they do that to make money?

The gravity of the documentaries has served it’s purpose. It’s to gain sympathy for Britney. But she is a strong woman —- she doesn’t want to be pitied upon. And she knows Holliwood better than any of us so she knows the hidden agenda for these docs. The #FreeBritney movement and her voice was enough to help her out of the conservatorship.

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I'm sorry but she is being quite delusional with all of this. If it weren't thanks to all of these docs she still would be in the cons because everything was being managed backstage.

But thanks to the exposure of the docs, the case became international and the pressure on the judge raised considerably. Hence Rosengart knew about it and many other people aswell.

So this time, Brit you are not quite right.

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4 hours ago, Jforjean said:

I'm sorry but she is being quite delusional with all of this. If it weren't thanks to all of these docs she still would be in the cons because everything was being managed backstage.

But thanks to the exposure of the docs, the case became international and the pressure on the judge raised considerably. Hence Rosengart knew about it and many other people aswell.

So this time, Brit you are not quite right.

You guys are so delusional... Can you guys remind me what happened after the docs was aired???

A little clue...









Britney is now free because of her bravery and because M. Rosengart heard her testimony and wanted to take the case!!! He said it himself!

Free Britney movement was amazing to watch but let's be honest we weren't enough powerful to do anything, except make people talk about it! But it was just... TALK!

Britney said herself fans saved her life (even if, like I said above, I don't agree with that), she said she didn't like the docs, she didn't talk about the fans so why are you acting like she had spit right in your faces?

Just a reminder, NETFLIX and NYT ARE NOT VOLUNTARY ASSOCIATIONS FIGHTING AGAINST ABUSIVES CONSERVATORSHIP!!! It's a media platform above all! It's what they sell! What they do to earn MONEY! You guys are so delusional seriously to think they did it because they wanted to save Britney! Because another reminder... Before the Free Britney movement who wanted to do documentaries about it??? Another clue...







And why? Because no public interest for that subject = 0 view, so they let her get abused till' Free Britney movement for years and years!!!

Do you know all the pain and the hardships she had to endure during these 13 damn years? No you don't, only Britney know!

Britney was dealing it aloooooooooooone! With no help! Being a f * cking drugged slave while all Hollywood knew something was wrong, crying for help everyday but at people turning their backs!!! She had lost so much, money, times with her kids, etc... Who wanted to make documentaries at that time about her painful slavery "life", if we can even call that a life?

Also, do you remember the little fight between NYT and Netflix about the release date? Another proof that It's all about MONEY, not about doing the right thing, wake up!!! HOW MANY DOCS THEY DID ABOUT ABUSIVE CONSERVATORSHIP before Britney's case? So many people, sad souls are abused right now and so many before, who helped them? Nobody because they didn't and don't have a movement for supporting them aka people aka views!!!

Britney may be hard and raw in her words but it's because she knows the exactly thruth that most people don't want to see because they want to live in their bubbles! Some of you really don't know how to have the right empathy, don't you? Can you put yourself in her shoes for a sec... Just for a sec... About the story of this woman in the Netflix doc, saying she met Britney at a hostel toilets. I don't remember exactly the story but didn't she said she promised Britney to help her at any cost? Now can you imagine all the fear, the hope in Britney's heart at this moment and after? She may even get punished for that. You put all of your trust in somebody and wait for days, weeks, weeks turn into months and then into years... And you think in your head "where is this woman who promised to help me? Is she will come and free me one day? When? I'm sure she will, I trust her!" But nothing happened...

Years after, when you find real help and everything is almost over, you saw THIS WOMAN on your tv screen, crying and saying "I promised i'll help her and I failed..." ok but why you didn't do anything before? Why releasing a doc only at the end of my nightmare? It's f* cking useless... If I was Britney I will be pissed of too... But you guys didn't lived the disappointment so you don't want and can't understand... That's it!


All the credits are for Britney and her lawyer and nobody else!

The other things were just smoke...

Free Britney movement was beautiful to watch again and it was true support, the docs were not!

