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So recently I wanted to give online dating a try. I made a profile on Grindr (:inbed:), got quite a few messages, but ended up chickening out because I realised that I was way too insecure about way too many things. :byesmoke: Like... Up until that point I had always thought that I was the opposite - that I was very sure of myself. But nah... I was like "BISH, SIKE!!!" :duadance: Alas, that is how this thread idea came to be. :unbothered:

I mean... We're all wonderful, beautiful, gorgeous, inspiring, **** people here, but I'm sure most of us have things we're insecure about. Share yours, darlings! :sipney: I would include mine in the OP, but I'm too lazy to bare my heart at this very moment, but I will make sure to do it later. Consider this a therapy session. Toodles! :barbie:

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I have a lot of insecurities. :bigtime:

First of all, unlike @****y, who was born perfect and cute as a button 💕, I didn't grow up as a cutie patootie when-will-your-faves kind of kid. :kidcries: Like, I was aware that I don't look like the popular kids. :idkney: So I overcompensated by studying hard and joining various clubs from middle to high school.

I joined the Dance club, :prettyney: Glee club, :katybelt: Theatre club, :kisses2all: the Debate team. :lessons: I just circled around those clubs for years. And I've seen my crushes like someone else and not like me back. :queenie: Fast forward to college and that's when I arrived. :queenriri: And even then I was still so insecure and overcompensating and because I've faced so much rejection in HS, I became a vengeful bish :badthoughts: bent on making men fall in love with me :thirsty: and breaking their hearts. :liar: Literally, break up with your girlfriend, i'm bored:ponderney: I'm not proud of that cause I got a bad rep from it in college from girls cause I was snatching their mens's. :hibebe:

I also have daddy issues. My dad passed away when I was 5. And then my very first love when I was just 15 y.o. was 9 years older than me. We kind of like hung out / dated [?] for months. He lives, like, just 2 blocks away from our OG house. Then we just stopped seeing each other one day and I found out he started dating this friend of mine who was 20 y.o. I was sooo heartbroken. Like, is it because I'm a child. :gloss: Like, why her and not me. :yasqueen: This is so unfair.  :crying1: Since then, I've found myself more attracted to older men than those who are the same age as me or a little older. However, all my relationships have been with guys who are my age. I'm just really hot for dzaddies. :brit2016:

I guess what i'm trying to say is I'm a late bloomer and even if I'm at point in my life that I'm confident and ok with how I look, deep down she's still there telling me you're not good enough. You look like a freaking teenager :sipney: no one will take you seriously. I was even told by my boss before that I had to cut my hair shorter and lose the *** appeal if I want to be taken seriously because I look too young and I need to look more mature. :mariahstare: He said it looks slicker and more professional to have shorter hair because long hair spells bombshell. :comingthru: It's like whatever I do, I'm still not good enough. I look less, I look ok, and look too much all at the same time. I studied so hard in college to earn respect and yet people now judge me as like a dumb bimbo. Like, chile i'm sorry that my tatas are bigger than yours. Damn right, it's bigger than yours. :mattafact: And speaking of the song, I am being followed by my college reputation so now people think my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard. :milkney: I'm getting my Ashlee Simpson fantasy, like, girl I didn't steal your boyfriend. :toocute: I also always second guess a guy's intentions. Before I was worried for not being liked by guys, now that I am, I am worried they're not liking me for the right reasons or whatever. :embarrassney:

I just want to be taken seriously because I freaking studied so hard and now I've worked so hard but it feels like all for nothing. I feel empty. I feel lonely. Like, I did all of this. And for what. I studied very hard. I played online games professionally before. I work for respectable museums now. I smexed it up. I have Barbie my dog. Why does it feel like it's just... meh. When I'd share this to my cousin (who's like my BFF), he'll just say i'm being dramatic and sensitive and there's nothing to be upset or lonely about. Life is good. There are many people suffering around the world. When I'd share this to a close friend, she'll say i'm overreacting and that I am privileged and I should not be having these feelings. I don't have an outlet for my thoughts and feelings. Last year, I kinda sparked (and it's like gasoline) :letitburn: my stanship for Britney. I feel like it's 2001 all over again when I was stanning so hard. My peak stan. So I remembered that BreatheHeavy has a forum and that is Exhale. So I joined after so many years and I haven't looked back ever since. It's just nice to find like-minded people. I live for the personal threads and thirst threads made by @rik because it's so a little more personal (raw) and it's really comforting to hear your stories and struggles and now I know I'm not alone not alone not alone in this world can stop us tonight, I can do what she can do so much better. And i feel like not only do we level in intellect, we all share the same aspiration in life. Phew. My aspiration in life... would be... to be HAPPY! :overwhelm: But seriously though. I freaking love this place. I feel like this is my home. If this was an actual place, I would be living here with all of you. I love you Exhale. Sincerely, from the bottom of my broken heart (true tho) :mcry: I love you all. ❤ Thank you for welcoming me. I've only been here February 6 and I truly feel like you guys are my home and my family. It is an honor to be amongst all of you. The most legendary and iconic Britney fans all around the world pretty girls.  :bparty:

