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'Blackout' photographer Ellen von Unwerth posts #FreeBritney

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2 minutes ago, JordanMiller said:

That'd be an awesome title! 

Well, isn't freedom the main ideal of the American Dream. Also cause it's a nod to the Piece of Me lyric and follows Madonna's American Life.

"American life. I live the American dream."

Madonna's is the life, Britney's is the dream. ezgif-2-b9502a805e77.jpg

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8 minutes ago, Roxxy said:

Well, isn't freedom the main ideal of the American Dream. Also cause it's a nod to the Piece of Me lyric and follows Madonna's American Life.

"American life. I live the American dream."

Madonna's is the life, Britney's is the dream. ezgif-2-b9502a805e77.jpg

Madonna fans will come at us

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Okay that photo is HOTTER than anything Randee BlindMe ever produced and makes the Domination poster look like a joke lol. She NEEDS to use her for her next cover and photoshoot, because she obviously knows how to make her comfortable and brings out her edgy side. :makeitrain:

I bet she knows a lot more dirt than many other people she worked with knows, because Britney was pretty much in control at that time without her team watching her like a hawk listening to every convo, like other music video producers have mentioned and felt uncomfortable about.

2 hours ago, Roxxy said:

B10 should be titled American Dream:barbie:


1 hour ago, PokemonSpears said:

It should be called Britney Jean Spears


22 minutes ago, northfacing said:

Honestly, if B10 isn’t titled “freebritney” it should be “BS”..

Honestly... if it's not called Blackout 2, it should be simply titled 'Free' but with her name under it to pay homage to the movement.


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30 minutes ago, PokemonSpears said:

but what if people try to grab it from the shelves without paying because it says it's free? :idkney:

Pokie omg your mind... :unreal:

31 minutes ago, PokemonSpears said:

I vote for Liberation :shameless:

I mean, people probably don't even know or remember the other Liberation so I guess that name is available again. :orly: 

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3 hours ago, Roxxy said:

Well, isn't freedom the main ideal of the American Dream. Also cause it's a nod to the Piece of Me lyric and follows Madonna's American Life.

"American life. I live the American dream."

Madonna's is the life, Britney's is the dream. ezgif-2-b9502a805e77.jpg

I think that would be the point to name the album, almost as in a sarcastic, dark way..

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