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Britney poses nude in new beach photoshoot

Message added by Slayer,

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Of course, she can do whatever she feels like doing... but to me, these photos show that she is still healing from all the trauma she endured during the cship... and honestly, this is not the way to do it...  I see these photos as some sort of a "**** you all, you kept me restrained for so long, I can do whatever I want now" .... but the healing process, which I can only imagine is not that easy, should not be through social media, clapping back at her sister and family, posting naked photos of herself, just to prove that she is free now, and she can do what she wants to... None of us are in a position to be saying what she should do or not, but from a fan's perspective (and someone who has been supporting her for the last two decades), I would say that taking a break from all social media, and just do the healing process privately would be much more beneficial for her, than doing all of it in front of the internet.... Cus social media is a vicious place, and she reads the comments, and I don't think she needs that negativity...  Just go take a break, regroup, and come back with a bang! Do that tell-all interview (or not), write the book, or just take a break from everything until you know you're ready... and judging by her IG posts, she is far from being ready... She is also in a serious need of a PR team, because photos like these are not it...  I am all for nudity and doing whatever the **** you want, but when it's done right... and those photos are just not it...  Again, this is just how I see it... 

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2 minutes ago, mercenary said:

Of course, she can do whatever she feels like doing... but to me, these photos show that she is still healing from all the trauma she endured during the cship... and honestly, this is not the way to do it...  I see these photos as some sort of a "**** you all, you kept me restrained for so long, I can do whatever I want now" .... but the healing process, which I can only imagine is not that easy, should not be through social media, clapping back at her sister and family, posting naked photos of herself, just to prove that she is free now, and she can do what she wants to... None of us are in a position to be saying what she should do or not, but from a fan's perspective (and someone who has been supporting her for the last two decades), I would say that taking a break from all social media, and just do the healing process privately would be much more beneficial for her, than doing all of it in front of the internet.... Cus social media is a vicious place, and she reads the comments, and I don't think she needs that negativity...  Just go take a break, regroup, and come back with a bang! Do that tell-all interview (or not), write the book, or just take a break from everything until you know you're ready... and judging by her IG posts, she is far from being ready... She is also in a serious need of a PR team, because photos like these are not it...  I am all for nudity and doing whatever the **** you want, but when it's done right... and those photos are just not it...  Again, this is just how I see it... 

This is the first real fair point I've seen. What I'd ask is, why aren't we all required to consider our own negativity on social media and stop contributing to it? Who are we to tell her how she should recover from her trauma when we don't know the full story yet? 

I'd always advocate for less social media, so I'm with you there. But I'm not going to demand Britney do it. Plus, I don't think these nude photos are all that bad. In fact that the one still up where's she lying on her side is quite beautiful actually (in my opinion). 

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8 minutes ago, blackingouthenegativity said:

Oh please. Who criticizes lighting and angles on a personal instagram account? There's something deeper here. You should post your Instagram here so that I can evaluate the lighting and angles in all of your photos :schoolingtime_talking_telling_glasses_preaching:

You need to learn how to take criticism. I have heard the criticism against Britney since 1999 when I was 5 years old. I've learned to take it and stuck around long enough to see how reactionary and wrong they were. 

Time for you to read a book to learn there are more important things to be concerned about than the lighting and angles of Britney Spears' personal instagram... if that is truly what you're so upset about. 


I've an architecture degree sweety I know what criticism is and how you take it to improve your work. You're confusing what media did to her with a simple comment about her lighting and angles which I have not criticized on her personal account because I'm aware that she doesn't care and she shouldn't care. I'm doing it on a public forum dedicated to Britney Spears fans in the same concept of meeting with your friends and talking about a simple picture. It's not that deep. 

I'm not upset about her ig feed. I'm upset about how people like you cant differentiate hate comments from harmless opinions on a picture's lighting or angles. You're allowed to not like certain things the people you love do and say it. You clearly have no friends that asks you which photo they should upload to their ig or whatever

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Why do people keep saying anything about the general publics opinion? Who cares what they think. Britney is free , and that's the bottom damn line. Britney is going to court for real legal issues, that are based off of facts and findings from roseengart. Regardless of what Britney is or isn't wearing doesn't matter at this point. It comes down to cold hard facts. F the GP

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My take on these.. “I’ve been forced to do this throughout my career, i may aswell as do it now and it be MY choice!” 

I’m here for it, but theres a line and as always, people will continue to judge when she posts this stuff. I think she should just stop now tbh. Her body, her choice and all of that though.. but its abit much now to be fair..l

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4 minutes ago, wixbix said:

I've an architecture degree sweety I know what criticism is and how you take it to improve your work. You're confusing what media did to her with a simple comment about her lighting and angles which I have not criticized on her personal account because I'm aware that she doesn't care and she shouldn't care. I'm doing it on a public forum dedicated to Britney Spears fans in the same concept of meeting with your friends and talking about a simple picture. It's not that deep. 

