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RIP: Capitol Records will no longer promote 'Smile' by Katy Perry


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i don't listen to her, nor do i care about the state of her career


i find it so sad how some people here will only stan certain artists when they're successful and then throw them away like garbage when they underperform

it's like people don't even care about the music they just want to be part of the bandwagon

i didn't listen to the album but there is so much content out there, there's so much good music that never charts , or isn't even available on spotify to begin with , just because something "flops" doesn't mean it's bad  , i will never understand this obsession for charts , i know it's part of stan culture but it's prob what i hate the most about stan culture

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In 2023, she needs to leak her Orlando Bloom *** tape then a week later release an album called Bigger The Better featuring the hit singles The Big O, Deeper and Deeper and Goin' Down In Orlando. Reviewers call it "A return to the Katy Perry of old with fun beats, catchy choruses and so much inneuendo!" It won't outsell Prism or Teenage Dream, but it'll do better than the last 2 flops. 


"I sweat like a boxer so I go commando

Choke on your confetti, goin' down in Orlando- oh

Oh oh oh"

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People will care again when she (or her label) stops trying to recreate the success of Teenage Dream. I haven’t loved anything she’s done since because it feels like a caricature of herself. People want artists to seem more authentic and less calculated these days.

She needs to go away, write some songs by herself and then work with a new producer and really reinvent herself and introduce “Kathryn Hudson” and not that cartoon version we saw in 2016.

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It sucks because I enjoy Katy's music, but there were a lot of things that helped ruin her career.


The constant resentment of the Teenage Dream era.

Chopping her hair off and ditching the dark hair (it honestly makes a difference)

Not keeping her mouth shut and being shady about things she had no business talking about.

The Taylor Swift drama.

The Witness era (the music wasn't bad but every single visual outside of Chained To The Rhythm was terrible).


So heading into this era and switching lead singles, release schedules, and visuals so many times it was ultimately destined to fail. Seriously, this album had three lead singles resets with Never Really Over, Daisies, and Smile.


Having Never Really Over and Harley's In Hawaii released with a Hippy kind of vibe was a terrible choice, when they switched directions visually the damage was already done.


If they had dyed her hair black and thrown in those extensions I honestly feel like she would have had a chance.


The singles coming into the relaunch were a mistake too. Never Worn White and Daisies were garbage so by the time the final visual idea for the album hit with Smile everyone was already over it and checked out (myself included).

Then of course being pregnant didn't help anything either.



If she had done things properly from go, I really feel like a lot of songs could have been legitimate hits.

  1. Never Really Over
  2. Champagne Problems
  3. Cry About It Later
  4. Harleys In Hawaii
  5. Not The End Of The World
  6. Smile
  7. Tucked

Is how she should have released things and she should have waited until after her pregnancy.

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Honestly I just knew it was gonna flop already when she released the album cover and started that clown 🤡 thing, like, clowns became such a dark and scary thing in our generation and then she sings a song about getting back her smile, it was just out of place and confusing. I don’t know maybe I really don’t like clowns 😂

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