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Elton John says "chart music isn't real music"

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Music icon Elton John declares "chart music isn't real music," and I'm having trouble seeing the lies. :tiffcackle:

“I like people who write songs. And there’s plenty of people that do but a lot of them don’t get played on the radio because they’re too sophisticated and we get songs made by a computer all the time and I’m not interested in that,” he tells Rolling Stone

John also showed some love for an up-and-comer.

“There’s also a boy called Conan Gray who is the only person in the American Spotify Top 50 to actually write a song without anybody else. For everybody else there’s four or five writers on a track."

Exhale, do you agree with Elton? I do to a certain degree. When artists churn out these 2-minute tracks or do so just to try and land a #1 on the 200 chart, it's a little cringe. 

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14 minutes ago, Cheshire-B said:

I can't with this kind of phrases "not real music", like how is it not real ? What's the definition of real music ? It's like saying some people aren't "real artists" it's so so dumb. So "real" music needs to be written by one person, played on a piano and something deep and meaningfull ? 

It’s similar when people ask why I love mc donalds food so much. "That’s not real food" they say to me. 
Someone call a doctor because I’ve  survived years of eating imaginary calories. 
:forkit: :indulge:


And as for music.... ugh. I assume when people say that chart music isn’t real they’re mostly referring to pop music or music that is created by numerous people. Whatever way you wanna slice it, it’s still music and it has its place. Don’t discredit it just because it may not have a place for YOU. 


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The music I listen hardly on the radio. The radio get paid to play songs, the more money and producers the more often you'll hear it.

More plays on the radio, more people hear it and hopefully buy it.

So, I do agree with him to a degree. I'm from Europe, so it different here then in US. But what I've noticed, some artists are not played on radio because there are not as popular here. Or, they are popular and sell stadiums and albums with out need to for advertising it.

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Lol, piss off, geezer. :tiffeyeroll: I have two things to say about this:

Does 'factory' music have less value?! Yes, I'd say. But you have to remember that people listen to music for different reasons. I'm not gonna press play on a Britney album for some deep insight or some transcendent experience. I listen to singers like Britney because I want bops. Because I want something to uplift me, something to make me wanna dance. If I want something deeper and more meaningful, I have other artists to go to. That's the beauty of music - we all have our own taste, and music can serve many different purposes. The limit does not exist... :typing:

Furthermore, if you have 2 or 3 (or even 4) talented songwriters that can write one hell of a song... Why not put their heads together to create something even better and grander?! 20 writers might be a bit much, but I don't see the issue with a team of 4 to 5 extremely talented songwriters, if that's what it takes to make art. :heresthetea:

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