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At the end of the day, these are Britney’s genuine thoughts and feelings. She’s being real with us and some are mocking/questioning her :overitkbye_britney_annoyed_leave_leaving_goodbye_blue: I personally wouldn’t want to have my worst moments on tv for millions of others to see either without producing or at least giving it my blessing.

Could this be in response to the Netflix one being nominated for something? The NYT documentary seemed more informative and to go after Team Con but the Netflix one seemed to focus more on all of her worst moments I felt :gerlwat_sunglasses_cigarette_looking_what_blink:

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I agree it feels weird to read her post but just put yourself in her position. They kind of took her voice away and also took her right to tell her own story. It must have took her a lot of courage to tell everything she said in court so I get why she’s angry ! No one seems to recognize she stood up for herself in the media and all you can read about is how « great » those documentaries are… I would be mad too to be honest.

Once she get the chance to tell her OWN story and set the record straight she might see/feel different about it but she also may not and it’s perfectly fine. People who are pissed she’s not kissing their feet have an ego problem. The public did not saved her, SHE SAVED HERSELF. We did a lot but I’m sure we barely lift a finger compared to all the things she must have fight to get out of this ! So her not getting credits like she deserves makes her angry. It’s logical. Also I would hate and be pissed that people would talk about personnal stuff about me on national television.

And I get what she says about bullying : even when you think it’s positive or « helping » sometimes it still just is bullying in a different way than usual. 

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7 hours ago, Daniela.tomasseli said:

I seriously can’t at the blind fans shading the documentaries just because Britney didn’t like them. 

I wonder what would happen if The New York Times decides to withdraw all the evidence they willingly provided to Rosengart to make her case. The kii :cheese_Britney_awkward_cringe_eek:

Well I'm waiting to hear what Britney's book says before I judge the docs. 

I'm not really seeing tons of shade, but more people who sympathize with Britney being re-traumatized by the docs, her story being told her without her, and watching people like Vivian gaslight throughout the documentary.

That said, I thought the NY Times coverage has been great for Britney going back to 2016. 

I think you can absolutely have two thoughts on here. It's going to take time for her to heal from this. It hasn't even been a year since she's been free of the Con yet. 

Now some of the other docs though were tabloid trash designed to make money. Just like the press has done her whole life. It's not surprising to me that Britney is re-triggered by docs like the CNN one, the BBC one, and even the Netflix one and views them the way they covered her back in the day. 

The press teed up Britney for a conservatorship. They depicted her as crazy when THEY were the ones sending hundreds of photographers to cover her doing the littlest errands. They judged her as a mother and made fun of her body. If I were Britney, I would be bitter af and skeptical of the media as well. 


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i really don’t know how i feel about this, i do agree with her but then again the documentaries gave us knowledge we wouldn’t be able to know without them and didn’t rosengart discover about the recording devices in her room from the new york times?or am i remembering it wrong?

but a documentary won’t really affect the court’s decision so i get what britney is saying, her speaking up and calling out all the abuse she went through was ultimately what kinda forced the judge to finally listen to her and let her chose her own lawyer and finally freeing her

then again the documentaries, the fans etc gave the public knowledge which led to britney having basically the whole world to support her which would help stay strong knowing she has an actual army behind her

it’s very complicated tbh

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I agree, it was Britney's testimony that got her free. She fought to be heard. when the lawyer said that wanted to have a closed court hearing, Britney said "You have done a good job at exploiting My life, it should be an Open court hearing" and that's when everything changed for the better.

The only documentary that was really helpful was "Controlling Britney Spears" which revealed a lot new information about the spying and behind the scenes situations. This is the only one I really appreciate. Also I'm sure Britney is talking in general and hasn't seen any of these documentaries.

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1 minute ago, Cherry Bomb said:

People literally lost their jobs and got threatened their lives to make thoese documentaries...

I am really really sad that she couldn't even see how many people came out to support her in them

Did they do the documentaries to help her gain freedom or to help themselves gain the attention from her name and situation? I think that’s where she’s coming from and how she’s looking at it. 

