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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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2 minutes ago, LostInAnImage said:

Thank you! However, my friend as of now has no clue who Lou Taylor is. I’m wondering if I’ll just confuse her/anyone who reads the posts. I’m wondering if, for purposes of educating the GP, we shouldn’t just stick to the most egregious billet points and mention only those names with familiarity in the GP.

As the current Mueller investigation has shown, people become way too overwhelmed with mountains of data and then just stop looking into it (or never even attempt to begin in the first place). Remember: people are VERY lazy, especially when it’s something that doesn’t directly (or tangibly) pertain to their lives. 

This is true. I'm off work tomorrow and am planning to compile a spark notes based on @Applejack and @Meaner03 works that people can read in one sitting... I know they were working on summaries too, maybe they have some stuff you can send her way. 

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9 minutes ago, LostInAnImage said:

I’ve been sounding the “Britney’s conservatorship is completely illogical and forcing her to do things she doesn’t want to do” alarm for over a decade now to her, so I think she first saw me as the Stan who cried wolf. :selenerz:

But now she just sent me the following after listening to the voicemail: “That is heartbreaking and it sounds like her.”

And she’s not a Stan, so she can actually get the word out to people without everyone automatically assuming it’s an insane fan that’s in denial about how Britney’s starpower has faded, or something.

Thanks for this! Definitely share the voicemail however possible. 

Also, this video:

More has been revealed since the video was posted, but I think it summarizes everything pretty well and it's easy to digest. 

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5 minutes ago, Nels64 said:

Also if you wanna send her that letter we wrote to like show that we're not crazy, that'd be cool too! 


Update: this letter is fantastic! Really well done. :clap:

Also, be prepared she might email you. She majored in journalism, she can’t help it. Haha.

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I swear, Jamie better not have gone to court to claim Sam Lutfi started the #FreeBritney movement and that he is a danger to Britney again!!! I feel like they are trying hard to discredit the movement and all the investigating that the Britney Army have done!! 

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Just now, jokobitch said:

Why would sam even try to contact Lynne what a *******

Really he gave us emails of info we assumed but didn’t have evidence of. Other than that, and agreeing Britney is a prisoner, he’s not been in her life for over a decade like, stay out.

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1 minute ago, LostInAnImage said:

Update: this letter is fantastic! Really well done. :clap:

Also, be prepared she might email you. She majored in journalism, she can’t help it. Haha.

Does she work for a publication? If she wants a story... I'd be happy to speak w her about the case in detail lol 

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Everyone is reporting in the news that Britney filed a restraining order against Lufti.  He might deserve it or not.  I don't know all of the details.  The fact is, though, that the attorneys working "in her best interest" filed. They can ignore Britney's wishes if they feel protection is in order.    "Spears’ legal team claims Lutfi is trying to disrupt Britney’s conservatorship through calls for “vigilante action, bribes and release of private information.” They claim his actions are problematic for Britney’s safety and well-being, and make it clear they need him kept away to “prevent future harm and further psychological trauma.”    Are they protecting themselves or Britney?  Or both?  How do we know?  Given the money in it for the team, why would they be likely to free Britney or put up with anyone's complaints?   Thoughts, please!  https://theblast.com/britney-spears-sam-lutfi-restraining-order-conservatorship/. 

Not even USA today gets that Britney isn't in charge of her life and decisions.  https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/music/2019/05/08/britney-spears-files-restraining-order-against-ex-manager-sam-lutfi/1139994001/

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2 minutes ago, snakesayan said:

I swear, Jamie better not have gone to court to claim Sam Lutfi started the #FreeBritney movement and that he is a danger to Britney again!!! I feel like they are trying hard to discredit the movement and all the investigating that the Britney Army have done!! 

Even if it was the case, it does not removes evidences.

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3 minutes ago, lilhennythings said:

Does she work for a publication? If she wants a story... I'd be happy to speak w her about the case in detail lol 

Unfortunately no, as she switched from journalism to PR following graduation. She’s actually worked with a lot of A-List celebrities in-person, but Britney obviously isn’t one of them.

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I'm not saying I'm not glad the restraining order was granted but it worries me that the judge seems to be still pandering to every request Team C-ship makes... It literally took them one hearing to make it happen. How about taking one hearing to end the conservatorship instead? :joanne:

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