I'm not upset about her ig feed. I'm upset about how people like you cant differentiate hate comments from harmless opinions on a picture's lighting or angles. You're allowed to not like certain things the people you love do and say it. You clearly have no friends that asks you which photo they should upload to their ig or whatever

My friendships take place in person, not on social media, so that's not actually something we discuss. I have deep conversations with my friends, including discussing how some of my female friends have been treated poorly by misogyny and ***ual assault to know when to stick up for my girl Britney :schoolingtime_talking_telling_glasses_preaching:

You think it's harmless, but you're just co-opting others' arguments and joining in on the mob. If you want to differentiate yourself, try having an original opinion that isn't "simple" (a.k.a. vain af). 

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25 minutes ago, mercenary said:

She is also in a serious need of a PR team, because photos like these are not it...  I am all for nudity and doing whatever the **** you want, but when it's done right... and those photos are just not it...  Again, this is just how I see it... 

20 minutes ago, blackingouthenegativity said:

Plus, I don't think these nude photos are all that bad. In fact that the one still up where's she lying on her side is quite beautiful actually (in my opinion). 

5 minutes ago, blackingouthenegativity said:

You think it's harmless, but you're just co-opting others' arguments and joining in on the mob. If you want to differentiate yourself, try having an original opinion that isn't "simple" (a.k.a. vain af). 

Not you giving your opinion under a comment that gives their opinion on the quality and beauty of her pictures but yet coming after me for doing the same. I'm geniunely confused. :calculating_confused_meme_blonde_math_woman_thinking_what: 

Also it doesn't mean you are living on social media with your friends just bc they asked you which picture to post, please chill

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A Madonna fan put a side by side of the whole doggystyle photo.


Said at this point Britney needs to give her fans an only fans or go to the book and prove women can be ***ual over 40.


Break that stigma that it's not just reserved for people under a certain age. 


Who i might add seem to forget how they were able to be brought on this planet in the first place..

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1 minute ago, wixbix said:

Not you giving your opinion under a comment that gives their opinion on the quality and beauty of her pictures but yet coming after me for doing the same. I'm geniunely confused. :calculating_confused_meme_blonde_math_woman_thinking_what: 

You're clearly trying not to address my point. All I'm telling is that there are more important things going on in the world and even in Britney Spears' life that are more important than her angles and lighting (again, if that's what you're actually upset about). 

Everything she does gets nitpicked as if she's President of the United States. When does she get a break? I tried to learn my lesson from Framing Britney Spears on all of the media criticism and the public thinking they have the right to control her life. 

I'm so sick of people pretending to be worried about her well-being and the "quality" of everything while saying things they know upsets her and not owning up the role the public had in getting Britney stuck in a 13-year conservatorship in the first place.  

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8 minutes ago, blackingouthenegativity said:

You're clearly trying not to address my point. All I'm telling is that there are more important things going on in the world and even in Britney Spears' life that are more important than her angles and lighting (again, if that's what you're actually upset about). 

Everything she does gets nitpicked as if she's President of the United States. When does she get a break? I tried to learn my lesson from Framing Britney Spears on all of the media criticism and the public thinking they have the right to control her life. 

I'm so sick of people pretending to be worried about her well-being and the "quality" of everything while saying things they know upsets her and not owning up the role the public had in getting Britney stuck in a 13-year conservatorship in the first place.  

I KNOW your point but it's not me who you're supposed to chase after. You just did say those pics are not that bad and one of her pictures are more beautiful than the rest which means others are worse than the one you like the most. You just gave your opinion just like I did.  I'm not commenting under her post or sending her DMs about how I don't like her pictures, please chill and go fight somebody else bc I'm not the one. Go fight sb who is criticizing it for other reasons that is not about the lighting or angle of a picture.

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7 hours ago, devilsadvocate said:

i would watch this every day as a kid, so I just wanted to see if any of the 1999 fans knew haha . I also always say it whenever I listen to the song. I’m an odd one or a goober :p

Oh wow, I don't think I ever saw one that before?? I mean, the choreo with the guy seems familiar, maybe I saw that same performance but in another occasion? She performed SO much with "...Baby"... She was a phenomenon from the start but she worked SO hard to get there. I actually remember way back in the day, I started a thread so we could all list ALL her performances, from the first to the last, by era, and it was truly overwhelming... New performance videos kept popping up all the time, the list was huge. I should make it again, I guess we have more info now...

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16 minutes ago, wixbix said:

I KNOW your point but it's not me who you're supposed to chase after. You just did say those pics are not that bad and one of her pictures are more beautiful than the rest which means others are worse than the one you like the most. You just gave your opinion just like I did.  I'm not commenting under her post or sending her DMs about how I don't like her pictures, please chill and go fight somebody else bc I'm not the one. Go fight sb who is criticizing it for other reasons that is not about the lighting or angle of a picture.

Now you're just reaching after being dragged. I never even implied that others are bad. I just listed my favorite. 

And don't worry I am dragging the others as well. You could go read them for yourself or you could go about what you've been doing this entire time and selectively acknowledge only what you want to :jj_janet_smirk_hehe_haha_lmao_lol_giggle:

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I'm done pretending, Britney Spears is a broken woman.  