I am a Pikachu. I am a Mod. I am funny! I am your friend. I am Roxxy. 💋

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22 minutes ago, Roxxy said:

I have a lot of insecurities. :bigtime:

First of all, unlike @****y, who was born perfect and cute as a button 💕, I didn't grow up as a cutie patootie when-will-your-faves kind of kid. :kidcries: Like, I was aware that I don't look like the popular kids. :idkney: So I overcompensated by studying hard and joining various clubs from middle to high school. I joined the Dance club, :prettyney: Glee  club, :katybelt: Theatre club, :kisses2all: the Debate team. :lessons: I just circled around those clubs for years. And I've seen my crushes like someone else and not like me back. :queenie: Fast forward to college and that's when I arrived. :queenriri: And even then I was still so insecure and overcompensating and because I've faced so much rejection in HS, I became a vengeful bish :badthoughts: bent on making men fall in love with me :thirsty: and breaking their hearts. :liar: Literally, break up with your girlfriend, i'm bored:ponderney: I'm not proud of that cause I got a bad rep from it in college from girls cause I was snatching their mens's. :hibebe:

I also have daddy issues. My dad passed away when I was 5. And then my very first love when I was just 15 y.o. was 9 years older than me. We kind of like hung out / dated [?] for months. He lives, like, just 2 blocks away from our OG house. Then we just stopped seeing each other one day and I found out he started dating this friend of mine who was 20 y.o. I was sooo heartbroken. Like, is it because I'm a child. :gloss: Like, why her and not me. :yasqueen: This is so unfair.  :crying1: Since then, I've found myself more attracted to older men than those who are the same age as me or a little older. However, all my relationships have been with guys who are my age. I'm just really hot for dzaddies. :brit2016:

I guess what i'm trying to say is I'm a late bloomer and even if I'm at point in my life that I'm confident and ok with how I look, deep down she's still there telling me you're not good enough. You look like a freaking teenager :sipney: no one will take you seriously. I was even told by my boss before that I had to cut my hair shorter and lose the s*x appeal if I want to be taken seriously because I look too young and I need to look more mature. :mariahstare: He said it looks slicker and more professional to have shorter hair because long hair spells bombshell. :comingthru: It's like whatever I do, I'm still not good enough. I look less, I look ok, and look too much all at the same time. I studied so hard in college to earn respect and yet people now judge me as like a dumb bimbo. Like, chile i'm sorry that my tatas are bigger than yours. Damn right, it's bigger than yours. :mattafact: And speaking of the song, I am being followed by my college reputation so now people think my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard. :milkney: I'm getting my Ashlee Simpson fantasy, like, girl I didn't steal your boyfriend. :toocute: I also always second guess a guy's intentions. Before I was worried for not being liked by guys, now that I am, I am worried they're not liking me for the right reasons or whatever. :embarrassney:

I just want to be taken seriously because I freaking studied so hard and now I've worked so hard but it feels like all for nothing. I feel empty. I feel lonely. Like, I did all of this. And for what. I studied very hard. I played online games professionally before. I work for respectable museums now. I smexed it up. I have Barbie my dog. Why does it feel like it's just... meh. When I'd share this to my cousin (who's like my BFF), he'll just say i'm being dramatic and sensitive and there's nothing to be upset or lonely about. Life is good. There are many people suffering around the world. When I'd share this to a close friend, she'll say i'm overreacting and that I am privileged and I should not be having these feelings. I don't have an outlet for my thoughts and feelings. Last year, I kinda sparked (and it's like gasoline) :letitburn: my stanship for Britney. I feel like it's 2001 all over again when I was stanning so hard. My peak stan. So I remembered that BreatheHeavy has a forum and that is Exhale. So I joined after so many years and I haven't looked back ever since. It's just nice to find like-minded people. I live for the personal threads and thirst threads made by @rik because it's so a little more personal (raw) and it's really comforting to hear your stories and struggles and now I know I'm not alone not alone not alone in this world can stop us tonight, I can do what she can do so much better. And i feel like not only do we level in intellect, we all share the same aspiration in life. Phew. My aspiration in life... would be... to be HAPPY! :overwhelm: But seriously though. I freaking love this place. I feel like this is my home. If this was an actual place, I would be living here with all of you. I love you Exhale. Sincerely, from the bottom of my broken heart (true tho) :mcry: I love you all. ❤ Thank you for welcoming me. I've only been here February 6 and I truly feel like you guys are my home and my family. It is an honor to be amongst all of you. The most legendary and iconic Britney fans all around the world pretty girls.  :bparty:

I am a Pikachu. I am a Mod. I am funny! I am your friend. I am Roxxy. 💋

It’s so funny that your life kinda mirrors Britney (in a good way) as I’m sure she probably looks back thinking she wasn’t enough and can never be taken seriously.

