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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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10 minutes ago, NotBuyingIt said:

He was still a drunk; Britney and Kevin used to drive him to and from rehab in 2004.

And he loved that his daughter was a star. There was an article of a guy recalling a 2002 interview with Jamie and him saying how he was so happy his daughter was the most famous person in the world.

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8 minutes ago, maquisl said:

What did I miss? :airpls:

She basically responded back to a fan on insta asking her if she was homophobic or something, I can’t really remember. And her defence was that she doesn’t hate the gays because she has gay friends. 

I don’t know which page the screenshot was posted on but it’s not too far back otherwise you can probably see it on Sam Lutfi twitter page if you can stomach visiting it.


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1 minute ago, abandon06 said:

Her mom or dad should have been there, I would have wanted mine there.

Should have been there in 2005-2008 too. Britney has two newborns in one year getting chased by paps while Kevin rapped badly and played golf. 

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