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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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Omg realization. what IF all these meetings are just her and Sam. What if she's asking for privacy and Sam's #bestfans hastag in his comment are saying that everything we did helped Britney. Sunday was when Sam broke her out, the two of them went today, and may 10 is when they both go to end the **** for good. 

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Just now, HarajukuGyal said:

To be brutally honest right now I'm feeling somewhat suicidal, I just feel like my whole world came crushing down. While I still firmly stand by my beliefs I don't know what do or what to think from now on :(


What why?! I'm lowkey feeling the same but don't give up!! there's good things in life!:bareclap:

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It's amazing how every day brought something new to the #freebritney movement. Literally another day, another drama... If it's going to die now, I want to thank you all for this amazing time. 600 pages? This is insane. It was truly fantastic to unite like this together to help Britney... Britney the person, not the entertainer.

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3 minutes ago, Slave4Brit88 said:

I'm not actually, I'm discussing a situation on a Britney Spears fan forum, I'm not posting to her family or emailing people like Sam Lutfi. This is a forum for Britney Spears and you may not like all topics, if you don't you are free not to read them. You did actually make claims about her mental health saying she clearly has a mental illness, you don't know that for sure or have any proof. If what we think regarding c-ship is so meaningless why are you so pressed about it? You're not changing anyone's mind here, it's clear as day it's unethical. And yeah I actually do care about mental illness etc, that's why I think it's next level f**ked for Britney to be stripped of all her autonomy the way she has been.

Well, you know best then! If you are someone who thinks she doesn't have a mental illness then I don't know what to say. I guess the courts and her team and her family and her boyfriend are gaslighting her and have been for over a decade then! Again, you know best!! 

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1 minute ago, HarajukuGyal said:

To be brutally honest right now I'm feeling somewhat suicidal, I just feel like my whole world came crushing down. While I still firmly stand by my beliefs I don't know what do or what to think from now on :(


Boo please take care of yourself. Your mental health is not worth all of this. Go listen to something uplifting on YouTube like a guided meditation. 

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25 minutes ago, really really cool guy said:

It's from the day she went to the hair salon. Her hair and makeup match with the pics. Also the blue walls, high ceilings and lightning. She just changed her top :airpls:


Wake uppp!! It’s still a stage! She did it after the hair salon! She was about to post it after the salon but she hold it till now! Her team took an opportunity to post this video because she didn’t! This video saved for awhile till now! STAGE, STAGE, STAGE!!

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i am let you have your debate on that video and tomorow will add to our docs court the one where Jamie buys Britney's property in Louisiania and asked court for the green light . This property was James one long before the c-ship then Britney bought it in 2002 and then i guess Jamies wanted it back in his name

Conservator buys property of the conservatee based on a value made by a broker he will choose .


Team Britney we will keep digging into your smelly c-ship  :endit:

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3 minutes ago, HarajukuGyal said:

To be brutally honest right now I'm feeling somewhat suicidal, I just feel like my whole world came crushing down. While I still firmly stand by my beliefs I don't know what do or what to think from now on :(


because of all this? try not to stress out hun, take some days for your SELF

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4 minutes ago, HarajukuGyal said:

To be brutally honest right now I'm feeling somewhat suicidal, I just feel like my whole world came crushing down. While I still firmly stand by my beliefs I don't know what do or what to think from now on :(


I’m here for you if you need to talk or something :) 

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1 hour ago, Saigemusic2 said:


i think we can all let out a sigh of relief (a little one but still) 

I’m glad she took the time to do this 

I know that this is not the time to say it ... but there is a celebrity in my country who is bipolar, last year she was hospitalized twice to change the amount of medication she needed. After recovering she returned to her normal life  and her family   DOESNT NEED to put her under a conservatorship in order to  keep her mental health in good condition.

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1 hour ago, puppylo16 said:

I think she was okay with the break up but I think she was pissed at how he air their dirty laundry out and the CMAR thing just made it worst.

Yeah I don’t think it was anything personal with Johnny. She was trying hard to avoid JT at the time even to events so I’m sure she wanted nothing to do with JT and that includes people associated with him. 

I think you hit the nail that the thought of Johnny representing JT and that he might call Johnny up any time or Johnny accidentally mentioning him would just crush her soul which is why she partied and went clubbing a lot hence why ITZ had  some club like music. I’m pretty sure she used the clubs as a distraction and probably went to many varieties hence why we got reggae, hip hop and even sultry dance influences. 

They broke up in march 2002 and before cmar/radio & barbara walters interviewe, she said to people he broke up with her and then she broke up with him. JC and Lance also mentioned a couple of times how they were on & off a few times.

The weird thing is, even after cmar mess and the Interviews he talked about her in a ****** way and hinted she cheated on him, she went to his bday party months after in early 2003. At the same time, she was seen with Fred Durst who said he was over her the day she ditched him to go see JT and the fact she was with Colin as well. It makes perfect sense bc she was seen with Fred at Sundance festival weeks before JTs bday and before that, she was seen with Colin as well. My two cents is Fred wasnt lying about her being with JT at the same time she had smt to do with him and Colin.

My point is she was still seeing JT, hanging out with him or doing whatever she was doing even after all the mess he did to throw her under the bus. She was seen on his bday party in january 31, 2003 and Johnny said she fired him in february 2003, so somethin must have gone completely wrong that time and she made that decision. She didnt fire Johnny right after the cmar video or Interviews and she was still in contact with JT. But then after his bday which she attended, as far as we know It seems they were not in contact anymore.

Also a few months later she began talking about what he did and she seemed kinda bitter sometimes like when she shaded him on the Rolling Stones interview for example. So i think something bad or that pissed her off finally happened and she was completely over the thought of being with him and thats why she fired Johnny and seemed fed up sometimes talking about him.



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4 minutes ago, HarajukuGyal said:

To be brutally honest right now I'm feeling somewhat suicidal, I just feel like my whole world came crushing down. While I still firmly stand by my beliefs I don't know what do or what to think from now on :(


Its almost as if we have been MK Ultra'd by Britney's team. I feel personally victimized by her team.  We have all fallen victim to their games.

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