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6 minutes ago, puppylo16 said:

It’s so funny that your life kinda mirrors Britney (in a good way) as I’m sure she probably looks back thinking she wasn’t enough and can never be taken seriously.

Ok but Britney grew up as a popular kid and was liked and desired by many. Wasn't she prom queen even? :duadance: i feel like its opposite of Britney.

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This is a great thread. It's hard to admit out loud what our insecurities are, but it's a great way to minimize the feeling.

I feel insecure about my financial situation. BH has been HARD to make a living from. People use tools to stop ads from loading, the market drops = ad revenue drops... there's just so many variables and it's been really hard over the years. I try to make that side of things unknown to readers/members, but it's been an uphill battle for sure.

*However* I do want to add... I've seen a lot of my friends and family lose their jobs recently, and I have job security because of BH and Exhale. I feel profoundly grateful for this place. Love y'all 

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9 minutes ago, Roxxy said:

Ok but Britney grew up as a popular kid and was liked and desired by many. Wasn't she prom queen even? :duadance: i feel like its opposite of Britney.

Well she said she wasn’t the most popular girl in school but she wasn’t hated either, I think she talked about it on the Sometimes set. That she got along with everyone and didn’t really stand out. 

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23 minutes ago, puppylo16 said:

Well she said she wasn’t the most popular girl in school but she wasn’t hated either, I think she talked about it on the Sometimes set. That she got along with everyone and didn’t really stand out. 

Aww. Was she? Aww. Where the f did I get the idea that she was prom queen I swear I've known this info for years without even knowing/remembering where I got it. :embarrassney:

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Like most people, I have more than one, but I’ll talk about my main one. I’m Graduating college within the next 2 months and I really don’t feel secure in trying to get a job at all. I don’t feel like I’m good enough to get a good one and I hate the hiring/interviewing process. Also, I used to have such a drive within me, but I had my first existential crisis back in December. Ever since, I’ve felt extremely unmotivated, burnt out, apathetic, etc. I used to be so willing to work hard and to aim for goals, and over the past couple months, I just don’t care. I’ve lost all my passion for anything and everything and I have no desire to be in any kind of competitive, cutthroat, or stressful environment. Unfortunately, I think that might be common in the field I’ve chosen, especially at the beginning of my career. I just want to be able to get one so I can be financially independent and stable.

On top of it all, this BS virus comes through and is making things worse and starting a recession, which is going to make it even harder for me to land a job. I guess the good news is that the quarantine should give me a lot of time to try to find myself and become passionate again, as long as I don’t waste all of it just browsing online and streaming tv/movies. The social isolation is already getting to my mental health though.

I’m probably depressed :jj:

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51 minutes ago, Roxxy said:

Aww. Was she? Aww. Where the f did I get the idea that she was prom queen I swear I've known this info for years without even knowing/remembering where I got it. :embarrassney:

No she was totally the most popular girl. She got voted Most Beautiful twice in school and was Freshman Homecoming Queen and she dated the senior Varsity Quarterback.

Image result for britney homecomingImage result for britney spears yearbook

Image result for britney spears yearbook

Britney was probably friends to a lot of different people and her financially poor upbringing probably humbled her. She could've easily been a ***** (I've been on TV, I sing, I dance, I'm beautiful, I got the man), but obviously she wasn't since everyone from her town said how sweet she was.

Humble Queen!:mcry:

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6 minutes ago, Born2Die said:

No she was totally the most popular girl. She got voted Most Beautiful twice in school and was Freshman Homecoming Queen and she dated the senior Varsity Quarterback.

Image result for britney homecomingImage result for britney spears yearbook

Image result for britney spears yearbook

Britney was probably friends to a lot of different people and her financially poor upbringing probably humbled her. She could've easily been a ***** (I've been on TV, I sing, I dance, I'm beautiful, I got the man), but obviously she wasn't since everyone from her town said how sweet she was.

Humble Queen!:mcry:

Omg i love the way you came to the rescue and saving me from questioning my entire Britney highschool life knowledge - with receipts!!! I stan you. :gobaby: I was literally going crazy thinking why did I think she was prom queen like how and where and when but omg thank you. :crying4:

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16 minutes ago, Roxxy said:


I want you to know that you’re perfect, you’re beautiful, you look like Linda Evangelista, you’re a model! Everything about you is perfect! Did you stone those tights? Oh, you’re smiling! @holditagainstbritneyyour smile is beautiful! :mattafact:

are you saying that because you know them IRL or based on their picture because that's literally Gerard Way :inbed:

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trust issues...

and i want to be in a serious relationship but... i'm pretty selective and i'm afraid to get my heart broken, i trust myself but it's difficult to trust guys... i was always confident being single and have dates here and there and partying but right now i feel like a failure to not be in a regular relationship. i can't wait to start therapy tho, this year i will go hard to polish myself and ~riseee and shineee~ :katybelt:

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