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Make Me... / Do You Wanna Come Over? / Monitor Check audience video from Today Show

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Omg Britney and Chase checking themselves out on the screen after :) 

Also - awww she smiled and said hi to those randoms in the audience at the very end as she was rushing out.  Our sweet and humble queen. :sendinglove_kissing_heart_love_blowing:

Everyone who's worked with her weren't kidding when they said she came in, absolutely slayed, and left quickly lol

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10 hours ago, Doja Kitten said:

When she said she always sang live I truly believe she’s always singing along but her team won’t turn her mic all the way up during the performances. Maybe they are worried she would expose them on stage to thousands of people. Her interaction with the audience is very limited after the c ship was put in place. Other artists go on and on in between songs. This is totally not normal. Maybe her anxiety play a part too but it definitely has something to do with her team.

But she never really did after dwad, onyx had as much interaction with the crowd as pom and she was not in a con.

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