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7 minutes ago, GlitterRain said:

Did they do the documentaries to help her gain freedom or to help themselves gain the attention from her name and situation? I think that’s where she’s coming from and how she’s looking at it. 

I don't think that Black Box employee quit his 10-year long job & got threatened his life to get attention. If she thinks this way then I cannot support her anymore. at least not her energy atm.

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5 hours ago, Monroe said:

As i said before, most of these fanbase has no critical thought about anything at all. They're just puppets that says amem to everything Britney says first. I wonder if Britney would like to **** on their mouths, they would say she has every right to do it because it's her wish and her point of view, we have no right to think that's absurd and dumb

She's just expressing how she feels. Most people are defending her right to do that as opposed to just agreeing with her. 

She'll never be able to reconcile it if she's just told to shut up and agree with the majority consensus without her explaining how she views the situation. Part of having your mind changed is the ability to have a conversation about it. 

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11 minutes ago, Cherry Bomb said:

I don't think that Black Box employee quit his 10-year long job & got threatened his life to get attention. If she thinks this way then I cannot support her anymore. at least not her energy atm.

She never specifically said that though. Don't put words in her mouth. The aspect of the documentary she was discussing the most here was the retelling of dark and traumatic moments in her life. 


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15 minutes ago, blackingouthenegativity said:

She's just expressing how she feels. Most people are defending her right to do that as opposed to just agreeing with her. 

She'll never be able to reconcile it if she's just told to shut up and agree with the majority consensus without her explaining how she views the situation. Part of having your mind changed is the ability to have a conversation about it. 

Sorry, but for me her speech makes no sense whatsoever. The documentaries did help the general public to know what was happening behind the curtains. Before the first documentary and her testimony, the whole free Britney movement was seen as a conspiracy theory. And i don't get this "relive embarassing moments" speech that people here point out constantly. Everybody knows the whole 2007 thing, it's not a shame. The documentaries didn't blame Britney for what hapenned, they blamed the media and the toxic people around her, but not once Britney herself

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Well if what she said was true, does that mean she didn't want her freedom in 13 years time? I don't buy it. I don't think she would have gotten this far on her own. And I think its sad if she thinks all that people see in those documentaries are her legs (when noone, myself included don't even know which photo she is talking about) when what we DID see was a woman in need of liberation. 

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3 hours ago, Monroe said:

Sorry, but for me her speech makes no sense whatsoever. The documentaries did help the general public to know what was happening behind the curtains. Before the first documentary and her testimony, the whole free Britney movement was seen as a conspiracy theory. And i don't get this "relive embarassing moments" speech that people here point out constantly. Everybody knows the whole 2007 thing, it's not a shame. The documentaries didn't blame Britney for what hapenned, they blamed the media and the toxic people around her, but not once Britney herself

It's not a shame to you, but you're not Britney. That was a hard year for her and she had to re-live it. 

I'm not saying I disagree with you about the NY Times coverage. I'm just saying she's not wrong about how she feels and it's obvious that she has a lot more of her side of the story to tell. I think it can be true that the NY Times helped her, but she's angry about the media coming up with an excuse to exploit her life and her darkest moments again, 13 years after they helped lay the groundwork for the conservatorship in the first place. 

I think her anger with the documentaries is much deeper than that and goes back to the anger she has at the paparazzi and media going back to the early 2000s. 

It's also tough for her because it's the same people saying the same things they said before (i.e. the paparazzi in Framing Britney Spears that didn't regret anything he did and blamed her). The difference is the general public views it differently now (which Britney doesn't have as much connection with due to her level of fame). 

That's just my theory though. I'll wait for the book to make a final call on this. No need to have such a huge take. Just let her have her opinion and move on with it. It doesn't affect your life and she's free. So what's the difference regarding who gets credit less than a year out from the end of the Con? 

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great! now we decide everything

she is saying things many of you don't want to hear so its sad for many

true it coincided that the conservatorship was more talked about publicly and she came out with her testimony. but did all these documentaries really help her in a very direct way?

i don't think she gave the testimony because of the movement!

these things just coincided nothing more

it was just that the truth came out some years ago nothing more and fans should not credit themselves too much

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