The conservatorship broke her.  No self-respecting mother of two teenage boys poses like that for all the world to see.  It's shameful and you all can pretend otherwise if you like but where I'm from we call a spade a spade.

You can throw every 'body positivity', 'she's been caged' feminist excuse you want at it but you know deep down that her behaviour is just not right.  If a women is so 'empowered', so 'in charge of her ***uality', she wouldn't need to draw all the world's attention to it.  So much talent, wasted on cheap Instagram likes.

The nudity and the incoherent angry rants have just become too much.

I'm done now.  Tomorrow's the start of Lent, a time when many people give something up until Easter.  I'm giving up Britney Spears.  She needs tools and the space to heal.  Being a fan has become too heartbreaking.  I thought it'd be better after the conservatorship, it's not better.  She needs guidance and she's clearly not getting that from her fiancé.  I won't watch this.  I'll continue to pray she finds true freedom and joy.

I'll be back for the book...if she can hold it together long enough to even do that.

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15 minutes ago, blackingouthenegativity said:

Now you're just reaching after being dragged. I never even implied that others are bad. I just listed my favorite. 

And don't worry I am dragging the others as well. You could go read them for yourself or you could go about what you've been doing this entire time and selectively acknowledge only what you want to :jj_janet_smirk_hehe_haha_lmao_lol_giggle:

I don't care about your pointless drag, keep em coming sis, maybe I'll manage to free you from your own traumas that are preventing you to understand a simple comment  :emma: 

But before get your emotions on hold bc you clearly are mixing every comment that doesn't like these pics with hatred or misogyny. You didn't say they were bad but you just gave YOUR OPINION  on how one of them is more beautiful than the others which means the others had some factors that were not good enough to be your favourite. See how we can take things to extreme if we dig deeper than we should :oprah_well_there_you_have_it_proof_see_hand: just like you doing to my comments about the lighting or the angles of a picture.

I don't need to reply to every disrespectful comment made about her just to comment on a specific thing. Me not attacking them doesn't mean I agree with them.

The lighting, angles and colors of those pictures are not it. Hate to break it to you but not everything is beautiful. And not every negative opinion is hate.  Whatever meaning you are taking out of this opinion is not on me, it's you and your demons. :begone_tiffany_miss_ny_new_york_ms_door_there_leave_bye_goodbye:

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11 hours ago, limecakes said:

Then go follow working popstars… like sorry she wont meet your standards. Stop following her then? 

I don’t follow your logic. If someone isn’t a sheep that worships her every move, they should automatically cancel her and give up on her altogether? 

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Just now, wixbix said:

I don't care about your pointless drag, keep em coming sis, maybe I'll manage to free you from your own traumas that are preventing you to understand a simple comment  :emma: 

But before get your emotions on hold bc you clearly are mixing every comment that doesn't like these pics with hatred or misogyny. You didn't say they were bad but you just gave YOUR OPINION  on how one of them is more beautiful than the others which means the others had some factors that were not good enough to be your favourite. See how we can take things to extreme if we dig deeper than we should :oprah_well_there_you_have_it_proof_see_hand: just like you doing to my comments about the lighting or the angles of a picture.

I don't need to reply to every disrespectful comment made about her just to comment on a specific thing. Me not attacking them doesn't mean I agree with them.

The lighting, angles and colors of those pictures are not it. Hate to break it to you but not everything is beautiful. And not every negative opinion is hate.  Whatever meaning you are taking out of this opinion is not on me, it's you and your demons. :begone_tiffany_miss_ny_new_york_ms_door_there_leave_bye_goodbye:

Yes, I gave my opinion. What's your point? :sipney_britney_starbucks_straw_sipping_drinking_spill:

I am simply calling you out for having a ****ty opinion that's a waste of your brain power :schoolingtime_talking_telling_glasses_preaching:

It's the same everytime she posts these. Everyone wants to criticize her because she's not doing what they want. You want her to do professional photoshoots and you want to nitpick her and make appear a certain way. It's all been done before in the 2000s. I would totally hear you out if you wanted to have a conversation about the harms of social media in general. If it inspires you to look at other professional photos of Britney, good for you. I won't get in your way.

You are allowed to not like them, but causing a big scene over lighting while she's on vacation implies that she can't even go on vacation without being ripped apart. Let her be. She is the most photographed and criticized and controlled public person of the last two decades and she is finally getting to do things for herself. Like it or not, this is what Free Britney is. Taking her own life back on her terms. If that bothers you, look deep within. :schoolingtime_talking_telling_glasses_preaching:

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2 minutes ago, Dave92 said:

I don’t follow your logic. If someone isn’t a sheep that worships her every move, they should automatically cancel her and give up on her altogether? 

I keep seeing this in response to our draggings striking back at you all. A few things:

1. No one is saying to blindly worship anyone. 

2. No one is saying you should cancel her. 

3. People are just reminding you that she's on vacation a few months after gaining legal autonomy over her own body. :schoolingtime_talking_telling_glasses_preaching:

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