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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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2 minutes ago, Meaner03 said:

TMZ claiming #FreeBritney is about a being held in a facility she left more that a week ago and for which they even posted picture of her "driving" her ect... Man that check must huge

And it makes me so sad they’re using Britney’s own money to pay them.

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3 minutes ago, Chaoscontrol said:

Team C-Ship very soon: 


Looking forward for sweet, sweet justice to be served:queenflopga: those snakes don’t even realize how deep in **** they really are:weusay: absolute best case scenario for them: Britney flops big time and the payday stops:weusay: That would be a blessing considering all of the fraud, lies, and manipulation they have pulled over the years:chershade: They would be ballsy as **** to announce any kind of show/album right now. Waiting for that to happen though, and for that to be the complete tipping point of this entire mess and the fans really go apeshit :reductive: everything they do backfires. As always, I look forward to their next **** up!! :cackling:

they made a huge mistake, they understimated the #FreeBritney movement and thought that will just a be the buzz of a day or 2, and here we are 3 weeks later stronger & bigger . They were just expect this and they are losing their **** . It's now or never for us if we want to help Britney get her rights back and finally get this f**king investigation .

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1 hour ago, BrittonJeanSpears said:


It wasn't me. It was @Yumjaël, they claimed that they were from 2030, and were aiming for 2005 Exhale but got 2015 Exhale instead. LOL I however was the one who kept that thread alive, bumping it all the time and constantly asking about different popstars, all of whom became political figures. If I remember right, Taylor Swift was a war criminal, Beyoncé got beheaded, Katy stopped being fake and started fighting for the good side, and Britney and Madonna were massive political and spiritual figureheads.

The thread I created was the Exhale parody of American Horror Story, which I personally thought was a masterpiece.

Both threads got deleted a long time ago. I think it was as a result of switching to new servers. I remember we used to have threads going all the way back to 2007, but unless you go to General, we don't anymore. (Since Britney was one of my characters, it was allowed to stay in the Britney forum, which ended up sealing its fate.)

@Yumjaël please tell me more of your prophecies :yesplease: is there any way we can get these fabulous relic threads back?







Also #freebritney :lemmetellu: keep it up sisters :letitburn:

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3 minutes ago, Meaner03 said:

David opened a window for people from the industry to talk about Britney 

Miley Cyrus opened a door for the celebrity do the same, hope others will follow

I don't forget EVE who from day one came and rocked that #FreeBritney t-shirt


Feewwwww when you guys think about it so much happened since #FreeBritney started .

Dear Team Cship: 

Tik Tok


   The Britney Army

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1 hour ago, Chaoscontrol said:

Dude I think you are right about the comment thing. I commented ‘hi’ on her newest post just to see and I was able to find it fine until after a minute. Once I refreshed the post it was completely gone...

i mean, I guess it could’ve been just lost in the oblivion of comments, but normally any comment you make personally is always easily accessible no?

Yes it usually is, on my end the “send” button is all opaque and I can’t even press it. It didn’t really stop me though bc I left more comments from other old insta accounts Ive abandoned and those also got blocked from commenting, even my neglected dolphin insta I forgot all about years ago got comment blocked :mcorangu:


they’re really that stupid tho bc there’s ways around that and I know the squad of old hags Loucifer summoned from hell to censor the comments aren’t getting paid enough from that cheap Lounatic to be doing that **** 24/7 :tiffcackle:

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1 minute ago, Dream With In a dream said:

We know adam is managing miley when adam was asked about the freebritney movement last time he never denied it just denied his part in it.. gotta feeling hes making miley the advocate to look like the good guy. Like his own damage control. Thats the only reason i think shed be going against her handlers if she is.

Who are HER handlers? This was a pretty odd way to do damage control since most people can barley even tell... and she’s been a stan so I wouldn’t even think that deep 

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