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David LaChapelle Desert Photoshoot - Chained To The House


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so by now we’ve probably all seen these pics on the sub, but these pics specifically the house picture intrigue me very much :ohdear_britney_glory_dear,_fingers_hand_face_orange_hide_uh_oh:

Oddly these two pics leaked right alongside the pics of the vinyl insides, so naturally I think most of us assumed they were apart of the vinyl. However the vinyls got shipped and there were no sight of these.

The house picture is very interesting to me, she’s chained to the house, which isn’t a stretch from her reality.

Did Britney try to subliminally send a message, but then her team realized and scrapped it? :idgi_dont_get_it_how_confused_what_hmm_umm_thinking:

Was there scrapped scenes from the MM video that may have connected the two? :idgi_dont_get_it_how_confused_what_hmm_umm_thinking:

Why did they leak at the same exact time as the Vinyl?:idgi_dont_get_it_how_confused_what_hmm_umm_thinking:

Will we ever see them in full?:idgi_dont_get_it_how_confused_what_hmm_umm_thinking:

Is the house still in the desert today?:orly_oh_britney_surprised_wow_excited:

much to think about :hideous_um_zoom_hide_what_confused_scared:

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This could put more meaning to the MM video. Throwing a TV out of the window could signify her detachment from the media and the outside world. Coming home to pole dancers and being all dressed up could signify her just being a cash cow (racehorse that needs to be handled) and being kept in her home ‘on pause’ when not making money for her handlers. Also, she turns up in a BMW I8, Adam and Eve have been evicted from her home (God isn’t helping her... Her life is currently sinful?), she’s in a cage in her yard covered in glitter meaning she’s literally being forced to put herself on display every night against her will. Breaking down the house at the end could signify her desire to break down this construct around her and dismantle what her father has made. 

Yeah it’s a reach, but it’s the only way she can get her message out at this point 

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